Idaho Falls School District #91 Technology Scope and Sequence by Grade Level Mission Statement: Technology should be integrated into all curriculum areas, not taught as a separate subject. Technology is a tool to promote and extend learning on a daily basis. Curriculum integration requires three main goals: Teachers and students will use effective and innovative technology practices to enhance the State and Idaho Falls School District #91 adopted curriculum. Teachers and students will have equitable access to technology to improve teaching, learning and communication. Teachers will have ongoing in-service training. Key: I= Skill Introduction P= Skill practice M= Master R= Reinforce Red = State Standards Black = District 91 Objectives Fourth Grade: Click here to go to the K-6 Articulation Matrix 1. Basic Operations and Concepts (4.TE.1) 1. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the basic nature and operation of technology systems (4.TE.1.1) 1. Use developmentally appropriate and accurate technology terminology (4.TE.1.1.1) 1. Identify and utilize computer components and use correct terminology: R: cursor, desktop, file, finder, folder, hard drive, Icon, keyboard, launcher, monitor, mouse, mouse pad, printer, shutdown, software, window P: back/forward, input/output, load, minimize/maximize, multimedia, my computer/my network places, right click/left click (Mac = Control + Click) I: CPU (4.TE. Click here for glossary of terms. 2. Explore the appropriate technology device to complete a task (3.TE.1.1.2) 1. P: Understand the function of technology devices such as VCRs, computers, electronic whiteboards (i.e. SMART Board), scanners, digital cameras, audiotape players, DVD players, CD players, and cell phones (4.TE. **Also see objective (4.TE. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology (4.TE.1.2) 1. Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated operation of technology components (4.TE.1.2.1) 1. R: Turn on and use a VCR, audio tape machine, or CD player (4.TE. 2. R: Open and quit an application/folder (4.TE. 3. R: Demonstrate mouse skills (e.g. click, drag, drop, double click) (4.TE. 4. R: Identify home row keys on the keyboard (4.TE. 5. Locate and use symbol keys, menu bar and special function keys (arrow keys, caps lock, delete/backspace, return/enter, shift, space bar), Modifier Keys (Control, Alt, Shift, Option, and Command), page up/page down, tab P: escape I: common keyboard shortcuts Click here for glossary of keys (4.TE. 6. P: Develop keyboarding skills using appropriate software and setting wpm goals for each lesson (4.TE. 7. P: Use drill and practice software to enhance cross curricular knowledge (4.TE. 8. R: Use upper and lower case letters and numbers (4.TE. 9. R: Demonstrate proper keyboarding posture and technique (4.TE. 10. R: Start up and shut down the computer in the proper manner (i.e. close programs and network connections) (4.TE. 11. R: Select appropriate printer on the network, print a document, and reset for the next class (4.TE. 12. R: Open, save, and delete personal files on the hard drive/desktop/district server I: in class and personal folders (4.TE. 13. P: Navigate between two programs simultaneously (4.TE. 14. P: Identify the keyboard, mouse, cameras, and microphone as input devices and the monitor, printer, speaker, and headphones as output devices (4.TE. 2. Acquire and apply strategies for identifying and solving routine software and hardware problems that occur in everyday use (4.TE.1.2.2) 1. P: Understand where/what to check (i.e. cables, connections, power), when to restart or log on/off, and/or shutdown, or use task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) and check with teacher before remedying a problem (4.TE. 2. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues (4.TE.2) 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology (4.TE.2.1) 1. Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and related advantages and disadvantages (4.TE.2.1.1) 1. P: Discuss ways technology is used in daily living (include new and emerging technologies such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) and MP3 players (iPods) (4.TE. 2. Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information and describe personal consequences of inappropriate use (4.TE.2.1.2) 1. R: Discuss ethical behavior when using computer systems (i.e. using your own password and not logging on with someone else’s password) (4.TE. 2. R: Participate in a grade level appropriate discussion of the basic concepts in the District Technology Use Agreement (4.TE. 3. R: Use safe and secure information access practices (i.e. passwords) (4.TE. 4. R: Understand safe and appropriate versus dangerous and inappropriate sites/information (4.TE. 2. Practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software (4.TE.2.2) 1. Practice responsible use of technological devices and software (4.TE.2.2.1) 1. R: Demonstrate proper use and care of all computer station equipment (keyboard, mouse, CD’s, CD drives, headphones, USB ports, etc.) (4.TE. 2. Demonstrate respect for others while using technology (4.TE.2.2.2) 1. P: Demonstrate proper “netiquette” (respect passwords and files, use appropriate language, and be courteous) (4.TE. 3. Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using technology and information (4.TE.2.2.3) 1. P: Obey copyright laws and avoid plagiarism (4.TE. **Also see objectives (4.TE., (4.TE., (4.TE., (4.TE., (4.TE., and (4.TE. 3. Technology Productivity Tools (4.TE.3.) 1. Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity (4.TE.3.1) 1. Use formatting capabilities of technology for communicating and illustrating (4.TE.3.1.1) 1. M: Use drawing tools and commands to create a drawing or diagram for use in a document (i.e. Inspiration, Kid Pix) (4.TE. 2. R: Insert clip art or photos into a document, copy, cut, and paste clip art, photos, and textboxes into a document P: Resize, crop, and format text around an object (i.e. textbox, graphic) (4.TE. 3. R: Use correct word processing terminology: copy, cut, font, paste, save, save as, server, size, and style P: format, graphic I: gif, import/export, jpeg, scanner (4.TE. 4. R: Change font and size of text R: Change style of text (4.TE. 5. I: Use a scanner, digital camera or video camera to produce graphics for a document/presentation (4.TE. 2. Use a variety of technology tools for data collection and analysis (4.TE.3.1.2) 1. Use correct data collection terminology R: graph, spreadsheet P: cell, column, heading, row I: database, field, record (4.TE. 2. M: Read graphs and create a simple spreadsheet with column and row headings for use in a curriculum project (4.TE. 3. P: Create a graph with labels and color (4.TE. 4. P: Create an appropriate graph using curriculum data (4.TE. 5. I: Discuss the use of databases such as Alexandria and Accelerated Reader (4.TE. 3. Publish and present information using technology tools (4.TE.1.3) 1. P: Use a presentation program such as PowerPoint and/or Inspiration (or Kid Pix, Excel, etc.), with appropriate text, color, sound, and transitions, to present information as a class project (4.TE. 2. I: Create a document in a word processing program in which color of text, edit/format functions (bold, italics, justification, spell check, and underline), font, page setup (landscape and portrait), tabs, and Thesaurus are used to create a visually appealing and grammatically correct document (4.TE. 3: P: Create a simple table within a document (4.TE. 4. Use technology tools to support analysis and modeling (4.TE.3.1.4) **See all objectives in Strand 3 4. Technology Communications Tools (4.TE.4) 1. Use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences (4.TE.4.1) 1. Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of facilitated and independent learning (4.TE.4.1.1) 1. I: Create, send, and receive e-mail for the purpose of acquiring/sharing information (could be done whole class depending upon availability of student e-mail software) (4.TE. 2. I: Save text or a graphic to be used later in a document and cite the sources (4.TE. 2. Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create curricular related products for audiences inside and outside the classroom (4.TE.4.1.2) 1. M: Write and illustrate stories using appropriate software (4.TE. 3. Collaboratively use telecommunications and online resources (4.TE.4.1.3) **Spend some time working in cooperative groups while completing objectives from Strand 4 5. Technology Research Tools (4.TE.5) 1. Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources (4.TE.5.1) 1. Locate information from electronic resources (4.TE.5.1.1) 1. Use correct Internet terminology: R: bookmark/favorite, browser, Internet, menu, network, online, pull down menu, scroll, search, search engine, URL address, www, webpage, website, window P: links, pop-ups (4.TE. 2. P: Log onto and use designated Internet sites for curriculum lessons by opening a browser and accessing a bookmarked/favorite web site or by typing in a specific address (4.TE. 3. P: Use an electronic encyclopedia (4.TE. 4. P: Conduct an online search using a single word topic (4.TE. 5. P: Check URL Address for accuracy (4.TE. 6. P: Differentiate between search bars and address bars (4.TE. 2. Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness and bias of electronic information sources (4.TE.5.1.2) 1. I: Evaluate the reliability, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness and bias of Internet sites (4.TE. 6. Technology Problem-Solving and Decision Making Tools (4.TE.6) 1. Use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions (4.TE.6.1) Problem solving is inherent in all disciplines. Technology Strand 6 is designed to provide a cumulative (capstone) experience.