PAR/SC(2001)8 For discussion at the Interim Steering Committee, 14 June 2001, Geneva PARIS21 WORK PLAN AND FINANCING PLAN Introduction 1. At its meeting in New York on 5 March 2001 the ISC agreed a detailed work plan for 2001. This is set out below, with some small amendments, together with an indicative programme through to October 2003, which will be firmed up with stakeholders closer to the time. The annual financing requirement of each activity is shown on the work plan. A summary of the financing requirements of the entire PARIS21 operation is also attached. Recommendation 2. The ISC is recommended to endorse the indicative work plan through to October 2003, subject to six-monthly reviews of progress and priorities. Key activities 3. Key activities in pursuit of PARIS21 objectives will be to: develop, pilot and disseminate relevant advocacy material increase the effectiveness of information sharing amongst donors and developing/ transition countries to assist better co-ordination and guide implementation facilitate global knowledge development and dissemination through the outputs of focused task teams and sharing success stories and lessons learned, including through regional and Consortium meetings 1 accelerate the roll-out of regional and sub-regional workshops to develop initial plans of action and partnerships between policy makers, statisticians and development partners facilitate work by countries and regional organisations to identify national data gaps and information priorities and the development of effective, country-owned and coherent regional follow-up activities for implementation by national governments and development partners, including Trust Funds advise on mechanisms for sharing information, improving data dissemination, availability and analysis and promoting the development and retention of expertise within regional partnerships work to increase donor and national funding for statistical capacity building interventions, particularly those in support of poverty reduction strategies and evidence based policy making. Assist countries and regional organisations to access Trust Fund and other financing sources for activities supporting PARIS21 objectives. Work Programme and Funding: 2001-2003 4. The activities set out in the attached table comprise the following: Consortium Events: an annual Consortium meeting will be held in October each year to provide a global forum for sharing information and best practice. It is anticipated that the Steering Committee or Bureau will meet each June, as well as in the margins of the Consortium meetings. Wider Participation: members of the Secretariat or other Consortium members will continue to represent PARIS21 at appropriate meetings, with the occasional larger workshop event where appropriate. Task Teams: subject to the outcome of discussion on their future, task team activities have been scheduled with a tentative costing Regional Activities – Initial Workshops: bring together all the stakeholders within subregions with an interest in statistics to discuss best practice in evidence-based policy making, strategic statistical planning and poverty reduction processes from within and beyond the sub-region. The outputs are country action plans for developing statistical systems in support of policy. Regional Follow-up Activities: are largely in the hands of the country teams, the subregional bodies and their partners. Support for operational work will be funded and managed by donor agencies or the World Bank Trust Fund. PARIS21 has a role in the follow-up as the catalyst for action, in nurturing partnerships, assisting countries to submit proposals to donor agencies and in monitoring and sharing experiences as the programme rolls-out. Examples would be: 2 Providing rapporteurs for country workshops. Evaluation of country programmes. Developing a pool of local expertise. Developing a web site for sub-regions to share information and best practice. Providing expertise and tools from task teams. Developing a knowledge base. Website Development: to provide a global resource and a facility for each of the subregions to share and post information. The Information Exchange work will be developed on the Website. Financing requirements 5. The following tables set out the financing requirements for the Secretariat and activities outlined in the attached work plan. The financial statement in Table 1 shows income and expenditure to date, and a summary of the financing requirements to the end of 2003. The financing requirement shows the costs of funding a Secretariat of six persons (three project posts and three secondees) together with the costs of the activities and associated expenditure. The estimated shortfall in requirements is $988,000 in cash grants and $677,000 in direct funding for secondees and sub-regional workshops. 6. Table 2 shows the work plan for 2001, as agreed by the ISC in March 2001, and the proposed programme for the years 2002 and 2003, with estimated costings for each activity. The nature of the activities has been described above. The workshop programme covers: East Africa and West Africa to be held in 2001; Central Africa in 2002. 3 workshops in Latin America: the first in 2001 and two further workshops in 2002. 1 workshop for countries of the former Soviet Union in 2001. 3 workshops for Asia: the first in 2002 and two further workshops in 2003. 1 workshop for Arab States – scheduled for 2001, tentatively re-scheduled in 2002. 7. The initial workshops are costed at $100,000 each, with an estimated half of the funding provided from Secretariat funds and the remaining half provided directly by bilateral or Trust Fund arrangements. 