Project Title Biobeds: The safe disposal and treatment of pesticide waste and washings Project number: PC/HNS 255 Project leader: Dr Paul Fogg ADAS UK Ltd Gleadthorpe Medan Vale Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG20 9PF Report: Annual report, April 2007 Previous report N/A Key staff: Paul Fogg, Mercedes Franey-Gardiner, ADAS Andrew Jukes, Mathew Mitchell, Warwick HRI Location of project: ADAS, Gleadthope Warwick, HRI Project coordinator: Mr Kevin Hobbs, Hilliers Nursery (HNS) Mr Gary Taylor, Valley Grown Nurseries (PC) Date project commenced: 01 April 2006 Date completion due: 30 April 2008 Key words: Biobeds, pesticide, point source, water, pollution, waste, treatment 2007 Horticultural Development Council Whilst reports issued under the auspices of the HDC are prepared from the best available information, neither the authors nor the HDC can accept any responsibility for inaccuracy or liability for loss, damage or injury from the application of any concept or procedure discussed. The contents of this publication are strictly private to HDC members. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the Horticultural Development Council. 2007 Horticultural Development Council The results and conclusions in this report are based on a series of experiments conducted over a one-year period. The conditions under which the experiments were carried out and the results have been reported in detail and with accuracy. However, because of the biological nature of the work it must be borne in mind that different circumstances and conditions could produce different results. Therefore, care must be taken with interpretation of the results, especially if they are used as the basis for commercial product recommendations. 2007 Horticultural Development Council AUTHENTICATION We declare that this work was done under our supervision according to the procedures described herein and that the report represents a true and accurate record of the results obtained. Dr Paul Fogg Principal Research Scientist ADAS UK Ltd Signature ............................................................ 2007.................. Date .....27 April Report authorised by: Mr Simon Groves Operations Manager ADAS UK Ltd, Integrated Water and Environmental Management Signature ............................................................ 2007.................. 2007 Horticultural Development Council Date .....27 April 2007 Horticultural Development Council CONTENTS Page 1 Grower Summary 1 Headline 1 Background and expected deliverables 1 Summary of the project and main conclusions 2 Financial benefits 2 Action points for growers 2 2 4 Science section Introduction 4 Materials and Methods 4 Results 11 Conclusions 12 Technology transfer 12 References 15 2007 Horticultural Development Council Grower Summary Biobeds: The safe disposal and treatment of pesticide waste and washings Headline Initial results indicate that the biobed matrix material (biomix) is able to degrade relatively high concentrations of a range of pesticides used by both the Protected Crop and Hardy Nursery crop sectors. Background and expected deliverables Routine monitoring of environmental waters has shown that contamination with pesticides does occur. In order to meet government targets on reducing the levels of pesticides in water, improvements to the way in which they are handled and any associated waste disposal needs to be considered. Pesticides handling activities are typically performed on the same site due to location of the pesticide store and a clean water supply. Research suggests that 20-70% of the pesticide contamination measured in water can be attributed to spray fill sites. While the characteristics of the filling area, operating practices and local conditions may vary the reasons for the origins of the contamination are generally similar. Sprayer filling, poor empty package management and machinery maintenance are the main reasons attributed to contamination. Such ‘point source’ releases can be minimised by modifying handling practices in order to minimise losses. However, it is inevitable that some releases will occur. treatment methodologies are therefore required to reduce these releases. Additional These treatments would supplement good handling practices that reduce inputs to aquatic systems. These methodologies need to be cheap to use and require low labour and time inputs. One possible approach is to use a lined biobed to intercept and treat contaminated runoff from the farmyard and/or drips and spillages arising during the filling process. The main expected deliverables from this project are: 2007 Horticultural Development Council 1 An evaluation of the ability of the biobed matrix material to degrade relatively complex