Lesson plan . School: Njia boys High school Subject: Computer Studies Class: Form 1 W No. of Students: 48 Topic: Computer System Sub-Topic: Hardware – (Input devices) OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to ; 1.Define computer system 2.Identify most of the hardware resources 3.State and explain the hardware components of a computer system. Time Content Learning activities Resources 5 min •Introduction and greetings •Recap of previous lesson. •Overview of the Topic The learners will answer questions. •White board and white board marker 30 min Development of the topic Definition Demonstration of H/w using a diagram •Learners ask and •Computer system answer questions. •PowerPoint •Learners watch the presentation demonstration and make personal notes. 5 min Conclusion Teacher give questions to ascertain the understanding. Learners to answer questions and do COMPUTER SYSTEM Def: A collection of entities which collectively work together to achieve a stated goal. Computer system consist of the following entities; •Hardware •Software •Live ware HARDWARE These are the physical or tangible components of a computer system. Hardware comprises all of the physical part of the computer such as Monitor, CPU, motherboard, ram, CD-Rom, printer, scanner, hard disk, flash drive (AKA pen drive), processor, pci buses, floppy disk, power supply, VGA card, sound card, network interface card, peripherals, joystick, mouse, keyboard, foot pedal, computer fan, camera, headset and others They are classified into ; •Input devices •CPU •Output devices •Storage devoces HARDWARE COMPONENTS. Size: 453 × 308 Type: 39KB GIF INPUT DEVICES These convert user input in machine readable form. They are classified according to methods used, such as •Keying •Pointing •Scanning •Direct data capture KEYING DEVICES A keyboard is a set of buttons that send coded signals to a computer, printer, or communications channel. Each button, or key, corresponds to one or more letters, numbers, symbols, or special commands. When you press a key, the keyboard sends a code to the computer's CPU that corresponds to the character printed on the key. When the CPU receives the signal, it accepts it either as part of a command or as text input and later appears on your monitor screen. Keyboard keys. Functional keys Cursor movement keys Alphanumeric keys Numeric key pad Special keys Pointing Devices Computer uses a mouse or other pointing device to follow the movement of your hand, and convert that motion into instructions A mouse has two buttons, namely 1. Right hand button 2. Left hand button A scrolling button is at the middle Learners activity A mouse Buttons Right hand button Left hand button Scrolling button Interface cable Learners activity: Students to identify Different keys from a keyboard B C A D E