WHITE PAPER The CISCO IP Routing Process including POLICY Routing by Alexander Marhold CCIE #3324, CCSI #20642, CCNP, CCDP The CISCO Routing Process route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number] FOR POLICY ROUTING match ip address {access-list-number | name} [...access-list-number | name] match length min max including POLICY Routing Policy Routing on incoming interface selected by: Input Access-list NAT DATA Packets set ip next-hop ip-address [...ip-address] set interface type number [...type number] Output Access-list NAT / PAT Accounting ip policy route-map map-tag DATA no match or deny or Recursive Lookup OUTGOING to same protocol set default interface type number [... type number] set ip default next-hop ip-address [...ip-address] distribute-list {access-list-number | name} out [interface-name] passive-interface type number offset-list {access-list-number | name} out offset [type number] Routing Table INCOMING from REMOTE offset-list {access-list-number | name} in offset [type number] distance weight [address mask [access-list-number | name]] distribute-list {access-list-number | name} in [type number] passive-interface type number (only for Link State and EIGRP) ip access-group {access-list-number | name} in ( for selected protocol) Route-TAGs S ... C ... x .... Static Connected dynamic routing Route-TAGs Incoming Route Processing ROUTE Information ip route prefix mask {address | interface} [distance] [tag tag] [permanent] and from connected interfaces of Administrative Distance 0 1 5 20 90 100 110 115 120 170 200 255 Connected Static Route EIGRP Summary External BGP Internal EIGRP IGRP OSPF IS-IS RIP External EIGRP Internal BGP <don´t use> OUTGOING coming from other protocol distribute-list {access-list-number | name} out [routing-process |autonomous-system-number] Metric INCOMING from LOCAL Queueing Outgoing Route Processing Routes Metric OUTGOING to another protocol redistribute protocol [process-id] {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} [metric metric-value] [metric-type type-value] [match {internal | external 1 | external 2}] [tag tag-value] [route-map map-tag] [weight weight] [subnets] default-information redistribution: default-information originate [always] [metric metric-value] [metric-type typevalue] {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} [route-map map-name] (RIP/OSPF) default-information {in | out} {access-list-number | name} (IGRP/EIGRP) route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number] FOR ROUTE REDISTRIBUTION match interface type number [...type number] match ip route-source {access-list-number | name}[...access-list-number | name] set automatic-tag set level {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2 | stub-area | backbone} match metric metric-value set local-preference match route-type {local | internal | external [type-1 | type-2] | level-1 | level-2} set metric metric-value match tag tag-value [...tag-value] set metric-type {internal | external | type-1 | type-2} match ip address {access-list-number | name} [...access-list-number | name] set origin {igp | egp autonomous-system | incomplete} match ip next-hop {access-list-number | name}[...access-list-number | name] set tag tag-value set next-hop next-hop 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Page 2 of 18 ! Disclaimer ! The "Cisco This White Paper was done with utmost care and thorough reviewing but is presented "AS IS" with possible errors and misinterpretations. However none of the pictures and statements can be used as reference regarding the behavior of the mentioned devices. This paper was done independent of Cisco and can never be used as commitment of any party. The author and PRO IN declares that they will not be held liable or responsible for any action a reader of this White Paper will take following the information given here. is a set of mechanisms which forward IP data packets and which populates the IP routing table by using different sources like All trademarks belong to their owners. For commanding this mechanisms a vast range of commands and modifiers are defined in the Cisco IOS. Author: Alexander Marhold Senior Consultant and Trainer PRO IN Consulting GmbH Vienna / Austria mailto:alexander.marhold@proin.com Copyright Notice: 1999-2001 PRO IN Training GmbH Comercial Use (Sale, Training, CBT,…) partly or in whole is strictly prohibited of Routing Process" routing updates from neighbors connected interfaces static routes The mechanism also sends out routing updates eventually converting them between different routing protocols. Additionally "IP Policy Routing" allows to overcome the traditional destination based routing. The following mechanism and behaviors are described in detail in this white paper: the general packet forwarding process policy routing routing updates and general behavior of routing protocols the INCOMING routing process and its corresponding commands the OUTGOING routing process and its corresponding commands 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH The "processes" in this paper are models for explaining the mechanisms, and are not the real implemented IOS processes. This paper describes the above mentioned mechanism without focussing on particular routing protocols. Also regarding ROUTE-MAPS this paper focuses on IGP ( Interior Gateway Protocols) and does not treat the additional MATCH- and SET-clauses which are available for