mixtures of pesticides, typically used by the Protected Crop and / or Hardy Nursery stock sectors. An evaluation of the impact that plant growth regulators are likely to have on the degradation performance of the biobed matrix. An evaluation of the impact that soil sterilant materials have on: a) soil microbial activity in the biobed b) the ability of the biobed to buffer such additions c) the recovery rate of the microbial population and d) overall impact on pesticide degradation. The design and development of a novel biobed system that has limited footprint area and could potentially be used indoors. Summary of the project and main conclusions Experiments have been designed to determine the potential for biobeds to treat a range of pesticides commonly used by the Protected Crop and Hardy Nursery Stock sectors. results indicate that the biobed matrix material Initial (biomix) is able to degrade high concentrations of a range of pesticides. More importantly, the data indicated that risk of pesticides accumulating in the biobed is low. Ongoing studies are investigating the impact of pesticide mixtures and also the impact of plant growth regulators and soil sterilant materials on biobed performance. Industry has been consulted on a proposed biobed design with a footprint area of approximately 4m2. Construction and controlled testing of this system is due to commence this spring / summer. Financial benefits It not possible to provide an indication of the financial benefit until there is sufficient data to demonstrate that the ‘horticultural’ biobed works. Action points for growers 2007 Horticultural Development Council 2 With the introduction of the Agricultural Waste Regulations in May 2006, lined biobeds are now regarded as waste treatment systems and as such require a waste management licence. Biobeds built prior to May 2006 have benefited from a 12 month transition period, which expires in May 2007. In September 2006, in keeping with its commitment to minimise the administrative burden on growers and to make the widest use of exemptions, Defra and the Welsh Assembly consulted upon a proposal for a new waste management licensing exemption for the disposal of dilute pesticides washings into a lined biobed. The purpose of the exemption is designed to improve the management of pesticide washings and to reduce the risk of pollution from pesticide handling and equipment cleaning activities. expected in May 2007 this year. An announcement is It is anticipated that biobed will be made exempt. Growers interested in the biobed technology may wish to consider registering an exemption to enable the installation of a biobed system at some point in the future. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 3 Science Section Introduction Biobed technology works on the basis of filtration followed by microbial breakdown of the retained pesticides (Torstensson and Castillo 1997). The biobed mixture has to be capable of degrading complex mixtures of predominantly fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and possibly detergents, when used in a commercial horticultural setting. Studies (Fogg et al., 2003a,b) have shown that when pesticides are applied as a mixture, the degradation rates of certain pesticides can be reduced. In addition, certain pesticides have been shown to inhibit the degradation of other pesticides (Motonaga et al., 1998). Laboratory-scale incubation experiments were therefore used to demonstrate the ability of the biobed system to degrade individual pesticides and mixtures of the same pesticides, and to establish whether the use of plant growth regulators and sterilant products could permanently effect the degradative ability of the biobed, prior to the establishment of a demonstration biobed system. The laboratory studies consisted of five specific experiments: 1 To determine the DT50 of individual pesticides in biomix 2 To determine if a mixture of pesticides affected degradative ability of the biomix 3 To determine if the rate of degradation of the 9 pesticide mixture is impaired by the use of a soil sterilant applied at maximum recommended rate at the same time as the pesticide mix 4 To determine the DT50 of a plant growth regulator applied at the maximum recommended rate in the presence and absence of the 9-pesticide mixture. 5 To determine the impact of a soil sterilant on the soil microbial nitrogen content, and to assess how well the biomix matrix recovers both in the presence and absence of additional non-sterilised biomix Only the results from experiment 1 are reported here. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 4 Materials and Method Test pesticides The pesticides used for the laboratory experiments were chosen based on those commonly used in horticultural nurseries and therefore those likely to be found in washings. Nurseries provided ADAS with chemical use records, and Pesticide Usage Survey (PUS) data for 2004 were also studied. From this research, a suite of chemicals was chosen. Finally, refinements were made to the choices based on the ability to analyse for the compounds. The chemicals chosen are listed in (Table 1). Table 1: Properties of selected pesticides Trade Name Active Use Fungicide % active (w/w) 23.1% DT50 soil (days)* 7-56 Koc (mL g-1)* Solubility (g L-1)* Syngenta Amistar Azoxystrobin 500 slightly mobile 6 Tripart Defensor FL Carbendazim Fungicide 43.0% 8-32 200-250 moderately mobile 29 AgriGuard Chlorothalonil Certis B-Nine Chlorothalonil Fungicide 40.4% 5-36 0.00081 Plant Growth Regulator 85.0% 02*** 1600-14000 slightly/non-mobile 47*** Daminozide BASF Basamid Dazomet Soil sterilant 97.0% <1*** 50*** 3.6*** Nufarm MSS Diuron 500 FL Diuron Herbicide 50.0% 90-180 400 moderately mobile 36.4 Bayer Admire Imidacloprid Insecticide 70.0% 120 132-256** moderately mobile 0.61 Bayer Chipco Green Iprodione Herbicide 24.3% 20-160 373-1551 slightly/moderately mobile 0.013 AgriGuard Metazachlor Metazachlor Herbicide 43.1% 1-77 75*** moderately mobile 430 Syngenta Aphox Pirimicarb Insecticide 50.0% 7-234 455** moderately mobile 3 BASF Scala Pyrimethanil Fungicide 37.4% 7-54 265-751 slightly/moderately mobile 0.121 2007 Horticultural Development Council 5 180*** *All data from Tomlin, 2000 except **ACP Information sheets ***Agritox database Koc = Pesticide absorption coefficient, normalised for the amount of organic carbon Treatment concentrations for the laboratory incubation experiments were based on the recommended use rate of each pesticide and more specifically the recommended use rate for either the protected crop or hardy nursery stock sectors. In the absence of available samples of pesticide waste to determine actual concentrations in pesticide waste a concentration of 4 times the maximum recommended use rate was used. This was on the basis of a) being high enough to be easily detectable by HPLC analysis, b) broadly representative of the concentrations of pesticides anticipated to be present in pesticide waste and washings and c) the same as that used in previous studies (Fogg et al., 2003a,b Fogg et al., 2004a,b,c) 2007 Horticultural Development Council 6 Preparation of biomix A biobed mixture (biomix) was made up from volumetric proportions of straw (50%), peat-free compost (25%) and sandy loam topsoil (25%) (Table 2). This mixture was left to compost on a concrete pad for 60 days, then macerated using a food processor, air dried to approximately 30 - 35% w/w, and refrigerated at a 0-10 °C prior to use. Disturbed sub-samples of biomix were re-packed into 156 cm3 volumetric tins and the maximum water holding capacity determined by capillary rise (Hall et al., 2007). All studies were undertaken at 40% of maximum water holding capacity (58% water w/w). Table 2 Top soil characteristics % sand (2.00 – 0.0063mm 86 % silt 0.0063 – 0.002 mm 8 % clay < 0.002mm 6 Textural classification Loamy sand pH 5.8 Organic carbon % m/m 0.99 Residue analysis Samples were then sent to Warwick HRI as complete sample sets for analysis so that each compound could be analysed at one time with a freshly prepared standard. Samples were analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using a Genesis C8 Column (25 cm x 4.6 cm). Table 3 details the mobile phase, flow rates, retention times, wavelengths and % recovery for each of the compounds. performed at 4 mg kg-1. The recoveries were All samples were extracted with 50 ml acetonitrile and shaken for 30 mins. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 7 Table 3 : HPLC conditions and recoveries for the 9 pesticides used in the degradation studies Trade Name Compound Mobile phase (Acetonitrile:water) Retention time (mins) Wavelength (nm) % recovery 70 : 30 Flow rate (mL min-1) 1.2 Syngenta Amistar Azoxystrobin 4.48 230 >95% Tripart Defensor FL Carbendazim 60 : 40 1.2 2.93 280 74% AgriGuard Chlorothalonil Nufarm MSS Diuron 500 FL Chlorothalonil 60 : 40 1.2 9.08 230 >95% Diuron 60 : 40 1.2 4.90 230 >95% Bayer Admire Imidacloprid 60 : 40 1.2 3.13 280 >95% Bayer Chipco Green Iprodione 70 : 30 1.2 5.26 230 >95% AgriGuard Metazachlor Metazachlor 60 : 40 1.2 5.40 230 >95% Syngenta Aphox Pirimicarb 60 : 40 1.2 4.66 230 >94% BASF Scala Pyrimethanil 60 : 40 1.2 6.67 280 >95% Data 2.1.1 Pesticide degradation Where possible the first order rate equation was fitted to the observed concentrations, (Equation 1), dC kC dt (Equation 1) where C is the concentration (mg kg-1 soil), t is the time (days) and k is the degradation rate (days-1). The integrated form of this equation (equation 2) was fitted 2007 Horticultural Development Council 8 to non-transformed data using the least squares method in order to give the best agreement between calculated and observed concentrations. (Equation 2) C(t) = C0 exp (-kt) However, the first order rate equation is often considered unacceptable if the determination coefficient (r2) falls below 0.7 (Beulke et al., 2001). Where data indicated increasing rates of degradation with time, DT50 and DT90 values were calculated using an empirical two-parameter relationship, (Equation 3) S/S0 = exp{k1[1-exp(k2t)]} where S0 and S are the concentrations of pesticide at time 0 and time t, respectively. Microsoft Excel Solver was used to estimate parameters k1 and k2 using the least squares method in order to give the best agreement between calculated and observed concentrations. The degradation data were summarised by calculating the times to 50% degradation (DT50) and the time to 90% degradation (DT90) from the calculated degradation curves using the relationship; DT50 = ln(1-ln(0.5)/k1)/k2 (Equation 4) DT90 = ln(1-ln(0.1)/k1)/k2 (Equation 5) Experiment 1 Degradation studies for individual pesticides Samples (25 g) of moist biomix were weighed into clear glass bottles (125 mL) fitted with bakelite screw cap lids to provide 3 treated replicates. The pesticides were added to the biomix as aqueous solutions of the commercial formulations in water. The carrier volume was sufficient to adjust the moisture content of the biomix to 40% maximum water holding capacity (MWHC) (58% w/w). The actual quantity of each pesticide 2007 Horticultural Development Council 9 administered is shown in Table 4. The samples were then incubated at 20oC (+/- 2.0oC) with samples taken for analysis at 0, 1, 7, 14, 28 and 63 days after treatment (DAT). Moisture contents were checked at each sampling date up to 14 DAT, and weekly thereafter to ensure that the soils did not dry out. On each sampling occasion, the three replicates for each timepoint were removed from the incubator and frozen at a minimum of -15oC prior to analysis. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 10 Table 4: Recommended application rates (N) and 4N rates for pesticides used in degradation studies Trade Name Active ingredient Recommended application rate (N) (mg kg-1) 4N (mg kg-1) Syngenta Amistar Azoxystrobin 1.9 7.7 Tripart Defensor FL Carbendazim 3.8 15.4 AgriGuard Chlorothalonil Chlorothalonil 8.5 33.9 Nufarm MSS Diuron 500 FL Diuron 27.7 110.8 Bayer Admire Imidacloprid 0.96 3.8 Bayer Chipco Green Iprodione 76.9 307.7 AgriGuard Metazachlor Metazachlor 9.6 38.4 Syngenta Aphox Pirimicarb 1.9 7.7 BASF Scala Pyrimethanil 6.2 24.6 Experiment 2 Degradation studies for 9 pesticide mixtures The degradation studies for the 9-pesticide mixture was undertaken in the same way as those for the individual pesticides. Additional sampling timepoints of 91 and 126 DAT were included, to allow for a potential decrease in degradation rate by the use of a complex mixture. The pesticide solution was made up in the same way as for the individual compounds with each pesticide being included at the 4N rate. Experiment 3 Degradation of 9 pesticide mixtures in sterile and non-sterile soils The degradation of the 9-pesticide mix experiment was repeated, this time with the solution being added to either 25 g of biomix, as previously, or to 25 g biomix that had been treated with BASF Basamid (Dazomet 97.0% w/w). Basamid is a soil sterilant used prior to planting with various fruit and vegetables, ornamentals and certain protected crops. The chemical is mixed with damp soil and releases Methyl isothiocyanate (MITC) 2007 Horticultural Development Council 11 gas on contact. environment. The gas sterilises the soil over a period of 14-28 days in a closed All jars were sealed with parafilm after addition of the sterilant. The sterilant was applied at the recommended application rate of 760 kg ha-1, which is equivalent to 5.67 g kg-1, or 0.10 g per 25 g biomix. maximum use rate (N) as opposed to 4N. The sterilant was used at the This was because the biomix would be sterilised at the normal use rate and adding extra sterilant was considered unnecessary. The samples were then incubated at 20oC (+/- 2.0oC) for 0, 1, 7, 14, 28, 63, 91 and 126 DAT. The sampling and storage procedures for the samples were the same as with the previous experiment, as was the analysis process. were made. No analyses for the sterilant DAT 0, 1, 7 and 14 samples were vented prior to freezing. This involved unsealing the samples, both sterile and non-sterile, and allowing air transfer into and out of the jar for a minimum of two minutes in a well ventilated area to allow any build up of MITC gas to escape. For samples that were to