Eric Hung-Lin Liu Term Address: 97 Moore St, Apt #3 Cambridge, MA 02139 919-357-7695 Education Home Address: 313 Heidinger Drive Cary, NC 27511-5669 919-481-2478 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Candidate for Bachelor of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering and General Mathematics, June 2008. Coursework includes: Unified Engineering, Real Analysis I, Numerical Analysis, Complex Variables, Probabilistic Systems, Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods in PDEs, Adv. Fluid Mechanics, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Numerical Linear Algebra, Optimization Methods. GPA: 5.0/5.0 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC Attended supplemental math classes between August 2002 and December 2003: Calculus III, Applied Differential Equations I, and Linear Algebra Experience MIT Aerospace Computational Design Lab: ProjectX Cambridge, MA Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2007 to Fall 2007 Investigated a ProjectX issue with failed convergence in the presence of elements with multiple boundary conditions. Identified situations under which the problem occurs. Attempted both an numerical and analytic analysis of the problem; work is ongoing. Additionally worked with another undergraduate to demonstrate and document the viability of using time-varying linearization (for sensitivity analysis) of the primal and adjoint problems via a simple example—van der Pol oscillator. Method applies to nonlinear systems with unstable linear modes, contrasts with previous approaches involving complex, stronger linear solvers. Efforts resulted in a research paper that is in the final stages of preparation for publication. Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2005 to Spring 2006 Worked with a team of 10 graduate students developing a new computational fluids package; implemented iterative linear solvers (including Gauss-Seidel and GMRES) with preconditioning on large, sparse matrices arising from problems of fluid dynamics. Preconditioned GMRES yielded a 200 to 400% decrease in the run-time of the sparse-solver while proving to be most robust iterative scheme. Aided in updates and revisions to current coding and documentation standards to improve clarity and ease of use. MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Cambridge, MA Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Fall 2006 to Present Held 5 weekly office hours with graduate TAs to assist students with homework assignments and lab projects. Responded to student emails and engaged in weekly 1-on-1 tutoring sessions. Worked in the 2006/2007 school year in Unified Engineering, the department’s fundamental sophomore course. Additionally, graded weekly problem sets for Aerodynamics (Fall 2007), working closely with the professor to monitor students’ strengths, weaknesses, and conceptual gaps. Held 2 weekly office hours with the graduate TA and another undergraduate to aid students with homework and projects; also available by appointment. The MathWorks: Embedded MATLAB Cambridge, MA Software Developer Summer 2006 Developed numerical library functions (~20) for the EML team. Project goal is to create a MATLAB to C compiler that supported as much of MATLAB’s numerical functionality as possible while decreasing the execution time. Tasks ranged from special functions (using rational approximation) to linear algebra routines (e.g. schur, hessenberg, rcond) to making previous code more efficient in terms of operation counts and especially array accesses. Helped design an upcoming interface to the optimized BLAS and LAPACK for the EML libraries. Uncovered bugs and worked with other employees to create fixes. Skills Programming Languages: C/C++ (with basic MPI), MATLAB, Ada95, FORTRAN77, Scheme, and Java Operating Systems: Windows XP, 2000, NT 4.0, 9.x, MIT-Athena, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu Computing: MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel; Adobe Acrobat; Maple; LaTeX; Knowledgeable in PC hardware installation and troubleshooting. Languages: Fluent in Chinese (Mandarin) Additional Relevant Experiences: Investigating the Orr-Sommerfeld Equation Spring 2007 In my junior year, I researched and wrote on the stability of Poiseuille flow under small perturbations as a term project in a class on fluid mechanics. I was curious to see why turbulent transition is predicted at Re = 5772 by the well-accepted theory of small perturbations but actually observed around Re ≈ 2000. The work was fundamentally an investigation of transient growth in non-normal operators—specifically the Orr-Sommerfeld Operator. I implemented a differential equation solver based on (Chebyshev) Pseudospectral Methods, replicating numerous existing results and observing how classical, eigenvalue-based asymptotic analysis does not apply in the case of nonnormal operators. Transient effects, which can be characterized through the singular value decomposition, can induce sufficiently large growth factors such that nonlinear effects take over and the system “blows up” in a way not predicted by asymptotic analysis. Local Flow Sensing and Separation Control in Simulated Flapping Flight Fall 2007 Working with one other undergraduate and a faculty advisor (Professor Mark Drela) I investigated a theory on how bats may utilize the hairs on their wings for flow sensing. There is evidence that bats use their wing hairs to aid in flight (i.e. performance worsens when the hairs are shed). We designed an experiment to evaluate the idea that the hairs alert bats to flow separation. That is, in attached flow, the hair will experience a certain bending moment; if the flow separates, the bending moment will decrease. Bats may use this information to alter their wing geometry to prevent flow separation. We constructed a thin airfoil mated to a mechanical flapping mechanism; the device was mounted in a wind tunnel. Preston tubes measuring the average total pressure in the boundary layer served as our “hairs.” Acting on the pressure data, we implemented a PD controller to drive the pitch of the wing. With our experimental set up, we were able to reduce the maximum angle of attack by more than 50% compared to the uncontrolled case. Unfortunately there was still a separation bubble, but we believe that lag induced by smalldiameter tubing was a significant detractor to the performance of the control law. Research Interests: As indicated in my “Summary of Research” (reproduced below) posted on the CSGF website, my research interests lie predominately in the field of Finite Element Methods in a higher order (p), Discontinuous-Galerkin framework. Naturally I am also concerned with the numerous issues of unstructured mesh generation and adaptation commonly associated with DG implementations. I am working on developing DG methods, heading toward increased automation (e.g. through output-based adaptation) and decreased error with particular application to aerospace problems. Reproduced from my “Summary of Research”: Over the past few decades, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models have become a critical part of most aircraft design efforts. Unfortunately the tools in use today are not sufficiently accurate; they cannot answer modern engineering questions with a reasonable level of confidence. For example, a recent AIAA survey of various CFD solvers found a 1e-3 variation in their drag coefficient predictions, a level of error which translates to the loss of as many as 100 passengers on a long range transport aircraft. Part of the issue is that many current codes were designed to run on 1990s supercomputers–computing power which is available in today“s commodity clusters. I plan to work on the development of new high fidelity CFD routines with increased levels of automation. In particular, I am interested in Finite Element Methods in a higher order, Discontinuous-Galerkin (DG) framework. Among other advantages, higher order methods allow for increased resolution of flow phenomena and faster solution convergence. One drawback of DG is that there is redundancy in the degrees of freedom since we allow discontinuities at element boundaries. Nonetheless, DG offers significant algorithmic advantages, increased stability, and high parallelizability, making the extra cost arguably worthwhile. Given the amount of computing power available to us, higher order DG methods are potentially one way of working toward more accurate CFD models.