BGP. This paper is not based on a specific version of IOS. Topics NOT covered are: details of different routing protocols snapshot routing, ODR,… BGP route authentication the Link State (LS) mechanism QOS, COS, TOS routing tunneling This White Paper assumes, that the reader already has a good knowledge about IP and IP Routing Protocols. The structure of the paper has the picture and its details always on even pages and the description to each picture on the page that follows. Thus when printed doublesided will allow to see the picture and the explanations without turning the pages. The author likes to get feedback, suggestions and also corrections, so please feel free to contact him via E-mail. Page 3 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process including POLICY Routing Routing Updates Other Network Information sources Routing Table S ... C ... x .... RIP RIP Static Connected dynamic routing Static Routes OSPF Ethernet Connected Interfaces of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Page 4 of 18 Routing in General How does a router knows of its neighbor ? Covers general topics in Routing and Routing Updates. Routers have 2 primary tasks: Path Finding ( done via Routing Protocols ) Packet Forwarding ( Layer 3 IP function ) Path Finding is done by exchanging Routing information between adjacent routers. - In DISTANCE VECTOR routing protocols a router forwards the networks of his routing table ( or changes of it) to its neighbors, observing mechanisms of SPLIT-HORIZON. Depending on the protocol the network information is sent with (subnet-)mask-information or without. In RIP Version 1 und IGRP no masks are transmitted, thus preventing the freedom of using discontigous subnets and/or VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking). - In LINK STATE routing protocols the routers exchange informations regarding the connected networks, the external routes (interarea, static, from external routing protocols), the connections to neighbor routers, by forwarding LSPs (Link State Packets). These LSPs are forwarded hop-by-hop to every other router within an area. When receiving these LSPs a router can calculate the best paths to advertised networks. of Again there is a difference between the routing Protocols. - DISTANCE VECTOR protocols send out their routing updates as broadcast (RIP V1, IGRP) or as multicasts (RIP V2) and by getting routing updates the router learns the source of these updates. - LINK STATE protocols and EIGRP establish a neighborship to adjacent routers by sending HELLO-packets and control these links by resending these HELLOs every short period. When an ADJACENCY is found and eventually verified the routers begin exchanging their routing information. !!! CAVEAT !!! LINK STATE protocols and EIGRP only uses and establishes ADJACENCIES using the PRIMARY IP Address of an interface. If they do not match the connection to the neighbor router will not be established. LINK STATE protocols also verify certain parameters before allowing the connection to an ADJACENCY: same IP-subnet equal network type same value of timers the command: SHOW IP <prot> neighbor shows the adjacencies and their status. Dependent on the routing protocol there are also various DEBUG commands which show in detail the adjacency building process. 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH How to prevent routing updates or establishing neighborship on an interface ? Generally this is done using the router command PASSIVE-INTERFACE <interface-name> For DISTANCE VECTOR protocols this command ONLY prevents the sending out of routing updates on a particular interface. However it does not prevent from getting routing updates over that interface. !!!HINT!!! In order to prevent getting routing updates for Distance Vector protocols use the router command: DISTANCE 255 <netw-addr> <wildcardmask> [ access-list ] With this command al routing updates sent out by devices on the specified net will not be considered for entry in the routing table. For LINK STATE protocols and EIGRP passive-interface prevents the establishment of adjacencies and thus the sending of any LINK STATE Packets. However this does not prevent the router from announcing this network as connected interface in its routing updates over other interfaces. OSPF treats that connected network of a passive-interface as STUB-NETWORK. Also IS-IS and Integrated IS-IS have some specialities regarding the OSI or IP informations on such passive interfaces. Page 5 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process including POLICY Routing DATA Packets Output Access-list NAT / PAT Accounting Input Access-list NAT DATA Queueing Recursive Lookup Routing Table S ... C ... x .... of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Static Connected dynamic routing Page 6 of 18 The Packet Forwarding Process Packets are forwarded downstream a path from the sender to the receiver. Route information (information about the reachability of a network) is forwarded UPSTREAM from router to router. This is important to consider when using blocking of routing information in order to prevent access to certain networks. The packet forwarding is done by an independent decision of each router on the path, using the destination address of the packet and the Routing Table as basis for finding a next-hop. The router will consult the routing table (or a special forwarding table, based on the content