True or False The average discharge of a number of different-sized streams graphed against their watershed area always produces a graph with straight line. A 1st order stream entering a 2nd order stream yields a 3rd order stream. The largest river in Alberta is the Slave River, which flows into Great Slave Lake. The exponents relating changes in width, depth and velocity to discharge must add up to 1. Rivers generally increase downstream in width, depth and velocity. Width generally increases faster downstream along a river, than depth and velocity. The hysterisis curve of a storm sever will contain more area than that of a natural stream. After a large flood, in the canyon section of a river, boulders are found on ledges and terraces along the walls of terraces. The water must have been moving at least 4-5 m/s. A flood with an exceedance probability of 0.10 would have an expected recurrence time of 20 yr. Average stream discharge will generally increase after clear-cutting, but the lag in the hydrographic response will shorten, and base-flow will decrease. Although the number of lakes in glaciated terrain is very large, lakes formed in this way are among the youngest lakes in the world. In the last ice age in southwestern Alberta mountain glaciers advanced eastward onto the prairies prior to the westward advance of the continental glaciers The Upper Waterton lake is formed within an over-deepened basin scoured out by a mountain glacier, and morainal deposits determine its present level. Proglacial lakes at the southern boundary of the glaciated regions constituted an important refugium for cold-water species of fish and crustaceans, but disappeared too soon to have facilitated the dispersal of warm water species into Canadian watersheds. Mysis shrimps, are a glacial relict species that have often been introduced into lakes with the intention of enhancing fisheries. Cirque lakes are generally expected to be fishless unless fish have been introduced by humans. The turbidity and colour of stream water often increases following clearcutting because reduced vegetation cover exposes the soil surface to increased erosion and leaching Water rich in glacial clay appears milky white because the particles backscatter all wavelengths equally out of the water making it look whitish Accessory pigments absorb intermediate wave lengths unaccessible to chlorophyll a and transfer the energy to the chlorophyll a photosystem Some studies employ a photosynthetic quotient of 1.2 because the have found that photosynthetic organisms tend to release 20% more moles of O2 than the number of moles of CO2 taken up It is necessary to integrate over the vertical profile in order to produce reliable estimates of average productivity per m3 or total productivity per m2 because.averages will only be reliable if the estimates are made at even intervals in the water column Carbon-14 occurs naturally in the atmosphere Carbon-14 is not useful for dating organic matter older than about 30,000 yr Lead-210 is produced from -decay of Radon-222 Radon-222 is a major health hazard because it is a very reactive element within the body