8. Follow-up activity is costed at $25,000 per quarter for each sub-regional workshop, with direct PARIS21 activities being phased out during 2003 for most regions. PARIS21 Secretariat 31 May 2001 3 Table 1: PARIS21 Statement of Income and Expenditure to 2003 Funding through Secretariat Direct Funding US Dollars2 Income to Date Mar-99 UK Indicators Feb-00 UK 2nd Grant Sep-00 UK 3rd Grant Jan-99 Japan Indicators Grant - Reallocated Dec-00 Japan Second Reallocation Jan-01 Swiss Grant Jan-01 World Bank Grant 2001 UK 4th Grant - (committed) 1999-2001 UK Secondees 2000 Direct funding of workshops Total Income 1 US Dollars2 Total US Dollars2 $58,510 $168,399 $280,374 $26,702 $40,053 $92,123 $290,120 $283,740 $340,000 $168,964 $508,964 Expenditure to Date Consortium Meetings Secretariat, Liaison & Co-ordination Task teams PARIS21 Regional Workshops Total Expenditure $340,000 $168,964 $508,964 Balance Committed Expenditure - Secretariat Costs (2 year Project Posts) Manager of Secretariat (grade A5) Information Assistant web & publicity (B4) Administrative Assistant (grade B3) Total Committed Balance available for future work $1,240,021 $1,748,985 $112,112 $192,452 $157,078 $103,694 $565,336 $112,112 $532,452 $157,078 $272,658 $1,074,300 $674,685 $674,685 $240,000 $110,000 $89,000 $439,000 $235,685 $439,000 $235,685 Projected Expenditure Future Secondees ( 2 year period) 3 Professional Staff (grade A3/A4) $540,000 Projected Expenditure - Activities (from work plan) 3 Rest 2001 Workshops , Task Teams and follow-up 3 2002 Workshops , Task Teams and follow-up 3 2003 Workshops , Task Teams and follow-up Total Actvity Costs 4 Projected Secretariat Expenditure Publicity and Materials Folders, Printing, Translation, Misc. Total Projected Expenditure $540,000 $171,500 $250,000 $100,000 $686,500 $1,280,000 $630,000 $858,000 $1,530,000 $730,000 $3,118,000 $1,061,500 $81,000 $2,677,500 $81,000 $3,739,000 Funding Offers NOTES UK Grant & Secondees France Secondee Workshops (Norway) World Bank Total Funding Offers to Date $180,000 $180,000 $25,000 $954,240 1 $385,001 $500,000 $1,454,240 $1,134,240 $180,000 $25,000 $500,001 $1,839,241 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT $676,499 $987,575 $1,664,074 Excluding the costs of full time PARIS21 Co-ordinators in agencies. The World Bank have appointed one and 1 the UNDP are considering doing so. 2 3 4 Converted to Dollars from Francs at current rates Workshops are assumed to be funded 50% from Secretariat & 50% Directly See breakdown for 2001-2003 in table 2 4 Table 2: Work Plan for 2001-2003 2001 Jan-March Quarter 1 Consortium Events April-June Quarter 2 July-Sept Quarter 3 Oct-Dec Quarter 4 Total Cost US$ Annual Consortium meeting. Interim Steering Committee $ 80,000 $ 70,000 New governance structure Wider Participation Workshop for CODI meeting ECA 53rd ISI Session Other events Task Teams Advocacy Meeting - next steps Phase 2 commissioned $ 90,000 Materials development $ 40,000 Study commissioned $ 50,000 $ 75,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Regional SIS/MISP seminar $ 40,000 Asia Preparation ESCAP AGM $ 3,000 Central & West Africa West Africa regional event Arab States regional event (not yet scheduled) $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 60,000 Team meeting at ISI Session. S.I.S. Census Regional meeting Indicators Team meeting Agriculture Participation virtual team SADC and Latin America piloted Information Exchange Regional Activities –Initial Workshops Southern Africa Full regional workshop East Africa & Horn Latin America Preparation ECLAC Regional event CIS Countries Arab States Regional Activities – Follow-up Southern Africa Website Development & Publicity Newsletter & Full site development Regional Pages 2001 TOTAL Follow-up Spanish & French Website Full Spanish & French Website SADC pages developed East Africa & Horn pages Russian pages $ 345,000 $ 513,000 5 $ $ 40,000 858,000 2002 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Annual Consortium Meeting. Steering Committee Consortium Events Interim Performance review Total Cost US$ $ 80,000 $ 50,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000 Wider Participation Promote PARIS21 at appropriate events Task Teams Phase 3 commissioned Advocacy SIS Country application Monitoring of best practice and implementation Report Best practice manual $ 55,000 Census Team meeting $ 60,000 Indicators Baseline study $ 50,000 $ 80,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Agriculture Participation in virtual team Information Exchange Develop region by region Regional Activities –Initial Workshops Southern Africa East Africa & Horn Latin America Regional event Regional event CIS Countries Asia Central & West Africa Regional event Regional event Central Africa Arab States Regional event Regional Activities – Follow-up Southern Africa Follow-up $ 100,000 Latin America Follow-up $ 100,000 East Africa and Great Horn Follow-up $ 100,000 $ 50,000 CIS Countries Follow-up Asia Follow-up Central & West Africa Follow-up Arab States Follow-up Follow-up $ 25,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 40,000 Website Development & Publicity Latin American pages Regional Pages 2002 TOTAL $ 355,000 $ 525,000 Asian pages $ 355,000 6 $ 295,000 $ 1,530,000 2003 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Total Cost US$ Annual Consortium Meeting. Steering Committee Consortium Events Quarter 4 $ 80,000 $ 50,000 $ 30,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 90,000 $ 200,000 Regional Activities – Follow-up Southern Africa Follow-up $ 25,000 East Africa & Horn $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,000 Full Performance review Wider Participation Promote PARIS21 progress and objectives at appropriate events Task Teams Advocacy SIS Report Census Indicators Report Agriculture Report Information Exchange Regional Exchanges Running Regional Activities –Initial Workshops Southern Africa East Africa & Horn Latin America CIS Countries Asia Regional Event Regional Event Central & West Africa Arab States Follow-up CIS Countries Latin America Follow-up Asia Follow-up Central & West Africa Arab States Follow-up Follow-up Website Development & Publicity Website Website Maintenance 2003 TOTAL $ 270,000 $ 190,000 $ 175,000 $ 95,000 GRAND TOTAL $ 625,000 $ 715,000 $ 875,000 $ 903,000 7 $ 730,000 $ 3,118,000