of the routing table), comparing the destination address with the network information in the routing table and will use the most specific network information for a decision about the outgoing path. The lookup process can be recursive, that means, that more than one lookup may be needed in order to find the real next-hop-address for forwarding the packet. If such a next-hop or an outgoing interface is found the router will forward the packet on the specified connected interface. If no route is found and also no default-route is available or appropriate, the router will delete the packet and inform the sender via ICMP about this happening. of What is CLASSFUL and CLASSLESS routing CLASSFUL and CLASSLESS are behaviors for using the default route when information about a specific subnet is not in the routing table, but other subnets of that mayor network are found in the routing table. Example: # show ip route (edited output) … network is subnetted 2 subnets, 2 masks R [120/2] eth0 R [120/4] ser0 … *S [0/0] ser1 The router now receives a packet on eth1 with the destination address This address belonging to a specific subnet of is NOT in the routing table. - With IP CLASSLESS the router will take the default route and forward the packet out on Serial 1. This is done independent of any other subnet information for that mayor network - When CLASSFUL routing with the command: NO IP CLASSLESS is selected, the router would delete the packet and inform the sender via ICMP that he cannot forward the packet as the specified subnet of the mayor network is not in his table. 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH What is "Gateway of last Resort", default-network, ip route ? IP Default-Network xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - This is the command that will cause a router to treat xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx as a gateway of last resort. A router can have multiple ip default-networks entered. Gateway of last resort - This is the term that is applied to a routing entry in the Cisco routing table that the router will use to forward packets to when it lacks a more specific route. This can be learned from a route provided by another router that is tagged as a default by the advertising router. The ip default-network command is one way of having a router tag a route as a gateway of last resort. IP Default-Gateway - This command is used in routers when IP routing disabled in order to give them an address to forward packets that are not in their address space. Routers in boot mode are a good example of this situation. IP ROUTE establishes a default route (catch-all) if no specific route is found !!! CAVEAT !!! The route has special meaning for RIP. It is automatically installed as the local gateway of last resort. No ip default-network is required. RIP automatically advertises the route to even if redistribute static and a default metric are not configured. For other routing protocols the router command: DEFAULT-INFORMATION … allows specific control of forwarding or receiving default routes Page 7 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number] FOR POLICY ROUTING match ip address {access-list-number | name} [...access-list-number | name] match length min max Policy Routing on incoming interface selected by: Input Access-list NAT DATA including POLICY Routing set ip next-hop ip-address [...ip-address] set interface type number [...type number] DATA Packets Output Access-list NAT / PAT Accounting ip policy route-map map-tag no match or deny or Queueing Recursive Lookup set default interface type number [... type number] set ip default next-hop ip-address [...ip-address] Routing Table S ... C ... x .... of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Static Connected dynamic routing Page 8 of 18 IP Policy Routing !!! CAVEAT !!! IP Policy Routing overcomes the normal destination based routing paradigma by allowing different criteria as basis for a routing decision. Among those criterias are: the incoming interface selection by extended access-lists precedence levels packet sizes … But still one paradigma stays valid: "The router only makes a local decision about the next hop, i.e. where to send the packet out" To overcome this one you need either Tunneling or MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching). If there is a next-hop-address specified in the SET-clause this address have to be a real nexthop-address. That means that it must be an address of a device belonging to a directly connected network. (The Router will not do a recursive lookup for the next-hop-address) If the above mentioned requirements are not met, the router will use the normal Routing table based route decisions and ignore the SET parameters. Example: The same Frame Relay interface is used as connection to the outside world AND as connections to Remote offices. The Firewall is placed in to VLANs on a Fast Ethernet attached switch Internet PIX OUT Fast Ethernet Interface IP POLICY ROUTE-MAP route-map-name In case of no match found or when there is no SETclause specifiying a next-hop or an outgoing interface, then after the ROUTE-MAP the normal routing table is used to find a next-hopaddress or outgoing interface. of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH PIX-to-OUT Routing Table Internet Rem.OFF. OUT-to-PIX FR ISL FRAME RELAY Interface IP Policy Routing uses ROUTE-MAPS for defining the