Alvin Dive 4605 Transcript: Starboard Voice Recorder Julie Bowles Time 15:39 15:40 15:43 Depth 2725 2729 2722 Head 17 339 300 15:46 2719 324 15:49 15:53 15:58 2718 2718 2711 330 329 349 15:59 16:00 2709 2708 313 311 16:03 2716 324 16:05 16:07 2722 2725 276 295 16:11 16:14 2733 2742 286 309 16:15 2747 343 16:16 2749 336 16:17 16:20 16:27 2753 2762 2784 325 305 337 16:28 2788 325 Comment Bottom in sight. Landing on top of ridge south of WP 1. At bottom of steep slope consisting of broken pillow faces to starboard side; flattened out in front of us. Pillows on bottom directly below me. Talus in front of us. Steep slope to starboard has pretty much full sediment cover, lighter dusting on protruding pillows, but pockets coalescing and deep in places in between. We’re at bottom of slope and there’s a little sediment apron at bottom of slope. Sample #1 Leaving landing site and heading north towards WP2 Coming up and over top of ridge – top still looks like broken pillow fragments. Blue water out starboard window On starboard pan and tilt camera: looks like steep slope (port side) with pillows, elongate pillow tubes, some pillows broken On bottom cam: looks like pillows or broken pillows – image fuzzy but moderately sedimented with some pockets between pillows coalescing. Back to pan and tilt Still moving down slope towards WP1 – pillows and elongate pillow tubes, some broken. Sediment cover seems fairly heavy for such a steep slope -- a little bit difficult to tell (can only see on monitor), but looks like light dusting to ~ 1 cm thick on pillow tops, and pockets coalesced up to several cm deep between. Bottom cam Talus field. Blocks fairly angular. Hard to tell size on camera, but look like 10s of cm to ½ m in diameter. Still can’t see anything out window. Sediment cover on talus appears quite a bit less than on previous slopes and flat-lying areas. Maybe a little dusting on the surface. About half-way down slope to flat-lying area between WP1 and WP2 Bottom cam Still flying over talus with apparently little sediment cover. Still over talus but appears to be a little more rounded, broken pillows, less angular Contact between talus and lobate or very large pillows, perhaps 16:29 2789 355 16:31 16:39 16:40 2791 2788 2787 1 20 21 16:42 2784 6 16:44 16:45 2786 2784 6 6 16:46 2782 6 16:48 2782 6 16:49 2784 6 16:50 2787 7 16:51 2788 6 16:54 2778 6 16:57 2768 6 16:59 2759 3 1 m to 1.5 m in diameter. Sediment cover on pillows tops is light dusting in places to maybe a cm or more. Grooves and pockets on surface of flows all filled in, and pockets between flows coalescing with 5 or more cm sediment. Also, switched back to pan and tilt a little bit ago. Intermixed lobes and pillows. Pillows have striated features on them. Sediment cover now quite continuous in places between big mounds, at least 10 cm thick. Looking for sample #2 Leaving sample location and continuing on to WP2 Pillows and lobes here look much more ornamented all of a sudden. Some have fallen off Pillows now have an appearance similar to where sample #2 location. Seems there was small patch with extra ornamentation. Going over another little patch with a lot of extra ornaments Some of the pillows have collapsed. Sediment cover still relatively thick on tops of pillows -- >= couple cm with a deep continuous layer in between Still lots of largish pillows or lobe-ish pillows – many striated, most intact. No collapse features that I can see here. Pillows 1-2 m or more across Coming off a cliff that’s maybe 5 m or so high (drops down in front of us) Just came up another little cliff face a few m and now a steep slope again in front of us. Slope dropping away steeply in front of us. We’re going to proceed straight across towards WP2, not following bottom. Slope now coming up in front of us. Looks like mostly pillows. Out starboard window looks like some broken pillows in place with perhaps additional fallen fragments. Out front on camera: surface appears smooth and lightly sedimented as if there was some kind of rock fall or something. Sediment cover seems somewhat uneven. Fairly steep slope. Protruding pillows maybe have a light dusting, but everywhere else pockets starting to coalesce with 5-10 cm sediment. At the base of this slope is a talus pile. The slope directly above that pile has fairly heavy sediment. Talus composed of broken pillows and angular fragments. Think some of the pillows in place, but maybe not. Slope in front of us again mostly composed of broken off pillows. Sed cover similar to what seen in steeper areas Flattened out again now. Have more similar largish pillows to lobate pillows, some broken up. Sediment cover again light dusting on protruding areas to 1cm + thick on flat-laying top. Blankets quite deep and continuous in between pillows. Now 17:01 2751 0 17:04 2737 32 17:06 17:11 17:14 2738 2740 2756 22 283 332 17:16 2762 352 17:17 17:20 2761 2752 337 333 17:21 2751 333 17:21 17:25 2752 2759 332 343 17:26 2775 336 17:34 2758 331 17:38 17:39 2764 2765 300 315 17:40 2764 327 seem to be crossing over into a little talus slope. Moved off little talus/scree slope. More pillows very heavily sedimented. Pillow size is smaller. At top of little mound, just