Problem Solving Writing Prompts

Problem-Solution Writing Prompts
1. Think about the community in which you live. Think about what you could do to
make it a better place. Choose one problem that needs to be solved to make your
community a better place to live. Write a letter to the editor describing how
solving this problem would make your community a better place. Tell what you
would do. Give reasons why you think your plan would work.
2. Think about what you could do to make your school more beautiful. Think about
how you would do this. How could you persuade the people in your school that
your idea is a good one? Write a letter to the principal of your school asking for
support for your plan for making your school more beautiful. Tell what you
would do and how you would do it. Explain why you think your plan is important
and why it would work.
3. What part of your school needs to be cleaned up? Think about what students
could do to clean up your school and keep it clean. Write a letter to the Board of
Education describing ways to help make your school clean. Describe the
problems that make your school messy, and give details about the ways that
students could make it look clean and beautiful. Give reasons why your solution
or solutions will work.
4. Think about the problem of animals becoming extinct. Think about an animal
that is in danger of being extinct. Why is this animal in danger? What could be
done to help this animal survive? Write an article for a nature magazine about
how to solve the problem of an animal becoming extinct. Tell what animal you
are worrying about and why it is in danger of becoming extinct. Discuss
solution/solutions that will help this animal. Tell what people need to do to help.
Be sure to try to persuade your readers that your solutions are good ones.
5. Think about pollution and the problems it causes us. When more buildings and
cities are built, and streams and trees are destroyed, we do not enjoy ourselves and
nature as much. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about our pollution
problem and what you can do about it. You will first need to describe the
problem, including details and descriptions of it. Then explain what you can do to
help solve the pollution problem. Describe what the world will be like afterwards.
Convince the editor that your solution/solutions will work.
6. Someone you know has a pet that is causing problems. Write an article for a
newspaper describing how you would solve the problem the pet is causing. First,
describe the pet and the problem the pet causes or could cause. Then explain how
you would solve the problem. Be sure to explain why you think your solution is a
good one.
7. Bullying has become a problem in your school. It happens in the bathroom,
hallways and the gym. Think about what this person is like and what he has done
to bother and perhaps frighten others. Think about what you can do to solve the
problem to keep the bully from bothering people. Write an essay for your teacher
about how the problem of bullying is affecting your class. First, you will need to
explain what the bully does to frighten and annoy others. Then explain what
needs to be done to stop the bullying of your classmates. Include details and
descriptions of what to do and explain why your ideas are good ones.
8. New students who enroll in your school often feel left out because they do not
have any friends and it is not easy for them to make new friends. Think of some
ways to solve this problem for new students to make them feel better about their
new school. Write a letter to the editor of the school newspaper describing ways
you cold make a new student feel welcome at your school. First, describe the
problem of being a new student, and then explain what you would do to help
solve the problem. Tell why your solution would work and why it is a good idea.
9. Imagine that a new student has moved in next door and does not like living in
your neighborhood. Write a letter to him or her explaining what places and
activities your neighborhood offers for teenagers. You will first need to identify
the problem, and then offer your solutions to this student. Include specific details
and explanations of what to do and explain why your ideas are ones you think
he/she will enjoy.
10. Your Advisor/Advisee group has been given $300 to spend on a needy family
during Christmas. The parents were in a car wreck and have not worked in 3
months. There are 2 children in this family, ages 6 and 9. Decide how you will
spend the money for the family and explain why you made the choice of
purchases that you did for this low income family.
11. Studies show that many young people spend more time watching TV than they do
in any other leisure activity. This has concerned some citizens and they have
formed a group called Unplug and Tune In. The group does not say watching TV
is wrong, but they are concerned that watching too much TV does not improve
people’s reading and thinking skills. The group has asked for possible solutions
to encourage young people to spend less time in front of the TV.
12. In your school, there is significant support for sports but less support for other
extracurricular activities. Many parents and teachers at your school would like to
increase student involvement in extracurricular activities other than sports. This
group has invited students to offer solutions that will be published in the school
newspaper. Write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper in which you
propose a solution that would increase participation in extracurricular activities
other that sports.
13. Because of budget problems (lack of money), your school is going to cut out all
extra activities. This includes sports, chorus, etc. Your friends participate in
these activities and they are upset about the cutbacks. You have all met to decide
what to do about the cuts. Several proposals were made art the meeting. You
were voted secretary; it is your job to write an article for the school newspaper
suggesting ways to correct the problem.
14. Off task behaviors to class are disrupting instruction, leaving unfinished
classwork to be completed at home. Although rules and consequences were set at
the beginning of the year, students are still participating in off task behaviors.
Write an essay for your teacher in which you suggest a solution to the problem of
off task behaviors.
15. In today’s society, a growing problem is that of childhood obesity. Fast food
restaurants and inactive lifestyles contribute to this problem. Write a letter to
your principal suggesting the part your school can play in providing a solution to
the problem of obesity in children.
16. Your local newspaper recently reported that your county is experiencing an
increase in the number of students dropping out of school each year. Your school
counselor is concerned about the problem and has asked students to suggest
solutions for the school that might help decrease the number of students dropping
out of school. Write a letter to your school counselor in which you propose
solutions(s) that would help solve the school drop out problem.
17. The school media specialist has stated that there is not enough money to buy
popular library books for teenagers. Your class has been chosen to come up with
a solution to this problem. As a class representative, prepare a speech for the
book selection committee that presents your solution for obtaining popular books
for teenagers.
18. Your local government has awarded your school $500,000 to spend on school
improvements. Your principal is concerned about how to use this money in a way
that will benefit the most students. Write a letter to your principal on how to best
use this money for your school.
19. Students in your school are unhappy with the condition of the student bathrooms.
Students complain that the bathrooms are dirty and lack a sufficient amount of
supplies. They also complain that the fixtures are broken and do not always work.
Write a letter to your school principal stating the problem and suggesting ways to
solve the problem.
20. The school is collecting empty aluminum cans to raise money to purchase new
science equipment. Many more cans need to be collected in order to meet the
goal. Submit a letter to the school principal that presents your solution for
collecting more cans to meet the goal.
21. Because of state budget cuts, your school could only afford to hire one custodian
(janitor) for the entire school. Because of the increased work load and long hours,
a single custodian cannot possibly handle all the work to be done. Your school is
starting to get a bad reputation because the school is looking dirty and old. Write
a letter to the principal of your school proposing a solution(s) to this problem.
22. Your friend has just called you to talk about a problem that she is experiencing.
She is very nervous and anxious about the state writing test. After getting off the
phone from her, you decide to write a letter to her suggesting ways to help her
deal with her problem.
23. Drugs and the effects of drugs are becoming a very serious problem in society
today for teenagers and their family members. The School Resource Officer has
asked students to think of ways to solve the growing drug problem. Write an
essay to the School Resource Officer in which you address the drug problem and
offer solutions that will help to solve it.