matching packets and for setting actions. ROUTE-MAPS define a numbered sequence of MATCH and SET clauses , where the SET defines the actions to be done for packets matching the MATCH clauses. IP POLICY ROUTING is applied to incoming packets on interfaces by using the Interface command: If there is an outgoing interface defined in a SET-clause, this interface must be up and be of a point-to-point type. interface Serial3/0.31 multipoint description INTERNET ACCESS ip address 255.255… ip policy route-map OUT-to-PIX frame-relay map ip 501 ! interface FastEthernet4/1.24 description PIX-OUT encapsulation isl 24 ip address ip policy route-map PIX-to-OUT ! route-map PIX-to-OUT permit 10 match ip address 1 set ip default next-hop ! route-map OUT-to-PIX permit 10 match ip address 1 set ip default next-hop ! access-list 1 permit any ! Remote Offices Page 9 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process including POLICY Routing Routing Table S ... C ... x .... Route-TAGs Static Connected dynamic routing Route-TAGs Metric Incoming Route Processing ROUTE Information Administrative Distance of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Outgoing Route Processing Routes Metric Page 10 of 18 Routing Information Processes: General Considerations Sometimes I am wondering why the developers gave the second best distance of 1 to static routes entered by an administrator, as so called "Quick Fixes" by using static routes are often the cause of reachability and routing-loop problems. This allows Failover of routes also without dynamic routing protocols, when for example 2 static routes with different Administrative Distances for 2 outgoing interfaces or 2 different next-hop-addresses are defined. A lot of problems and confusion arises from the fact that some basic principles in the Routing information process are not correctly understood. §4 Route REDISTRIBUTION is only used for outgoing routing updates. §8 Routing processes are relying on a consistent metric, in order that every router find the best path in a way, that all routes are leading in the same direction. Therefore in this chapter I will give some fundamental laws and principles and describe their consequences: one routing protocol in the routing table will be sent out, converted to another routing protocol on interfaces configured for routing updates of that second routing protocol. §1 The mechanism of processing incoming routing updates is COMPLETELY separated from the mechanism of creating outgoing routing updates. The fact that a route is found in the routing table of a router is a prerequisite but NOT necessarily sufficient criteria for an outgoing routing update. §2 The original routes of every configured routing process of a router will be considered, when decisions about which will enter the routing table will be made. This means that route REDISTRIBUTION is never used in the incoming route processing. §3 If more than one information of a route is found, the incoming route process will use first the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTANCE and then the METRIC for deciding which route will be established in the routing table. Cisco IOS has a predefined Administrative Distance for each Routing Protocol which allows to prefer more trusted information sources over less trusted one. of In Principle: Route redistribution means that routes of §5 Static Routes defined with a next-hopaddress are considered one hop away and have a default Administrative Distance of 1 If the next-hop-address specified in the static route is not a REAL next-hop-address (i.e. not an address in a directly connected network) the router will do recursive lookups to find this REAL next-hop-address. §6 Static Routes defined with an outgoing interface are treated like connected networks ( i.e. networks that are 0 hops away) and thus having a default Administrative Distance of 0. Therefore static routes defining an outgoing interface should be used only when the destination is on that connected network. USAGE: When the connected network is address translated, you need a static route for the outside network pointing to that inside hidden network. As the base of metrics is different for different routing protocols, a direct conversion of metrics from one routing protocol to another is generally not possible. When having more than one routing process default metric information has to be used. This default hides the correct information about the best path and this inconsistency will lead to not optimal routing and also often to ROUTING LOOPS in MUTUAL REDISTRIBUTION (i.e. more than one redistribution points). §9 Routing is a STATEFUL process. Depending on the current information in the Routing Table different actions can happen, even when the same routing information is received. There are examples, where a routing was correct, but after the shutdown and restart of an interface the correct state was never reached again.[See page 15] §7 Static Routes where the outgoing interface is down or the next-hop-address is not reachable are removed from the routing table unless the parameter PERMANENT is specified. 