WATER Security and Continuity Network (SCN) Terms of Reference. SCOPE The purpose of this group is to bring together state and local governments with water authorities to consider security, emergency management and business continuity policies and practices relating to water supply sewerage, irrigation infrastructure and dam safety. The Water SCN has the dual function of providing a formalised structure for government-industry liaison and a network for raising issues and exchanging best practice advice. The aims of the Water SCN are to facilitate effective and timely responses to emergencies which threaten the continuity of safe drinking water supply and wastewater systems, irrigation and drainage systems and dam safety issues in Victoria, and where possible, to implement strategies to prevent such emergencies arising. To achieve these aims the group will: Advise the Victorian Government on the status of security and emergency management, including business continuity, for the water sector; Identify issues impacting on security and emergency management and opportunities for improvement; Assist the Victorian Government in the development of relevant security and emergency management guidance material; Minimise duplication of effort in the water industry by coordinating a range of joint planning exercises and testing of preparedness capability and capacity; Review outcomes or learning’s from infrastructure and drinking water supply / sewerage incidents and emergencies to inform future decision making processes (continuous improvement); WORKING ARRANGEMENTS The Water SCN is a non-operational group and is not intended to provide a network to be employed to respond in times of emergency or to be a substitute for the existing emergency management framework detailed in the emergency management manual of Victoria. GOVERNANCE Chair and secretariat support will be via the Department of Sustainability and Environment. Meetings to be conducted 6 monthly. MEMERSHIP Victorian water corporations Department of Premier and Cabinet Department of Sustainability and Environment Department of Human Service Department of Primary Industries Victoria Police VicWater Water Services Association of Australia as required Municipal Association of Victoria as required Chair: Konrad Gill Program Manager, Critical Infrastructure Protection Date: 13 March 2008