Herefordshire Record Office Ref. 2/1/28
In the name of God Amen. The second day of November in the year of our lord God one thousand
five hundred and four score, and in [the 22nd year] of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth, by
the grace of God queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc. I John Watts of the
Walls [Wall Hills?] [in the parish] of Ledbury in the county and diocese of Hereford, being sick in
body nevertheless of good and perfect remembrance (thanks be given to Almighty God therefore) do
[make this my testament] containing herein my last will, in manner and form following. That is to
say: First and above all other thing, I comment my soul to Almighty God my maker [----] by the
merits of whose death and passion I trust to be saved, and my body to be buried in the parish church
of Ledbury foresaid, as near the place where [my father and] mother were buried as conveniently may
be. And as touching my worldly goods and substance which I have received at the merciful hands of
Almighty [God (to] whom be all praise and thanks therefore), I give and yield them to the world
again, to be employed and bestowed in manner and form as follows, that is to say [I give and]
bequeath to the cathedral church of Hereford 4d. Item I give and bequeath to be bestowed in the day
of my burial among the poor people of the town [and parish? of] Ledbury where my executrix and my
overseers shall see [sic] most meet and convenient, 8 bu. of wheat, made in bread. Item I give and
bequeath to Eliz[abeth my] daughter £20 of good and lawful money of England, my best feather bed
with his appurtenances, viz. all things honestly belonging to the same [-----] when she shall
accomplish her full age of 20 years. Item I give and bequeath to Katherine my daughter £20 of good
and lawful [money of England] and one feather bed with his appurtenances, honestly to be paid and
delivered unto her when she shall accomplish her full age of 20 years. Item I give and bequeath to
Susanna my daughter the sum of £20 of good and lawful English money, and one feather bed with his
appurtenances honestly to be paid and delivered unto her when she shall accomplish her full age of 20
years. Item I give and bequeath to John my son my iron-bound wain and all my tack of my [----] with
all and singular my treen vessels, and al other my forms, boards, bedsteads and all my treen wares.
Which said goods by me before given to the said [----] I will my wife Jane shall have the use and
occupying of them during her natural life, she keeping the reparation of the same well and
sufficiently, and so[---- after her] decease to deliver the same to the said John my son. Item I will that
the said Jane my wife shall have, hold, occupy and enjoy during her natural life all and singular the
messuage, lands and tenements called Baynhams contained in her jointure, according to the true
meaning thereof, and also one meadow and one leasow belonging [and appertaining] to the said
messuage, which are excepted out of the said jointure, the said Jane paying therefore yearly to John
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my son during her life 20s. of lawful money of England, the first payment thereof to begin at the feast
of St. Michael the archangel next after the said John shall accomplish his full age of 18 [----] Also my
will is that if either of my said daughters shall happen to decease before she shall accomplish her full
age of 20 years as [-----] have not before received her part or legacies by the hands of my executrix,
then her part and legacies before my me to her [-----] shall remain to my daughter or daughters then
living, to be equally divided between them by my executrix and overseers. Item [-----] Hugh Watts
40s. of lawful money of England. Item I give and bequeath to Edward Watts my brother 40s. of
[lawful money of England.] Item I give and bequeath to Edward Watts, son of my brother Thomas
Watts 40s. of lawful money of England. [-----] said Hugh, Edward and Edward within one year next
after my decease. Item I give to Katherine Davis alias Weaver my si[ster ----] calf. Item I give to
every of my godchildren 6d. Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Watts my brother 4 bu. of rye. Item
[I give and bequeath to ---] brother 4 bu. of maslin also called muncorn, to be delivered unto him
within two years next after my decease, viz. [---- Item] I give and bequeath to John Watts my brother
10s. of lawful money of England. Item I give and bequeath to Jane Watts, the daughter [----] one
heifer calf of the age of one year. Item I give and bequeath to the said Thomas Watts my said brother
the black gelding with the now [----- Item] I give and bequeath to the said Edward Watts my brother
Thomas his son one heifer colour red, tagged, of three years old. Item I will and [---] my wife shall
well and honestly keep and bring up my said children until they shall be married or do accomplish
their said ages [---- The] Residue of all my goods, chattels and debts unbequeathed, my debts,
legacies and funeral expenses performed and done, I [give and bequeath] to the said Jane my wife,
whom I make my sole executrix, to see this my will well and truly performed and fulfilled [---] in her.
Also I ordain my overseers herein my said brothers Richard Watts, Hugh Watts and Edward Watts.
Witnesses hereunto [William Davis alias] Weaver, clerk, Richard Davis alias Weaver, Richard Watts,
and Henry Collis and with others.
Debts owing to the testator:
Thomas Hurlam [lost]
John [-]odges [lost]
[remainder of text lost]
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