Morris County: Company of Friends: Career Transition Seminar

Morris County: Company of Friends: Career Transition Seminar
Facilitated by Stephen P. Harris, Co-coordinator, Morris County Company of Friends
May 27, 2003
 Who is in transition?
 Who is employed and looking to change?
 How is it out there?
Old way to find a job…
Just a few years ago, to find employment meant dry-cleaning your best
professional outfit, preparing a well-written resume printed on heavy bond
paper, alerting a few agents and signing up on Monster.
The new way….
Today for many -there is much more involved as the supply (you) goes up and the
demand (jobs) is reduced. This seminar will provide some hints/suggestions for tackling
your career transition project
In the beginning… Ask yourself….
 What makes you stand out?
 What will an employer see in you that he/she does not see in anyone else?
 How will you be perceived in the market place?
Think about how you select products & services today:
 What makes you decide to buy a specific kind of cereal or soft-drink?
OK… How does this pertain to YOU?
Branding is not just for a product/service – it’s now for you! It’s the cornerstone
of the new career search process.
Suggesting reading:
What are the objectives of today’s seminar?
Begin establishing a strategy that can be of help to you in this job market right
now. Learn from others… both their successes and mistakes.
Do you need to do everything suggested? No
Take what you are comfortable with, because in the end, it’s up to you to execute!
The Caveat and Disclaimer (like any good product):
The tips and techniques presented are no guarantee - at the end of the day it's you that must make the final difference to land that position. Luck
luck can play a part. However, to enhance your odds, this information can and
should help.
You will find a great position, it will happen for you!
The agenda:
1. Think Positive and establish your identity:
a. Identify your interest and skills: "Color of your Parachute"
b. Establish your Brand: "The Brand Called You", Tom Peters
c. Enhance your character: "How to win friends and influence people"
d. Create a website, your first step in marketing and building awareness
Building Customer Equity Through Technology
Relax!!!! Don’t let them see you sweat…
2. Build your network
a. Brief discussion on networking - 6-degree's of separation
b. Creating your personal business card
c. Elevator speech
d. Be Organized and plan ahead (Peterson/Paterson)
e. Follow-up and Follow-Through
f. Network meetings vs Jobseekers/Counseling events
General Powell, Pope… and who knows who else.
Network notes forms
What do you do at the end of a Presentation meeting?
Leave or Walk forward?
3. Create your winning resume
a. What is PAR / CAR?
b. Keep it simple
c. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords & Times Roman 11 too.
d. Focus your resume for the opportunity
e. Swallow your pride or when is a Director really a Sr. Manager
“Ask not what the company can do for you; ask what you can do for the
company. “ Sorry JFK - In other words, it’s all about them!
Your resume is your foot in the door. Prefer a nice shoe than a ratty old
What have I seen? 8+ pages, color photo, image logo’s, colorization, plus
the usual mis-spelling and bad grammer…
4. Recruiters and Job Boards
a. Selecting and working with recruiters
b. How to use job boards effectively
Job boards can hurt you when working with recruiters – here’s why…
Network with recruiters, just like anyone else – especially retained
5. Informational Meetings and Interviews
a. What is the difference between a informational meeting and an interview
b. Strategy for both situations
90% of jobs are in the hidden market. Networking & Informational meetings
are the way to uncover them.
Atlanta friend met with a president of a consumer products company. They
discovered he spoke excellent Spanish… and well – they had a need for a VP
MFG, since they worked closely with their processing plants in Mexico. The
job was not yet posted!
Informational meetings – be just as prepared – and don’t ask for a job!!!
Interviews – be sure to ask for the job!
6. Effective interviewing tips
a. Preparation
b. Attitude
c. Ask sharp questions, forgot the basic ones (show intelligence!)
d. Please don’t ramble… short concise to the point answers
e. If you don’t know the answer, say so… maybe even volunteer to find out
more *great stuff for thank you letters
f. Go for the close!
g. Follow-up
Here is where you bring it all together and execute.
“Solving world hunger?” Toolbox of skills – take out only what you need,
don’t try to solve all their problems – only focus on their most pressing.. most
Don’t ever lie –
Keep in mind – what information would be great to provide back to this
person in a follow-up.
7. The offer and beyond
a. Don’t be greedy = but don’t be easy either
b. Corporate funding for the future
Know when to hold em… know when to fold em…
Atlanta friend – asked for $5K more and got nothing.
It never really ends! Keep your network alive! And give back!
And… in conclusion:
I am just one person and cannot possibly assist each of you through this process. I had the
benefit of Drake-Beam… and eventually a very wide/deep network. You can too!
Idea: form accountability or small teams to help each other through…