SPECIAL CLINICS ANTE-NATAL CLINIC - A midwife conducted clinic booked by appointment only on a Monday PM WELL BABY CLINIC - Run by the Health Visitor to discuss child development No appointment necessary. Monday 1-2.30pm 6-week checks by appointment only with GP Practice information leaflet for patients registered with NURSE LED SERVICES BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: CHILDHOOD IMMUNISATIONS WEDNESDAY MORNING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY VILLAGE SURGERY WELL WOMAN SERVICE WELL MAN CHECK DIABETIC CLINIC RESPIRATORY CLINIC CARDIOVASCULAR CLINIC OSTEOPOROSIS CLINIC SILKSWORTH HEALTH CENTRE SILKSWORTH, SUNDERLAND TYNE & WEAR SR3 2AN TEL: - 0191 521 2282 FAX: - 0191 523 5827 (www.villagesurgerysilksworth.nhs.uk) BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPERTENSION) CLINIC SMOKING CESSATION – Please ask at reception for details. HOLIDAY VACCINATIONS – Please collect a form from reception as soon as you know your travel plans (ideally 6-8 weeks prior to travel). This will enable the Practice Nurse to draw up a schedule of vaccinations should they be necessary. Areas Covered ELDERLY HEALTH CHECKS - Run by the Nurse Practitioner. Although letters are sent, you may contact the surgery to arrange your own appointment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Practice has a zero tolerance policy towards violent and abusive behaviour. If you are violent or abusive to any member of staff you will be removed from the Practice List immediately. Patients have the right to access any medical information held about them. Please apply in writing to the Practice Manger. COMPLAINTS AND COMMENTS We value your comments on our services. If you have any comments on the service you have received from our Practice, please contact the Practice Manager in writing or by telephoning the surgery. G/Sec/AdminForms&Leaflets/PracticeLeaflet 2014/RH Middle Herrington Tunstall Hillview Thornhill Ryhope East Herrington Grangetown Thorney Close Farringdon Silksworth Leechmere High Barnes MEET THE TEAM TELEPHONE Dr N A Joshi – MBBS MRCGP Dr Sanjaya – MBBS MRCGP Dr A Richardson MB ChB (Registrar) Mrs Anne Lilley MBA – Practice Manager Janie Lowes – Nurse Practitioner Lynne Mather – Practice Nurse RGN O.N.C June Haslam – Practice Nurse If you have a simple problem or query that can be settled over the phone a Nurse or Doctor will be available from 11.30am. ABOUT THE PRACTICE OUT OF HOURS CARE – 0191 5212282 / 111 We are contracted to provide General Medical Services (GMS). We are not a limited company. The three partners in the Practice, Dr Joshi, Mrs Lilley and Dr Sanjaya, together with the rest of the team participate in advanced General Practice Training for fully qualified and experienced Doctors. We also engage in the teaching of under graduates from Newcastle University Medical School. After 6pm and at weekends you need to ring the above number if you have an urgent medical problem. HOME VISITS All urgent home visits should be requested before 10.00am if possible to allow Doctors plenty of time for planning these visits. However, home visits should only be requested if the patient in incapable of physically attending the surgery. *Primecare is an “out of hours” service commissioned by Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust, Colima Avenue, Sunderland 0191 529 7000 If a heart attack is suspected Dial 999 Occasionally it may be necessary for the Practice to employ the services of a Locum (temporary) Doctor to help cover holidays or sickness. You can obtain health advice from trained nurses 24 hours a day on the above number. Facilities and easy access for disabled patients are available. HOW TO REGISTER AS A PATIENT – Please ask at the Reception As a patient you are able to attend any walk-in centre, please find the local centres listed below: desk for registration forms and advice. Houghton Primary Care Centre – Brinkburn Crescent, DH4 5HB HOW TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Patients are seen by appointment. These can be booked by telephoning the main surgery number or in person at the reception desk or via our online system (please ask at reception for further details). If you require an appointment with a particular GP please state during the conversation. Our aim is to offer all our patients requesting a non-urgent appointment the opportunity to be seen within 48 hours and urgent requests to be seen within 24 hours. You may have to wait longer for an appointment with the GP of your choice. On Monday mornings only the surgery runs a Nurse Practitioner-led triage system for urgent/emergency appointment requests. On other days, urgent/emergency appointment requests will be triaged by the on-call doctor. All appointments must be attended on time and cancelled well in advance if you are unable to attend. OPENING HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8am – 6pm, Wednesday, Thursday 7am – 6pm. The Practice offers a range of appointment times Monday-Friday both morning and afternoon. Reception staff are available to deal with any enquiries during above times either by telephone or face to face contact. BunnyHill Primary Care Centre – Hylton Lane, Sunderland SR5 4BW REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Repeat medication can be ordered in the following ways: Simply tick the relevant items you require on your repeat prescription slip and place in the "Repeat Prescription Box" situated in reception. Ring the prescription request line between 3pm – 5pm, and please press option 2 on the automated service Post or fax to the Practice. If you leave a stamped addressed envelope we can post your prescription back to you. We also offer repeat dispensing. Benefits are collection from pharmacy saving visit to the surgery. Please ask at Reception for more information. Please allow 2 working days for collection of your repeat medication. You can request to pick your prescription up in person or have it faxed to a chemist, we also offer an electronic prescription service (please ask at reception or local pharmacy for further details) If you do find it difficult attending the surgery, most local pharmacies offer a prescription collection and delivery service.