UNICEF consultancy vacancies - job descriptions

Recruitment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition Guideline Development Consultant
Type of contract: 60 days within three months, Duty Station: Addis Ababa
The United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia Country Office based in Addis Ababa, seeks a qualified and experienced person in the area of
Nutrition Technical Expert.
To Develop Moderate Acute Malnutrition Guideline for Ethiopia
 Clearly provide guidance on the management of MAM in terms of admission and discharge criteria in chronic and emergency
contexts separately.
 Identify and describe the different modalities of MAM management in the Ethiopian contexts and situations that would trigger such
MAM intervention modalities.
 Recommend how MAM should be linked with long-term developmental government/partners programmes.
 Recommend and describe other feasible and appropriate non-food approaches for management of moderate acute malnutrition
apart from food based approach in the Ethiopian context,
 Propose how MAM should be effectively monitored at all levels (individual to national level) focusing both on process, outcome
and impact indicators.
 Adopt relevant tools for reporting and monitoring emergency nutrition interventions as well as field visits.
 Propose institutional arrangements for management of MAM and mandates for the different government institutions involved in the
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of MAM in Ethiopia.
 Develop MAM guidelines in terms of outline, lay out and content and ensure that the document is coherently and concisely written.
Recommend the best lay out in consultation with the technical group. Ix) Provide definition of terms used in the guideline to
enhance common understanding among partners. The consultant will work under the guidance of UNICEF on administrative issues
and TWG on technical issues.
Expected Output
i) Implementation work plan for the development of the MAM including important milestones to be achieved.
ii) Number of consultation meetings held and minutes.
iii) Workshop held.
iv) First draft guideline in both soft and hard copies and tools to be used after approval by the TWG.
v) Final draft version of the MAM guideline in both soft and hard copies if endorsed by the government within the consultancy
vi) A report showing the processes the consultant went through during the development of the MAM guideline
This work is to be undertaken by a competent and experienced individual or company with the capacity to work as independent as possible,
producing high quality work of international standards
 Possess a PhD or postgraduate degree in Nutrition, Public Health, Medicine and related field
 Demonstrate Extensive experience in Planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions with particular
focus on MAM in both normal and emergency contexts, pastoralist and agrarian populations
 Demonstrate in working/developing nutrition intervention guidelines including MAM in developing countries. Experience from
Ethiopia is an advantage
 Knowledge and Understanding of the global /international discussions on nutrition interventions including management of MAM and
reflect it the MAM guideline being developed
 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of other approaches/interventions for MAM management in normal and emergency contexts
and recommend that may be appropriate in the Ethiopian context
 Knowledge of current Ethiopian intervention guideline and modalities of implementation is an advantage
 Excellent written and spoken English
 Excellent report writing ,skills (submission of sample report/guideline by the candidate on request)
 Experience working with UNICEF and Government of Ethiopia as a consultant is an advantage
 Able to work in a consultative manner with many stakeholders
Work Experience: At least 10 years professional relevant experience in nutrition related programme at the field level, with at least 5 years
international work. Previous demonstrated experience in conducting similar work.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply on or before 14 Nov 2010. Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Please email your
resume and photocopies of any supporting documents quoting title “Moderate Acute Malnutrition Guideline development consultant” on the
subject line of your e-mail application
Apply online at E-mail: hraddisababa@unicef.org
DISTRIBUTION: UNICEF intranet and relief web
UNICEF is a smoke-free environment
Applications from qualified women are encouraged
This is an international consultancy,
applications from Ethiopian Nationals will
not be considered.
Recruitment of Emergency Nutrition Intervention Guideline revision consultant
Type of contract: 60 days consultancy within three months, Duty Station: Addis Ababa
The United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia Country Office based in Addis Ababa, seeks a qualified and experienced person in the area of
Nutrition Technical Expert.
Revision of the 2004 Emergency Nutrition Intervention Guideline in Ethiopia
 Incorporate the globally recommended emergency nutrition interventions for addressing nutrition in emergency situation
taking into consideration of the Ethiopian contexts.
 Describe how the emergency nutrition interventions fit in the emergency cycles with particular reference to the DRM policy
focusing on preparedness, prevention, mitigation, response and recovery.
 Clearly describe the triggers for different emergency nutrition interventions with particular reference to emergency nutrition
assessment guideline to ensure consistency between the two guidelines.
 Recommend how the emergency nutrition interventions should be linked with long-term government/partners programmes and
 Recommend the best, feasible approaches/interventions for slow onset and acute nutrition emergencies that exist in the
Ethiopian context.
 Adopt relevant tools for reporting and monitoring emergency nutrition interventions as well as field visits.
 Recommend how the emergency nutrition responses should be monitored and evaluated during and after emergencies.
 Revise of the ENI guidelines in terms of outline, lay out and content and ensure that the guideline is coherently and concisely
written. Recommend the best lay out in consultation with the technical group.
 Propose procedures to be followed by partners for implementation of nutrition intervention in Ethiopia.
 The consultant will work under the guidance of UNICEF on administrative issues and TWG on technical issues
Expected Output
 Implementation work plan for the development of the ENI including important milestones to be achieved.Number of
consultation meetings held with the TWG and other bodies and minutes.Workshop held.First draft guideline in both soft and
hard copies and tools to be used after approval by the TWG.Final draft version of the ENI guideline in both soft and hard
copies if endorsed by the government within the consultancy timeframe.A report showing the processes the consultant went
through during the revision of the ENI guideline.
