P.O. BOX 39800
Office of Student Affairs
August 30, 2013
Dear Miles College Supporter:
We are pleased to announce Miles College Homecoming 2013. The Miles College family would like to invite you to our celebration. The theme for Homecoming 2013 is Mardi Gras at Miles
“Laissez les bons temps rouler”
“Let the Good Times Roll”!
There are many activities planned for Homecoming 2013. The Coronation of Miss Miles College will be held on Sunday, October 13, 2013, at Brown Hall at 4:00 p.m. The annual Homecoming Parade will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. in Fairfield followed by the football game against
Kentucky State University with kickoff at 4:00 p.m.
We invite you and your organization to participate in the Miles College Homecoming Parade this year.
Line-up will begin at 7:00 a.m. at the Flintridge Center 6520 Aaron Aronov Dr, Fairfield, AL 35064 .
The parade will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. The parade route is as follows:
Starting at Flintridge Center Parking Lot (Rear/Loading Area)
Flint Ridge Center/E.J. Oliver Blvd, right onto E.J. Oliver, right onto Valley Road veer left onto Gary Ave.
Right from Gary Ave onto 45 th Street (on 45 th Street use the right side next to the park)
Turn left from 45 th Street onto Valley Road, turn right from Valley Road
Onto Court F proceed straight to Miles North Campus.
Enclosed you will find a registration form for the parade. Your entry will be judged by a panel of local celebrities and the best entry will receive a trophy. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of
Student Affairs at (205) 929-1455. Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to you helping us celebrate Homecoming 2013.
Griena Davis
Dean of Student Affairs
5500 Myron Massey Boulevard · Fairfield, AL 35064 · (205)929-1455 · fax (205)929-1461 · www.miles.edu
P.O. BOX 39800
Office of Student Affairs
Name of Organization____________________________________________________________
Contact Person:_________________________________________________________________
Email Address:_________________________________________________________________
Phone: ( )_____________________________Cell: ( )_________________________
Number of Vehicles____________________Number of People in Vehicle(s)________________
Number of Floats______________________Number of People in Float(s)__________________
Please return this information to the Office of Student Affairs at (205) 929-1461 (fax), dmitchell@miles.edu
(email), or Bell Hall first floor (hand delivery), by
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
5500 Myron Massey Boulevard · Fairfield, AL 35064 · (205)929-1455 · fax (205)929-1461 · www.miles.edu