
Greta L. Murdoff, PWS
855 SW Broadway Drive #22
Portland, OR 97201
Over 11 years of professional experience as a project manager for environmental projects. Led
wetland delineations, local wetland inventories, functional assessments, mitigation design and
monitoring, habitat assessments, fish salvage operations, biological assessments, and threatened and
endangered species surveys. Experienced in federal and local rules and regulations of Washington
and Oregon, working closely with public and private- sector clients, public agencies, local governments,
and utilities, she providing assistance on permitting for all levels of jurisdiction. Proficient in AutoCAD,
Microsoft Excel and Word, and Adobe products. Project manager responsibilities include preparing the
project schedules and budgets, forming and managing project teams, providing quality control,
coordinating with regulatory agencies, and ensuring successful project delivery to clients. Educational
emphasis at the University of Oregon centered on botany and chemistry.
Principal, MCS, Corp, Portland, OR 97201, May 2009 – Present
Natural resource consultants
Project management, wetland delineations (using the 1987 Corps Manual as well as the new
supplemental manuals), local wetland inventories, functions and values assessments, environmental
impact assessments, habitat assessments, and threatened and endangered species surveys.
Designed mitigation sites as well as implementation, and construction and annual monitoring.
Prepared cost proposals, managed projects and budgets.
Senior Consultant, ICF International, Portland, OR 97204, October 2006 – April 2009
Natural Resource Consultants
Project management, led delineation and rare species fieldwork, functions and values assessments,
and mitigation design. Produced delineation reports and mitigation plans pursuant to local, state,
and federal environmental laws. Prepared cost proposals, managed projects and budgets. Projects
included the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline delineations and HGM functional assessments, PGE
Rare Plant surveys, Hillsboro Airport Parallel Runway project permitting, and CPM East Valley Mine
permitting and mitigation design.
Biologist, Mason, Bruce, & Girard, Portland, OR 97205, May 2004 – October 2006
Natural Resource Consultants
Led delineation and rare species fieldwork, functions and values assessments, and project
management. Produced delineation reports and mitigation plans pursuant to local, state, and federal
environmental laws. Prepared cost proposals, managed projects and budgets. Projects included
the West Eugene Parkway delineations and HGM functional assessments, OTIA III Rare Plant
Surveys, Tillamook County Local Agency Bridges Project, and the OTIA III Goshen to Crescent
Bridge Replacement Project.
Biologist, Jay Group, Inc, Marysville, WA 98270, May 2002 – May 2004
Environmental, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering
Led delineation fieldwork, functions and values assessments, and project management. Produced
delineation reports and mitigation plans pursuant to local, state, and federal environmental laws
including SEPA, ESA, Growth Management Act, Clean Water Act, and Critical Areas Regulations of
many jurisdictions in Washington. Prepared cost proposals, managed projects and budgets.
Projects included linear delineation and assessments for Olympic Pipe Line Company, Jordan Road
Quarry delineation project, and Waterford at North Creek delineation, functions and values
assessment and off-channel habitat mitigation project.
Sub-Contractor, Coyote Creek Environmental Services, Eugene, OR 97403, April 2002 – August 2002
Performed rare plant surveys in the Willamette Valley as a sub-contractor to Michael Shippey.
Wetland and Fisheries Biologist, Satre Associates, P.C., Eugene, OR 97401, Sept. 1999 – Nov. 2001
Natural Resource, Landscape Architecture and Planning
Performed and led delineation fieldwork, report production, site mapping, permit applications, and
general project management. Projects included; Eastbank Riverfront Trail for the City of Eugene,
wetland delineation and permit applications for the expansion of Autzen Stadium for the University of
Oregon, Local Wetland and Riparian Areas Inventory and Assessments for the cities of Coburg and
Tangent, Pony Creek Watershed Assessment in North Bend, and Eugene Airport Expansion.
Technical Assistant, Wetland Specialties, Inc., Eugene, OR 97401, June 1998 – August 1999
Assisted in wetland delineations, mitigation monitoring, mapping, report writing, and project
coordination. Projects included Lane County Public Works mitigation designs and monitoring,
Cottage Grove Soccer Club delineation and permit application, and Veneta Local Wetland Inventory.
B.S. – Major in Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, August 1999
Wetland Mitigation, Construction, and Installation, Portland State University, Winter 2005
NWP Workshop, Army Corps of Engineers, August 19, 2002
Wetland Law and Policy, University of Washington, Winter 2002
Hydric Soils Morphology and Development Workshop, Society of Wetland Scientists, May 2001
Wetland Mitigation Planning: Goals, Objectives and Success Criteria Workshop, Oregon
Division of State Lands, April 2001
HydroGeoMorphic Assessment Methodology Workshop, Oregon Division of State Lands,
March 2001
Rapid Field Identification of Grasses Workshop, Soc. of Wetland Scientists, May 2000
Best Management Practices for Reclaiming Surface Mines, Oregon Dept. of Geology and
Mineral Industries, October 1999
Wetland Ecology of the Northern Great Basin, Pacific University, August 1999
Society of Wetland Scientists, Professional Wetland Scientist
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Private Pilot certification