Culture and Personality 1 Questions from Forum Topic 14

Culture and Personality 1
Questions from Forum Topic 14 Assignment
Final Exam s2008
Anthropology 4616: Culture and Personaltiy
From forum assignment Topic 14
Green = Question selected to be on the final exam
Compare the film about the Hmong shaman and what we have learned about Native
American healing. How are the concepts of traditional healing the same between these
different cultures?
This is a good question because it will explore main concepts that we have focused on
during the last half of the semester.
How does gender identity relate to culture and personality? How does it help a culture to
understand different gender identities by having a category of say a third gender?
I think this could be a good question because there are many ways you could go with the
question, and take many different things we've learned this semester to answer it.
Why might different cultures explain the same sicknesses in a different light?
I think this is a good question because it refers to the topic of culture guiding a persons
personality and norms.
From chapter 9, How is aggression related to culture?
Using information from the film "The Amish: A People of Preservation" discuss the
ways the Amish control certain aspects of life and how this affects change in their lives.
I think this is a good question because the Amish people have a very different way of life
and it is important to draw connections between our way of their living and thiers.
Consider the following joke: Two anthropologists went to some primitive islands to
Culture and Personality 2
Questions from Forum Topic 14 Assignment
Final Exam s2008
conduct fieldwork. They decided to each go to a separate island to study the natives and later
compare their notes. After a few months, one of the anthropologists jumped in a canoe and went
over to visit his colleague to see how things were going. When he arrived he found his friend
socializing with the natives. "How's it going?" asked the visiting anthropologist.
"Great! I've made an amazing discovery about the language of the natives. Check this out!" The
anthropologist pointed to a tree and asked the natives, "What's that?" "Goomba kow," they
replied. Then the anthropologist pointed to a rock and said, "What's that?" "Goomba kow,"
answered the natives again. "See!" said the excited anthropologist, "They have the same word
for tree and for rock!" "Wow!" the visiting anthropologist replied, "That is really something. On my
Island, they use that same word for index finger!"
Why is this joke funny and what does it have to do with culture and personality?
I think this is a decent question because it allows the student the freedom to answer it in several
different ways, such as focusing on aspects of language, cultural differences in general, or even
social aspects of humor. As such, a question like this can draw on what has been learned on a
broad scale and from the class as a whole, as opposed to the memorization of specific details.
Explain how believing that a healer has power helps a person be cured.
Explain, give an example of, and state the culture and personality-related significance of
culture-bound syndromes.
I think that this is a good question because it was an important topic and can be looked at in a
number of different ways.
Explain acculturation. Why is this an important concept in Culture and Personality
studies? Why is it important in our world today?
I think this is a good question because it can summarize the main points in Chapter 10 and also
can give us the opportunity to connect what we've learned in class to the world today.
1. Describe how maladaptiveness is different in all cultures and why?
2. This is a good question because it asks us to think of the different cultures we have learned
about throughout the semester and apply how each cultural tendancies might be taboo for a
different culture.