Grades 3 – 12 Conventions Rubric 3rd – 12th Grade Conventions Name: Text Layout/Handwriting * Independently writes letters and words legibly in cursive 3 2 1 0 * Correct spacing and directionality Date: Grammar * Independently writes a variety of sentences at grade level expectations with good control of grammar * Uses a wide range of tenses Punctuation Capitalization Spelling * Independently uses correct punctuation at grade level expectations * Appropriately uses correct capital letters throughout sentence (I, names, begin. of sentence) * Spells grade level words correctly and makes clear phonetic attempts to spell words above grade level *Spells a limited number of grade level words correctly and makes phonetic attempts to spell words at or above grade level * Makes phonetic attempts to spell grade level appropriate words * Uses classroom resources to find correct spelling *Independently writes letters and words legibly in manuscript * Uses correct directionality and spacing * Independently writes simple sentences with moderate control of grammar * Uses basic common structures * Attempts correct punctuation at grade level expectations *Independently uses correct capital letters at beginning of a sentence *Writes letters legibly using a model in manuscript * Attempts spacing within and between words * Uses simple sentence structures (noun + verb) which contain correct grammar following a model * Uses correct punctuation following a model * Uses correct capital letters following a model *Incorrect or no sentence structures * no punctuation * Capital letters and lower case letters not distinguished *Writing does not contain letters * Writing illegible * No spaces * Phonetic attempts not made * Spelling resources not used Grades 6 – 12 Crafts Rubric 6th – 12th Grade Craft 3 2 1 0 Date: Name: Organization Idea Development Language Use Word Choice Voice * Organizes writing with an effective and engaging introduction, body, conclusion and a closing statement * Uses grade appropriate transitional words *Organizes writing appropriately to fit the purpose or genre *Writes well-crafted paragraphs organized in a logical sequence *Organizes writing by providing simple introduction, body and clear sense of closure * Uses simple transitional words * Attempts to organize information to fit purpose or genre *Writes paragraphs organized in a logical sequence * States and develops clear main idea/ thesis * Provides supporting details that are accurate, relevant and helpful * Shows strong knowledge of topic and maintains focus * Develops main idea *Provides supporting details *Maintains focus * Varies simple, compound, and complex sentence structures. *Varies sentence length * Uses a range of figurative and descriptive language * Chooses precise and descriptive words to convey intended meaning *Uses appropriate content vocabulary * Writes in a way that speaks to the reader *Uses a range of complete sentences (declarative, interrogative and exclamatory) *Uses some figurative and/or descriptive language * Chooses appropriate words to convey intended meaning *Uses basic vocabulary to communicate a range of ideas * Organizes writing by providing at least 2 of the following: introduction, body or closure * Organizes writing to fit purpose or model using a model *Writes in paragraphs but lacking logical sequence *Lacks organization appropriate to genre * No paragraphs evident *Lacks clear main idea *Provides detail that may not support main idea *Strays from topic * No main idea communicated * No details * Topic unclear *Uses only simple sentence structures *Attempts use of descriptive language *Uses high frequency vocabulary to communicate ideas * Incomplete sentence structure * Lacks figurative or descriptive language *Isolated words AND *Reveals the person behind the writing * Writes in a way that speaks to the reader OR *Reveals the person behind the writing Lacks clear connections to the reader or writer * Voice is not present