Tom Sitz Mike Kocab - Lakeland Community College

Fire 1290 Building Construction for Fire and Life Safety
Syllabus Spring 2010
Tom Sitz
Painesville Twp Fire Department
Work 352-7443 B Shift
Course Number - 33434
Mike Kocab
Willoughby Fire Department
Work 440-9188572
Course Number- 33435
Office Hours – Before or after class as needed or upon request.
Course Description – This course provides advanced training principals of building
construction as they relate to fire, flame spread and structural failure. We will also review
Construction principles for each major type of building, structural elements and current
issues facing the construction industry. Selected recommendations of NFPA 1031,
Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspectors, Level I and II
Text Required – Building Construction – Methods and Materials for the Fire Service.
Michael Smith – Brady Books. National Fire Academy workbooks for Combustible and
Non- Combustible Buildings – Both available in Bookstore. Note: Dunn’s book on
Collapse of Burning Building will be covered in this class but is not required to be
purchased by the student.
General Course Goals
1. To enable fire officers to recognize various types of building construction
2. To develop the ability to recognize deficiencies in building construction that may lead
to early collapse
3. To enable fire officer’s to recognize various building components and how they may
react under fire conditions
4. To enable the Fire Officer the ability to accurately predict how fire will spread
throughout the various styles of construction.
5. To enable the Fire Officer the ability to accurately predict how and why the various
styles of construction will collapse under fire conditions
Course Requirements
Assignment 1 – 10%
Assignment 2 – 15%
Assignment 3 – 15%
Quiz 1 – 10%
Quiz 2 – 10%
Quiz 3 – 10%
Final Comprehensive – 30%
Test and Final Examination – The assignments quizzes and final exam course will be
based on the standard percentage brackets, whereas 90-100% = A 80-89%= B 7079%=C 60-69%=D and less than 60%=F or FNA Per College Policy
Assignments will be graded on the basis of (1) Content (2) Context (3) Clarity of
Expression (4) Professional Appearance and Timelines.
Extra Credit – Extra Credit will be granted for attendance and participation. A student
who attends:
90% of the classroom sessions will be granted 5 extra credit points
80% of the classroom sessions will be granted 3 extra credit points
There may be extra credit questions added to exams and assignments
Dropping the Class – The college policy on dropping adding or withdrawing from a
class will be followed. If you fail to properly withdraw from the class you will assigned a
failing grade. Incomplete grades will not be granted unless there are extenuating
circumstances such as a major illness documented by a physician.
Some Learner Expectations: As an adult learner, it is expected that you will be
prepared for each class. This includes but is not limited to:
(a) Having read appropriate material prior to class
(b) Having writing material available, including a pen and pencil at every class
(c) Having all assignments with your name on them ready the date they are due,
with all pages stapled together
(d) Having read and understand the attached “General College and Classroom
Etiquette Tips for Students”
(e) Understanding use of your Lakeland e-mail account and have corrected any
issues with the Help Desk
Academic Honesty – The College has a formal policy of academic honesty and said
policy is enforced in the fire science program. Cooperative work on assignments or tests
is not allowed and shall be considered cheating.
E-mail - Students are reminded to check their e-mail on a regular basis for information.
E-mail to the instructor should only be sent to the address listed above.
Exams – There will be (3) Quizzes and a comprehensive final. The material covered in
the book, lecture, handouts or video may be used for test questions. Some of the material
covered in class will only be found in the lecture or videos. Quizzes will be questions of
multiple choice, true/false, matching or short essay. The Final will be questions of
multiple choice, true/false, short essay or matching. Once an exam is graded and
reviewed with the class a Make-Up Exam will NOT be allowed unless the student made
arrangements before the test with the instructor. Exam will be returned the following
week barring any extenuating circumstances.
Assignments – There will be three assignments.
Assignment 1 – Definition worksheet
Assignment 2 – National Fire Academy Fire Scenarios – Type III and IV Construction
Assignment 3 - National Fire Academy Fire Scenarios – Type I and II Construction
Late Assignment – Assignments will be deducted 5% points for everyday late and will
not be accepted over a week late. Assignments will be considered late after the Thursday
Class and will not be accepted after the following Thursday. Late assignments can be
turned in at the Part-Time Office and Time Stamped for Credit by the administrative
assistant. E-Mailed assignments Are Discouraged due to the fact on numerous
occasions e-mailed assignments have been found to be unopenable using LCC e-mail.