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Page 11 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process including POLICY Routing Routing Table INCOMING from REMOTE offset-list {access-list-number | name} in offset [type number] distance w eight [address mask [access-list-number | name]] distribute-list {access-list-number | name} in [type number] passive-interface type number(only for Link State and EIGRP) ip access-group {access-list-number | name} in ( for selected protocol) S ... C ... x .... Route-TAGs Static Connected dynamic routing Metric Incoming Route Processing ROUTE Information INCOMING from LOCAL ip route prefix mask {address | interface} [distance] [tag tag] [permanent] and from connected interfaces of Administrative Distance 0 1 5 20 90 100 110 115 120 170 200 255 Connected Static Route EIGRP Summary External BGP Internal EIGRP IGRP OSPF IS-IS RIP External EIGRP Internal BGP <don´t use> 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Page 12 of 18 The INCOMING Routing Process The incoming Routing process is responsible for populating the Routing table. At startup this process enters the static and connected networks for all interfaces which are UP and then for each route received via any Routing potocol this process checks if this is a better route (considering Adminstrative Distance and metric) than another instance of the same route already in the table. If a better route is found, this one is installed and the other one is removed from the table. The different routing processes also inform the incoming routing process about any routes for which regular routing updates are missing, or which route to remove. In order to overcome incorrect routing information Distance Vector routing processes also sets routes into a temporary holddown before reconsidering new routing information or before deleting this route. LINK STATE processes directly remove or replace routes after running the SPF-calculation. EIGRP when a feasability successor is found will enter the new information direct into the routing table, or will set the route to a state of ACTIVE and ask the neighbor(s) for a new route to the destination. RIP V1 and IGRP will never establish an incoming mayor route, when they have a local subnet-route of that network in their routing table. of Monitoring the INCOMING Route process All the input and results of this incoming routing decision process can be monitored with the command: DEBUG IP ROUTING Unfortunately the debug output is somewhat cryptic and therefore not easy to read. Here an example with the output of a RIP routing change and its real meaning. RouterA# debug ip routing RT: flushed route to via (Serial0) RT: no routes to, entering holddown invalid timer expired no routes to, therefore entering holddown Useful commands for changing behaviour of the Incoming Roue process These commands can have different goals: prevent routing information from entering the routing table distribute-list xxx in … (not for Link State) distance 255 … passive-interface …(for Link State & EIGRP) change the priority of some information sources or for some commands by changing the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTANCE distance <0…154> … by changing the METRIC offset-list xxx in … (not for Link State) RT: flushed route to via (Serial0) manually adding additional routing information "show ip route" shows us … In order to prevent possible routing loops when getting redistributed (external routes) EIGRP uses the higher administrative distance of 170 instead of the default of 90. advertising via (Serial0) as unreachable R is possibly down, routing via, Serial1 … RT: garbage collecting entry for flush timer expired terminating holddown for after that the next update info for this network will be used RT: add via, rip metric [120/2] 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH ip route … In OSPF you also can use TAGs for marking routes and then applying actions to tagged routes. NOTE: For Link State protocols you cannot apply incoming filters as those protocols transfer not routes but LINK STATE Packets. In BGP you can specify a route-map which can modify parameters like metric and tag when BGP sends routing information to the local routing table: table-map route-map name Page 13 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process including POLICY Routing OUTGOING to same protocol distribute-list {access-list-number | name} out [interface-name] passive-interface type number offset-list {access-list-number | name} out offset [type number] Routing Table S ... C ... x .... Static Connected dynamic routing Route-TAGs OUTGOING coming from other protocol distribute-list {access-list-number | name} out [routing-process |autonomous-system-number] Outgoing Route Processing Routes Metric OUTGOING to another protocol redistribute protocol [process-id] {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} [metric metric-value] [metric-type type-value] [match {internal | external 1 | external 2}] [tag tag-value] [route-map map-tag] [w eight w eight] [subnets] default-information redistribution: default-information originate [alw ays] [metric metric-value] [metric-type typevalue] {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} [route-map map-name] (RIP/OSPF) default-information {in | out} {access-list-number | name} (IGRP/EIGRP) route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number] FOR ROUTE REDISTRIBUTION match interface type number [...type number] match ip route-source {access-list-number | name}[...access-list-number | name] set automatic-tag set level {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2 | stub-area | backbone} match metric metric-value set local-preference match route-type {local | internal | external [type-1 | type-2] | level-1 | level-2} set metric metric-value match tag tag-value [...tag-value] set metric-type {internal | external | type-1 | type-2} match ip address {access-list-number | name} [...access-list-number | name] set origin {igp | egp autonomous-system | incomplete} match ip next-hop {access-list-number | name}[...access-list-number | name] set tag tag-value set next-hop next-hop of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Page 14 of 18 The OUTGOING Routing Update Process The outgoing Routing update process is responsible for informing the neighboring routers about its network information. For Distance Vector Routing protocols this is the local information about the best routes and their metric (hence the content of the Routing Table). For Link State Routing protocols this is the information about the local networks, external routes and the neighbors via LSPs. Outgoing routing updates for a certain routing protocol are only sent when the following conditions are all met: the network is in the routing table. the network is either specified via the NETWORK command or coming from another protocol via a REDISTRIBUTION command obeys the SPLIT-HORIZON rule: the network was not learned from the same interface ( or is not identical to the connected network) the network is not excluded from update via applied access-lists or route-maps using the DISTRIBUTE command. the outgoing interface is not specified as PASSIVE if the network is a specified summary, at least a subnet of that summary route is in the routing table. forwarding of default information is implicitly (RIP) or explicitly allowed via the DEFAULT-INFORMATION … command. for OSPF: sending of LSPs to that neighbor is not prohibited. For RIP V1 and IGRP the following also is considered: A subnet route of a mayor network is converted to the (summary) mayor route when it is sent out on interfaces that do not belong to a (sub)net of that mayor route. (Discontigous Subnet Rule) For OSPF there are some special rules, where Area Border Routers (ABR) can inject default routes into stub areas. Also DISTRIBUTE-LIST OUT can only be applied to external routes and you cannot specify an interfacename in OSPF. Generally by using the shown commands you can follow 4 different tasks: make networks invisible by blocking the forwarding of routing information redistribute (forward and translate) routing information from one protocol to another change the metric to force the others to prefer specific paths summarize routing information to decrease the amount of routes and to increase the stability 0 hops best route to10.0.0.0/8 before shutdown of R2-R3 R1 0 RIP 1 hop best route to10.0.0.0/8 after shutdown of R2-R3 R10 3 hops RIP 1 EIGRP 2 hops 2 R4 R2 RIP Example for a Redistribution problem which is state-dependent: Configuration of R4 and R5: router rip network x.x.x.x redistribute eigrp 1000 default-metric 1 passive-interface Serial 1 router eigrp 1000 network y.y.y.y redistribute rip default-metric 1000 100 250 100 1500 passive-interface Serial 0 R3 normally learns about the network via a routing update from R2 with 2 hops and forwards this information to R5 with 3 hops R5 gets information about via R4 with the metric [170/10245] ( it is an external EIGRP route) and via R3 with [120/3] as RIP-route. So R5 will establish the RIP-route and use R3 as next hop. Obeying the SPLIT HORIZON rule it will never send out the information back to R3. When the connection between R2 and R3 breaks, R3 will not send information about R5 will now use the routing information derived via external EIGRP from R5 and forward this information as redistributed information via Rip to R3. R3 gets now the information about with the metric [120/1] and next hop R5 into its routing table. When the link R2-R3 comes up again, the information from R2 about with [120/2] will not be used and R3 will continue to use the way via R5 to reach that network. 2 before shutdown 3 hops 3 RIP of 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH R5 R3 1 1 hop after shutdown of R2-R3 Page 15 of 18 The CISCO Routing Process route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number] FOR POLICY ROUTING match ip address {access-list-number | name} [...access-list-number | name] match length min max including POLICY Routing Policy Routing on incoming interface selected by: Input Access-list NAT set ip next-hop ip-address [...ip-address] set interface type number [...type number] DATA Packets Output Access-list NAT / PAT Accounting ip policy route-map map-tag DATA no match or deny or Recursive Lookup OUTGOING to same protocol set default interface type number [... type number] set ip default next-hop ip-address [...ip-address] distribute-list {access-list-number | name} out [interface-name] passive-interface type number offset-list {access-list-number | name} out offset [type number] Routing Table INCOMING from REMOTE offset-list {access-list-number | name} in offset [type number] distance w eight [address mask [access-list-number | name]] distribute-list {access-list-number | name} in [type number] passive-interface type number(only for Link State and EIGRP) ip access-group {access-list-number | name} in ( for selected protocol) S ... C ... x .... Route-TAGs Static Connected dynamic routing Route-TAGs OUTGOING coming from other protocol distribute-list {access-list-number | name} out [routing-process |autonomous-system-number] Metric Incoming Route Processing ROUTE Information INCOMING from LOCAL ip route prefix mask {address | interface} [distance] [tag tag] [permanent] and from connected interfaces of Administrative Distance 0 1 5 20 90 100 110 115 120 170 200 255 Connected Static Route EIGRP Summary External BGP Internal EIGRP IGRP OSPF IS-IS RIP External EIGRP Internal BGP <don´t use> Queueing Outgoing Route Processing Routes Metric OUTGOING to another protocol redistribute protocol [process-id] {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} [metric metric-value] [metric-type type-value] [match {internal | external 1 | external 2}] [tag tag-value] [route-map map-tag] [w eight w eight] [subnets] default-information redistribution: default-information originate [alw ays] [metric metric-value] [metric-type typevalue] {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} [route-map map-name] (RIP/OSPF) default-information {in | out} {access-list-number | name}(IGRP/EIGRP) route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number] FOR ROUTE REDISTRIBUTION match interface type number [...type number] match ip route-source {access-list-number | name}[...access-list-number | name] set automatic-tag set level {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2 | stub-area | backbone} match metric metric-value set local-preference match route-type {local | internal | external [type-1 | type-2] | level-1 | level-2} set metric metric-value match tag tag-value [...tag-value] set metric-type {internal | external | type-1 | type-2} match ip address {access-list-number | name} [...access-list-number | name] set origin {igp | egp autonomous-system | incomplete} match ip next-hop {access-list-number | name}[...access-list-number | name] set tag tag-value set next-hop next-hop 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH Page 16 of 18 Summary: The BIG picture The CISCO IP Routing Process and its mechanisms are quite complicated. But a thorough understanding is necessary to troubleshoot or even better to avoid problems. The basic points are: of Routing is done hop-by-hop, each router independently decides on which interface to forward a packet. The router treats incoming and outgoing routing mechanisms as completely separate processes. Decisions about which route to add or remove from the routing table are based on ADMINISTRATIVE DISTANCE and METRIC Routes of all configured routing processes are considered for the routing table REDISTRIBUTION is only used when considering outgoing routing updates POLICY ROUTING allows to overcome the normal destination based routing Policy Routing is applied on packets incoming on specified interfaces ROUTE-MAPS are a mechanism for using additional parameters for selection and also a mechanism for setting or changing different parameters ROUTE-MAPS are used for POLICY ROUTING and for a controlled REDISTRIBUTION of Routing Updates Routing Protocols rely on a consistent metric REDISTRIBUTION of routes means a loss of topology information Routing is a STATEFUL process, where the incoming routing information is considered in relation to the current routing table information. The fact that a route is in the routing table does not necessarily mean that the route is also used in outgoing routing updates the adjacency process for Link State and EIGRP as basis for exchanging updates between routers the different behavior of Routing protocols regarding summarization and VLSM What is CISCO-specific in that area ? The use of ADMINISTRATIVE DISTANCE as first considered parameter for incoming route decisions. IGRP and EIGRP are Cisco-developed and proprietary protocols. REDISTRIBUTION, metric handling on redistribution is not covered in standards. the treatment and forwarding of DEFAULTROUTES is not covered in standards. an extensive set of DEBUG commands for monitoring the router behavior. 1999, PRO IN Consulting GmbH For further information Recommended Requests for proposals (RFCs): RFC1812 Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers. F. Baker. June 1995.(Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) general information about Routing: RFC1771 A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4). Y.Rekhter & T. Li. March 1995. (Status: DRAFT STANDARD) RFC2328 OSPF Version 2. J. Moy. April 1998. (Status: STANDARD) RFC2453 RIP Version 2. G. Malkin. November 1998. (Status: STANDARD) Recommended Books: CCIE Professional Development: Routing TCP/IP Volume 1, J.Doyle ISBN: 1-57870-041-8 excellent description of Routing best description of the mechanisms of EIGRP very good treatment of all Routing Protocols CCIE Professional Development: Large-Scale IP Network Solutions, K. Raza, S. Asad, M. Turner ISBN: 1-57870-084-1 good examples of routing design excellent examples of redistribution good description of Routing Protocols Internet Routing Architectures, B.Halabi ISBN: best book on BGP OSPF J.Moy ISBN: OSPF explained by the developer of that protocol WWW-locations: http://www.proin.com http://www.cisco.com http://www.netreference.com Page 17 of 18 PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION NETWORKS PRO IN is a paneuropean company focussing on 3 areas: Training Consulting Professional Services With offices in Austria, Germany and Spain we offer CISCO authorized trainings at the highest possible level. Thus PRO IN is honored as "Distinguished Trainings Partner" by CISCO f