Nonsuch High School for Girls, Ewell Road, Cheam

15 JANUARY 2004
Nonsuch High School for Girls, Ewell Road, Cheam
Extension to main building to form four new science labs with two preparation rooms,
associated stores and fire escape stair. Two extensions to ‘Rosla’ building to increase size of
the existing labs. (Drawings)
Grant planning permission subject to following conditions :
PO3 Standard duration
P11 Materials to match
P18 Landscaping require
P19 Tree protection
The three extensions proposed are at the front of the site and within the existing footprint of the
complex of school buildings on this site. The extensions are relatively small, in keeping with the
character of existing school buildings and would provide improved facilities for pupils.
It is judged that the proposals would not lead to an increase in the number of pupils and
confirmation of this is awaited from the school’s agent.
Councillor Wood asked for a Committee decision on this application.
Planning History
There have been numerous planning applications for Nonsuch High School for Girls which are
considered to be relevant to the application site. These are as follows:
12596-2521 and 2977-13456 Erection of additional classroom accommodation.
5185-17619 and 28832/119045 Erection of extensions to school.
37467 Erection of girls’ secondary school.
56295/15107 and 36296/15108 Extensions to school premises, including 4 two storey laboratories.
85/1230/0630 Erection of detached storage building.
89/1341/0768 Single storey extension to provide showers and staff room. Granted 24 November
90/0357/0184 Extension to gymnasium to provide equipment store. Granted 29 May 1990.
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90/0591/0315 and 90/0757/0408 Extension to sixth form centre and new mobile technology
classroom. Granted 16 July 1990.
90/1041 and 92/0233/TP/8 Extension to six form centre, together with a two storey addition to
existing school buildings. Granted 18 June 1992.
92/0578/TP/8 Provision of 3 temporary classrooms and WC units. Granted 7 January 1993.
93/0182 Erection of new music block. Granted 17 June 1993.
93/0183 Formation and layout of new car park on land fronting Cheam Road, including
landscaping – permission refused but allowed on appeal February 1994. Refused 22 July 1993.
93/0184 Erection of 2 storey extension to provide new classrooms and ancillary accommodation.
95/0736 Alterations to and erection of new lean-to canopy on north elevation of building. Granted
15 January 1996.
98/0682 Erection of a detached single storey nursery school building, together with the formation
of a new access road on to Ewell Road, including provision of school coach and set down and pick
up areas. Granted 11 March 1999.
98/0902 Alterations to and erection of (1) a new two storey teaching block, (2) a first floor
extension to provide new art studio, (3) a dining room extension, and (4) new single storey addition
to form caretaker’s accommodation, workshop and a staff room. Granted 6 April 1999.
99/0208 Formation and layout of new car parking area, including widening of existing access road.
Granted 6 April 1999.
99/0698 Construction of a new indoor and outdoor leisure facility, additional classrooms, car
parking and a revised access. Granted July 2000
00/01235/FUL Variation of condition Nos. 7 and 19 of planning permission EPS/99/0698 seeking
changes to the phasing of the construction of the access road. Granted April 2001
01/01139/FUL Combined heat and power plant. Granted January 2003.
Site Details
The application site is approximately 8.9 hectares. The school fronts the A232 Ewell Road and is
about 0.5km to the west of the centre of Cheam (London Borough of Sutton). The school site is
bounded by Nonsuch Park to the north, Ewell Road to the east, a railway line located to the south,
and open land to the west.
The existing school buildings which vary from single to three storey, are of a classical Georgian
style, typical of architectural design dating around this period. Planning permissions for later
extensions to the existing building have been granted over time, the designs of which have
attempted to follow the original.
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Towards the rear of the site a David Lloyd Leisure development has recently been built in
partnership with the school. Before this a day nursery was constructed at the front of the school
which incorporated revised ingress/egress arrangements which allow pupils to be dropped off
within the school site.
Planning policy
Epsom and Ewell District-Wide Local Plan 2000:
Areas of Open Space within the Built Up Area
Playing Fields
Indoor Sport Facilities
Nature Conservation
Educational Facilities
General Policy
Built Environment
Details of the proposal
A two storey extension to the main school building is proposed. This would be to the end of the
building closest to the school entrance and is shown with brick elevations and part hipped tiled roof
and part flat roofed to match the existing building. It is shown keeping to the existing built
envelope of the school. Its gross floor area would be 605m2.
The development of the two storey extension would involve the removal of two prefabricated single
storey huts and part of the existing building containing stairs all totalling 211m2 floor area. Two
drama huts would be replaced by four new science laboratories with ancillary accommodation and
internal fire escape stairs. The two storey extension would it is judged result in a visual
improvement to this built area of the school.
At the other end of the schools built frontage to Ewell Road, two single storey lean to extensions
are proposed to the ‘Rosla’ building to increase the size of the food technology and the design
technology laboratories from 87m2 to 120m2 and from 88m2 to 117m2. These two extensions
would fit in two existing recesses in the plan of this two storey building and would have minimal
impact on the size and design of the building or the character of the school and the quality of its
open spaces.
The County Highway Authority has raised no objection to the proposed development provided it
does not lead to an increase in student numbers. Such a reassurance has been sought from the agent
for the school and is expected in time for the meeting.
Adjoining residents in the London Borough of Sutton and the London Borough of Sutton itself have
been consulted. No representations received at the date of this report.
Contact: Jacy Yates.
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