The fact that something was e-mailed on time but unable to be opened on time counts as
late and the late penalty will be enforced.
Videos – Numerous videos will be used during the class. Some of the videos will be
available only in the classroom. Other videos are available in the Library. If you miss a
class that contains videos it is up to you to make arrangements with the instructor to view
the video or to see if it is available at the LIBRARY.
Attendance – is up to the student. Much of the material covered may only be available
from class lecture, video or slides. Classes are scheduled two times during the week and
students may attend any session. Students must sign in on the sign sheet. Attendance and
participation will also be used as a deciding factor in determining a borderline grade.
Example 79%. If you did not sign in on the sign in sheet – you were Not Here. Anyone
with extenuating circumstances for attendance should contact their instructor in advance.
Class Cancellation – LCC rarely cancels classes. If there is weather related cancellation
it will be broadcast on most radio and televisions. Students are reminded to check LCC
Cable Channel 32 or 29 and calling 440-525-7242. In the event that an instructor is
unable to make a class they will make every effort to contact the school so a note can be
placed on the door. It is possible for an instructor to be late to class when coming from
work due to a late emergency response. Students are asked to wait 25 minutes before
Course Outline
Topic / Chapters
Jan 19th or 21st
Intro, Flashover Review, Chapter 1, Start Chap 6
Jan 26th or 28th
Chap6, Type I, III and V Presentation, Case Study- 23rd St,
Size Up Slides Column/Beams Video – Flame Spread and
Bld Construction
Feb 2nd or 4th
NFA Principals of Construction: Combustible, Case
Study-Vendome Hotel, Brannigan -Wood Slide
Presentation, Size Up Slides 1492 West Jackson
Feb 9th or 11th
Finish NFA Combustible, Chapter 7 Brannigan Ordinary
Slides I, Case Study -Brackenridge PA, Size Up Slides
Feb 16th or 18th
NFA Principals of Construction: Non-Combustible,
Brannigan Ordinary Slides II, Case Study Pittsburg Church,
Size Up Slides We Play, Quiz 1 and Assignment 1 Due
Feb 23rd or 25th
Finish NFA Non-Combustible, Chap 8, Case StudyWTC 1, Size Up Slides - Gibbs Electric, Video Phoenix
Ladder 27 Roof Collapse- Review Quiz 1
March 2nd or 4th
Chapter 2, Case Study Walbaums, Size Up Slides
Trusses - Video Peak Roof,
March 9th or 11th
Chapter 3, Case Study Mary Pang Fire, Size Up Slides
County Garage, Review Quiz 2 – Assignment 2 Due
Week of 3/15
Spring Break
March 23rd or 25th
Chapter 4, Case Study Hackensack NJ, Size Up Slides
Mortise and Tendon Video –Dunn Façade Collapse
Quiz 2
March 30th or April 1st
Chapter 5 – Case Study Dallas McDonalds, Size Up
Slides Masonry Walls, Video Worsted Mills
Review Quiz 2
April 6th or 8th
Chapter 9 , Case Study Green Bay Floor
Collapse, Size Up Slides Shopping Center
Video-LA Façade Collapse
April 13th or 15th
Chapter 10, Case Study Alabama Wall
Collapse, Size Up Slides Roofs
April 20th or 22nd
Dunn Presentation 1, Case Study Indiana Floor
Collapse, Size Up Slides Landscaping, Videos- Wall
Collapse and Floor Collapse, Assignment 3 Due
Quiz 3
April 27th or 29th
Dunn Presentation 2, Case Study Gibbs Fire, Size Up
Slides Floors, Videos – Peak Roof Collapse and Wood
Frame Bld Collapse- Review Quiz 3
May 4th or 6th
Dunn Presentation 3, Case Study Lake Towing Fire,
Size Up Slides Dirks Drive Through, Video: Truss
Roof, Final Review
May 11th or 13th
Final Exam - Comprehensive
The above schedule may change as any need for adjustments to occur.
Any major changes will be e-mailed and given to the student in writing.