east (?) of WP2. Top fairly heavily sediment. Broken pillow fragments laying around on top. Sample #3 from top of mount near WP2. On our way to waypoint 3. Switched to bottom cam As we head down slope now crossing talus field. Just a minute ago it was talus intermingled with pillows and broken pillows. Sed cover seems to be considerably less than it was on the other side of this little mound, thought difficult to really tell with all the talus. Also, just getting my view from the bottom cam– no view out window. Upward slope out starboard window. Looks more sedimented again here. Broken and intact pillows. Any kind of marginally flay-lying surface on this slope is covered with 1 cm + sediment. Pan and tilt On slope passing into talus. Blocky angular talus and pillow fragments ~ 30 cm to ½ m in diameter. All talus is at least a little bit sedimented. Now passing back into more intact pillows. Now more talus. Slope now dropping away in front of us. Looks like mostly talus below us. Broken pillows, pillow fragments. On far bottom (~10-15 m below us) maybe large in place pillows several m in diameter. Bottom cam Talus – some pockets of sed in places. Mostly relatively angular, blocky fragments, maybe 10s cm to ?? Contact with intact pillows/elongate pillows. Lots of ornaments. Pillows striated. Some pillows collapsed. Sediment cover up to 1 cm + on tops of pillows and ponding in pockets, sometimes coalescing… up to 5-10 (?) cm deep. Now flying over talus field. Talus has a good dusting of sediment. Pockets of sediment >= 2 cm in places in between angular blocks. Talus blocks 20-30 cm to ½ m in diameter. Coming up to a big drop off -- cliff dropping down. Bottom cam. Flying over fairly steep slope and what looks like fairly ornamented pillows (bottom cam view). Hard to tell sed cover. Lot of pillows look intact interspersed with broken fragments or small talus. Now above big talus field – can see out window as well. Dusting of sediment on surfaces of talus blocks. Blocks fairly angular (<10 cm to ½ m in diameter) with a few rounded pillow fragments. Fairly heterogeneous. 17:41 17:45 2765 2764 320 15 17:46 2763 325 17:50 17:53 2757 2741 331 338 17:58 17:59 2740 2741 15 4 18:00 2741 56 18:01 18:04 1743 2737 39 41 18:10 2734 56 18:12 2729 85 18:14 18:21 2730 2722 111 357 18:22 2718 359 18:24 2710 353 18:27 18:30 18:36 2706 2708 35 344 Pan and tilt Roughly at base of seamount below WP3. Still flying over talus field. Headed up towards WP3. Still over talus. Relatively little sediment (though sediment color may be darker). Light dusting to ~½ cm thick in places. Some largish pillow fragments intermixed with smaller angular blocks a few 10s of cm across or less. Coming up out of talus to outcrop. Pillows. Steep slope composed of pillows and broken pillows. Sediment cover appears thinner than what seen so far on slopes. Dusting to ~½ cm thick in places. No real deep pockets anywhere that I can see. Looking for sample #4. Leaving Sample 4 location, headed to WP4 On more shallow slope out starboard slide have rounded pillows to lobate flows, 1-2 m in diameter. Sediment cover hard to tell but maybe ½ cm or more on tops of pillows starting to coalesce around them. Steeper slope on port side. On starboard pan and tilt pointed towards the port side see smaller pillows to elongate pillow tubes. Sediment cover hard to distinguish on video. Out port window broken pillow fragments and talus Mostly talus. Have been going in and out of areas of intact pillows and elongate pillows and areas of talus. Contact between talus and large pillows to lobate pillows 2 m or more in diameter. Maybe cm or so of sediment on tops of pillows. Some pockets in between maybe 5 cm deep. Don’t see big blankets that did before, but terrain may be a little bit rougher?? Some pillows now have a lot of very glassy ornaments on them. Many are striated and up to 3 m long. Looking for next sample. Sitting on top of one of these big pillows that’s a bit broken up at the top. Sediment cover on surface of pillow is < ½ cm. Quite a bit of glass. Sample #5 Headed towards WP5. Pillows becoming smaller and more elongate as we fly over steeper slope. Some of them collapsed and hollow inside. Lot of them striated. Still lots and lots of ornaments. Lots of glassy, smooth, almost sheet-like flows draping some of the pillows. Looks like pillows collapsed and lava flowed out. Lots of very complicated ornaments. Some very long, 10s of cm long, inter-tangled. Almost look like octopuses. Sediment getting thicker? Ponding more between pillows. Contact with talus. Pan and tilt 18:37 2705 357 18:40 2695 290 18:41 18:52 2693 2693 273 342 18:52 18:55 19:00 2693 2691 2689 337 1 30 19:03 2680 286 19:06 2669 197 19:18 2680 168 19:19 19:27 2681 2702 301 87 19:31 19:32 19:35 2694 2697 2706 96 109 78 19:39 2722 93 19:41 2729 106 19:44 19:45 2740 2742 65 62 Flying over pretty steep slope with talus intermixed with scarps presumably from mass wasting events. Still have a lot of big talus off to starboard side thru window. Big blocky talus, 1/3 to < 1 m in diameter. Broken pillow fragments. In front and ahead of us we have intact outcrop. Sample #6 from some ornamented pillows in front of