be incubated longer than 14 DAT, the samples were vented on the 14th day in the same way. The lids were then replaced but not sealed with parafilm. Degradation of 9 pesticide mixture in the presence and absence of plant growth regulator This experiment has yet to be conducted. The aim is to repeat the degradation study for the 9-pesticide mixture, this time in the presence and absence of a plant growth regulator, Certis B-Nine (Daminozide 85.0%). Impact of soil sterilant on the soil microbial nitrogen content of biomix Soil microbial nitrogen is used as an indicator of soil microbial biomass. It is possible to measure this following a modified version of the chloroform fumigation method of Jenkinson & Powlson (1976) outline by Mele & Carter (1996). The method requires that for each soil and timepoint, there should be a control sample and a fumigated sample. When the analysis is complete, the control sample is an indicator of the level of nitrogen present in the soil matrix and the fumigated sample is a measure of the nitrogen present in both the biomass of the microbial community and the soil. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 12 Therefore, to have an indicator of the microbial biomass, it is possible to subtract the nitrogen content of the control sample from the nitrogen content of the fumigated sample. In this study, the requirement was to assess the level of biomass present in the untreated biobed mixture and to see how that differed from biobed mixture that had been sterilised with Basamid, and whether the biobed mixture recovered with time. g) of biomix were weighed out. Basamid. Samples (36 x 20 Eighteen of these samples were treated with 0.08 g As Basamid takes 14 days to take effect, the first assessment of soil nitrogen content was conducted after 14 days incubation (20oC +/- 2 oC) of both sterile and non-sterile soils. After this time, all the jars were vented for two minutes in fresh air. This was then taken as DAT 0. 6 unsterilised samples and 6 sterilised samples were taken from the incubator and three of each were treated with 2 ml of chloroform. The 12 jars were then sealed with parafilm and incubated for 7-10 days at 25oC (+/-2oC). At the end of this period, the fumigated samples were unsealed and transferred to a vacuum dessicator for 10 minutes to remove all traces of chloroform. were then extracted with 50 ml 2 M KCl. All the samples The extracts were then frozen. This procedure will be repeated at DAT 14 and DAT 28. A second study was also conducted which looked at the ability of the biobed to recover if there was inclusion of fresh biobed material over time. The experiment was set up in the same way as previously, using 15 g of biobed mixture, instead of 20 g. Basamid applied was reduced accordingly to 0.06 g. The amount of As before, the sterile and non- sterile samples were incubated for 14 days at 20oC (+/- 2 oC) and vented on the 14th day. All samples were then inoculated with 5 g of biobed mixture that had been stored as a bulk sample for 14 days at 1-4oC. to inoculation. This was brought to ambient temperature prior The experiment was then continued as described above. Results Only the results from experiment 1 (individual pesticide degradation experiments) are reported here, (Table 5, Figure 1, Figure 2). With the exception of metazachlor, azoxystrobin and imidacloprid the pattern of degradation could be fitted to first order 2007 Horticultural Development Council 13 kinetics, (equation 2). Data for metazachlor and azoxystrobin showed decreasing rates of degradation time (Figure 1), even so DT90 values of 62.2 days and 193.4 days indicate that accumulation should not be an issue. It was not possible to calculate a DT50 or DT90 for imidacloprid over the time scale (63 days) these experiments were conducted. The reported DT50 for imidacloprid, applied to field soils at the maximum recommended rate is 120 days. It was anticipated that degradation in biomix would be quicker than in field soils, even at 4 times the maximum recommended application rate and therefore the experiment was conducted over the same time frame as for the other pesticides. Experiment 1 will be repeated for imidacloprid and run over a longer timescale. Calculated DT50 values for each of the remaining 8 pesticides applied at 4 times the maximum recommended rate to biomix were similar or lower than reported DT50 values for field soil treated at the maximum recommended field rate. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 14 Table 5 : DT50 values for individual pesticides applied to biobed mixture in laboratory incubation studies Pesticide (Trade name) Active Azoxystrobin DT50 (days) 48 DT90 (days) 193 Syngenta Amistar Tripart Defensor FL Carbendazim 10 AgriGuard Chlorothalonil Nufarm MSS Diuron 500 FL Chlorothalonil k deg r2 value (days ) k1 0.011 k2 1.360 0.98 Reported DT50 (days)* 7-56 34 0.067 1 8-32 9 29 0.078 0.98 5-36 Diuron 22 73 0.032 0.99 90-180 Bayer Admire Imidacloprid >63 >63 - 0.96 120 Bayer Chipco Green Iprodione 8 28 0.082 0.95 20-160 AgriGuard Metazachlor Metazachlor 14 62 k1 0.033 k2 0.690 0.99 1-77 Syngenta Aphox Pirimicarb 9 29 0.080 0.99 7-234 BASF Scala Pyrimethanil 11 36 0.064 1 7-54 –1 * Tomlin (2000) Conclusions Results from the experimental work completed to date indicate that the biobed matrix material (biomix) is able to degrade a range of pesticides typically used by the Protected Crop and / or Hardy Nursery stock sectors. With the exception of imidacloprid, DT50 values for the remaining pesticides are similar or lower that the reported values for field soil treated at concentrations 4 time lower. More importantly, with the possible exception of azoxystrobin, data indicated that risk of pesticides accumulating in the biobed is low. Technology Transfer No technology transfer activities have been carried out to date. 2007 Horticultural Development Council 15 Concentration mg/kg Concentration mg/kg 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 80 20 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 40 30 20 10 0 0 80 20 40 60 80 Days after treatment (c) (d) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Concentration mg/kg Concentration mg/kg 80 50 Days after treatment 0 20 40 60 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 80 20 40 60 80 Days after treatment Days after treatment (e) (f) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Concentration mg/kg Concentration mg/kg 60 (b) Concentration mg/kg Concentration mg/kg (a) 0 20 40 60 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 80 0 Days after treatment (g) 40 Days after treatment Days after treatment 20 40 60 80 Days after treatment (h) Figure 1 Degradation (+/-1SE) of a) azoxystrobin, b) carbendazim, c) chlorothalonil, d) diuron, e) imidacloprid, f) iprodione, g) metazachlor and h) pirimicarb when applied to biomix at 4 times the maximum recommended rate 2007 Horticultural Development Council 16 Concentration mg/kg 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 Days after treatment Figure 2 Degradation (+/-1SE) of pyrimethanil when applied to biomix at 4 times the maximum recommended rate 2007 Horticultural Development Council 17 References Agritox Beulke, S.; Brown, CD, Evaluation of methods to derive pesticide degradation parameters for regulatory modelling. Bio. Fert. Soils 33:558-564 (2001) Fogg P, Boxall ABA and Walker A (2003a). effect of concentration and pesticide mixtures. Degradation of pesticides in biobeds: The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 51(18); 5344-5349 Fogg P, Boxall ABA, Walker A and Jukes AA (2003b). "biobed" composting substrate. Pesticide Degradation in a Pest Management Science 59: 527-537 Fogg P, Boxall ABA, Walker A and Jukes A (2004a). Degradation and leaching potential in biobed systems. Pest Management Science 60:645-654 Fogg P, Boxall ABA, Walker A and Jukes A. (2004b) Leaching of pesticides from biobeds: effect of biobed depth and water loading. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(18);6217-6223 Fogg P, Boxall ABA, Walker A and Jukes A. (2004c) The effect of different soil types on the leaching potential and degradation of pesticides in biobeds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(18);5643-56 FOOTPRINT (2006). The FOOTPRINT Pesticide Properties DataBase. Database collated by the University of Hertfordshire as part of the EU-funded FOOTPRINT project (FP6SSP-022704). Hall, D.G.M.; Reeve, M.J.; Thomasson, A.J.; Wright,V.F. Water retention, porosity and density of field soils, in Soil Survey Technical Monograph No.9, Lawes Agricultural Trust, (1977) 2007 Horticultural Development Council 18 Jenkinson D S and Powlson D S (1976). metabolism in soil. V. The effects of biological treatment s on A method for measuring soil biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 8: 209-213 Mele P M and Carter M R (1996). reactive N using liquid chloroform. Estimation of microbial biomass by ninhydrin- Canadian journal of Soil Science 76: 37-40 Motonaga, K.; Takagi, K.; Matumoto, S. Suppression of chlorothalonil degradation in soil after repeated application. Environm. Toxicol. Chemi., 17: (8) 1469-1472 (1998) Tomlin, CDS (2000) The Pesticide Manual. 12th Edition. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham, Surrey. Torstensson, N.T.L.; Castillo, M.dP. Use of biobeds in Sweden to minimise environmental spillages from agricultural spray equipment. Pesticide Outlook, June 1997, pp24-27 2007 Horticultural Development Council 19