Communication Content Organization and Sequence Research Process Skill uses a wide variety of sentence structures effectively uses well-written, effective paragraphs uses descriptive vocabulary develops ideas to form an interesting and extensive report reveals extensive knowledge of the subject includes information from several sources introduces the topic effectively arranges information in exceptional sequence concludes report effectively shows initiative and leadership uses a wide variety of resources makes extensive notes writes an exceptionally detailed rough draft takes leadership in group with confidence uses the research process proficiently uses a variety of sentence structures capably uses paragraph format uses general vocabulary develops ideas to form a detailed report reveals satisfactory knowledge of the subject includes information from more than two sources introduces the topic clearly shows careful sequencing in arranging information concludes report capably works independently uses several resources makes adequate notes writes a detailed rough draft contributes equally in group uses the research process capably The student 3 — Accomplished generally uses correct sentence structure but more variety is required needs to pay attention to paragraph structure needs to include more varied vocabulary needs to tie ideas and information more directly to purpose includes facts primarily from one source needs to provide more evidence of sequencing in arranging information needs to tie conclusion more directly with research question writes a sketchy draft follows others’ lead needs more confidence using the research process The student 2 — Developing uses sentence structure that requires more clarity needs to divide ideas into clear paragraphs uses some vocabulary that is irrelevant to topic includes facts that are not directly related to the topic demonstrates limited knowledge of subject topic introduction needs to provide more clarity needs to sequence more clearly seeks guidance before attempting to solve problems requires more resources needs to provide more detailed notes The student 1 — Beginning Project-Assessment Rubric The student 4 — Exemplary K.2.5.C.1a K.2.6.C.1a K.2.6.C.1b K.5.8.A.2 K.5.8.C.1b BLM G-9 Page 1 of 2