This work is to be undertaken by a competent and experienced individual or company with the capacity to work as independent as possible,
producing high quality work of international standards
Possess a PhD or postgraduate degree in Nutrition, Public Health, Medicine and related field
ii) Demonstrate Extensive experience in Planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions in emergency
contexts, pastoralist and agrarian populations
iii) Demonstrate experience in working/developing nutrition intervention guidelines in developing countries. Experience from Ethiopia
is an advantage
iv) Knowledge and understanding of the global /international discussions on nutrition interventions including management of MAM and
reflect them in the revised ENI guideline
v) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the different nutrition approaches/interventions implemented during emergency and
how should be reflected in the Ethiopian context
vi) Knowledge of current Ethiopian intervention guideline and modalities of implementation is an advantage
vii) Excellent written and spoken English
viii) Excellent report writing skills (submission of sample report/guideline by the candidate on request)
ix) Experience working with UNICEF and Government of Ethiopia as a consultant is an advantage
x) Able to work in a consultative manner with many stakeholders
Work Experience: At least 10 years professional relevant experience in nutrition related programme at the field level, with at least 5 years
international work. Previous demonstrated experience in conducting similar work.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply on or before 14 Nov 2010. Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Please email your
resume and photocopies of any supporting documents quoting job title “Emergency Nutrition Intervention Guideline revision
consultant” on the subject line of your application. Apply online at E-mail: hraddisababa@unicef.org
This is an international consultancy,
DISTRIBUTION: UNICEF intranet and relief web
applications from Ethiopian Nationals will
UNICEF is a smoke-free environment
not be considered.
Applications from qualified women are encouraged
Recruitment of Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) guideline revision and finalization consultant
Type of contract: 60 days within three months, Duty Station: Addis Ababa
The United Nations Children’s Fund Ethiopia Country Office based in Addis Ababa, seeks a qualified and experienced person in the area of
Nutrition Technical Expert.
 To revise and finalize the Ethiopia Interim Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) guideline of September 2008.MAJOR
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THIS POST INCLUDE:Review the whole interim guidelines in terms of outline,
layout and content and ensure that the document is coherently and concisely written. Recommend the best lay out in consultation
with the technical group;
 Review the technical content of each chapter, identify the gaps and fill them. The gaps should be briefed to the technical group for
information and consensus before inclusion in the guideline. The 2002 guideline is useful document and should be one of the
references during the review process;
 Update the guideline in line with the lasted emergency nutrition assessment evidence and practices with particular focus on the
SMART methodology with its revised ENA software;
 Identify key contextual indicators (Health, WASH, CARE and Food Security) and recommend appropriate method (s) for its
collection and how it does or does not fit with the currently used SMART methodology for collecting anthropometric and
mortality data;
 Revise the existing contextual tools in view of the (activity 4 above) separately for agrarian, agro pastoralist and pastoralist
communities with gender lens in all the stages of emergency nutrition assessments;
 Develop a standardized reporting format for the contextual factors and its interpretation (i.e. whether the current levels of the
contextual factors reflect a chronic situation or triggered by the ongoing emergency and its implication of the nutrition
situation) ;
 Clarify and classify the type of surveys undertaken and recommend the type of surveys that should be undertaken in
emergency settings if these are significantly different in approach and/or methodology;
 Develop and recommend the best indicators for the contextual factors that should be collected in the different types of surveys
classified in item.
Expected Output
Implementation work plan for the revision of the emergency nutrition assessment guideline including important milestones to be
Number of consultation meetings held and minutes.
Workshop held.
First draft of ENA guideline in both soft and hard copies and tools to be used after approval by the TWG.
Final draft version of the ENA guideline in both soft and hard copies if endorsed by the government within the consultancy
A report showing the processes the consultant went through during the revision of the ENA guideline.
This work is to be undertaken by a competent and experienced individual or company with the capacity to work as independent as possible,
producing high quality work of international standards
Possess a PhD or postgraduate degree in Nutrition, epidemiology/nutritional epidemiology, and related fields
Demonstrate Extensive experience in conducting emergency nutrition surveys in both pastoralist and agrarian population
Demonstrate experience in working/developing nutrition assessment guidelines in developing countries. Experience from Ethiopia
is an advantage
Knowledge and Understanding of the global /international discussions on nutrition assessment for agrarian and pastoralist
population and able to apply the knowledge to practical inputs
Knowledge and application of Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) software (SMART) for data entry, analysis and quality
check as well as other statistical packages for analyzing related data such EPI-INFO versions etc.
Demonstrate experience in assessing contextual factors, experience and or knowledge with the Ethiopian context is an advantage
Knowledge of current Ethiopian Assessment guideline
xviii) Excellent written and spoken English
Excellent report writing ,skills (submission of sample report by the candidate on request)
Experience working with UNICEF and Government of Ethiopia as a consultant is an advantage
Able to work in a consultative manner with many stakeholders
Work Experience: At least 10 years professional relevant experience in nutrition related programme at the field level, with at least 5 years
international work. Previous demonstrated experience in conducting similar work. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply on or before
14 Nov 2010. Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Please send your resume and photocopies of any supporting documents quoting
This is
an international
title “Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) guideline revision and finalization
on the subjectconsultancy,
line of your e-mail
applications from Ethiopian Nationals will
not be considered.
Apply online at E-mail: hraddisababa@unicef.org
DISTRIBUTION: UNICEF intranet and relief web
UNICEF is a smoke-free environment
Applications from qualified women are