us Traveling along to WP6, slope up to port and down to starboard. Looks like from camera more or less intact pillows and elongate pillows on slopes. Bottom cam Talus Pan and tilt. Still traveling along contour/slope towards WP6, going back and forth through blocky talus and outcrop of pillows which seem to look a little bit glassy. Can’t tell sediment cover. Approaching top of seamount near WP6. Bottom is covered in pillows. Again a lot of them striated, lots of ornaments. Sediment cover maybe >=1 cm on tops of pillows, starting to pond in between them but not a lot of coalescence. Lot of ornaments. Pillows up to ~1/2 to 2+ meters in diameter. Sample #7. In an area with some of these big pillows, also lots of broken fragments laying around them. Pillows look fairly glassy. Lots and lots of ornaments. Relatively light sediment cover similar to what I just described a few minutes ago. Heading towards WP7. Fairly steep slope (up) off to starboard. Pillows and broken pillows. Pretty glassy looking. Light sediment cover. Turning around now so that same slope on port side. Coming to a flat spot – not exactly sure where we are on map relative to WP 6 but bottom has fairly large pillows, 1-2 m + in diameter. Sediment cover may be a little bit thicker than just previously. 1 cm or more on tops of pillows and starting to pond in pockets between pillows. Pillows look somewhat less ornamented than before. Maybe. Now approaching talus field. Still going over talus. Smallish, angular, blocky fragments. Talus field relatively flat. Blocks 10s of cm in diameter. Bottom cam. Looks like going over pillows, some elongate, lots of ornaments. Hard to tell size, but pillows look smaller than on flat-laying areas. Probably ½ to <1 m diameter. Fair bit of sediment coalesced in between pillows Now flying over talus field with occasional pillow outcrop. Talus mostly angular. Some rounded pillow fragments. Over mostly outcrop again. Mostly ornamented pillows. Again all from cameras. Crossing back in and out of talus and outcrop. Outcrop in bottom cam is elongate pillow tubes. Pillows fairly 19:46 19:52 2748 2776 54 72 19:53 2777 72 19:55 19:56 20:02 2778 2777 2765 73 69 69.3 20:02 2765 70 20:05 2754 67 20:06 2751 66 20:09 2738 18 20:17 2738 85 20:25 2743 88 20:30 2738 169 ornamented. Sed cover difficult to determine but doesn’t look like a lot of ponding in between. Talus below us. Should be nearing lowermost point of saddle between WP 6 and 7. Topography flattened out quite a bit; can now see bottom out window. Lots of pillows to lobate flows. Sed cover probably ½ - 1 cm (max) thick on tops of flows and starting to pond in between crevices. Some small ornaments on flows. Driving along contact between talus to northwest, and to south and starboard side are pillows becoming more ornamented. Not clear where talus coming from. Pillows look fairly glassy. Sediment cover a little bit more continuous now. But overall relief perhaps a little bit less? Sediment definitely coalescing in between pillows and around them. Sediment cover maybe a little thicker on flow tops -- maybe 1 cm or more. Sediment cover definitely got thicker in the last few minutes. Pillows look pretty glassy still. Same sed cover Fissure 2-3 m deep and 1-2 m wide running roughly along our track. Pillows seem to becoming progressively more ornamented. Little buds and toes coming off in many places. Ornamented pillows intermixed with big elongate pillows with few ornaments. Sediment cover maybe getting lighter. Looks like < 1 cm on tops of pillows. Pockets not terribly coalesced. Terrain seems rougher overall with lots of little, bumpy pillowlets. Headed upslope towards WP7. Sediment cover may be slightly less. Still looks like at least ~ 1 cm thick on tops of pillows in some places, though I’m a little far from bottom now. Some broken pillow fragments as head upslope. Pillows becoming smaller, less ornamented. Broken pillows, talus interspersed with some larger pillows. Large pillows ~2 meters across. Smaller pillows ~ ½ m. Preparing to take sample #8. We’re on slope headed up towards WP7, with pillows to elongate pillows, striated, a lot of ornaments, fairly glassy. Sed cover maybe 1+ cm on tops of pillows. Lots of crevices between all these ornaments for sediment to fall into so not a lot of ponding between them. Leaving sample #8 site (near WP7) heading towards WP8 and WP9. Traveling over pillows. As far as I can tell sediment cover hasn’t changed drastically. But just looking at camera – can’t see out window. Still traveling over similar pillows to elongate pillows. Maybe few more ornaments. Sediment cover not noticeably different 20:32 2737 181 20:35 2723 67 20:40 20:43 2719 2719 51 51 from sample #8 location. Now crossing into talus field. Mostly angular, blocky fragments. 10s of cm to ~½ m + in diameter. Roughly below WP8 and heading up out of talus into outcrop. Lots of ornamented pillows. Sed cover maybe a little bit less. Probably <1/2 cm on tops of pillows but is ponding in pockets between them, maybe 5 cm deep. Some pillows striated. Lots of glassy-looking ornaments. Some very elongate features that seem to pour down over some of pillows. Sample #9 About to surface