Eric Hung-Lin Liu Term Address: 3 Ames Street, Box 349 Cambridge, MA 02142 919-357-7695 Education Home Address: 313 Heidinger Drive Cary, NC 27511-5669 919-481-2478 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Candidate for Bachelor of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering and General Mathematics, June 2008. Coursework includes: Unified Engineering, Real Analysis I, Numerical Analysis, Complex Variables, Probabilistic Systems, Thermal Energy, Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods in PDEs, Nonlinear Dynamics, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Dynamics, Feedback Control Systems. GPA: 4.9/5.0 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC Attended supplemental math classes: Calculus III, Applied Differential Equations I, and Linear Algebra W.G. Enloe High School Raleigh, NC Ranked 2nd out of 504, May 2004. International Baccalaureate Graduate, National Honor Society, National Merit Scholar. Experience MIT Aerospace Computational Design Lab: ProjectX Cambridge, MA Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2007 to Fall 2007 Investigated a ProjectX issue with failed convergence in the presence of elements with multiple boundary conditions. Identified situations under which the problem occurs. Attempted both an numerical and analytic analysis of the problem; work is ongoing. Additionally worked with another undergraduate to demonstrate?????LKSJF:DAF Paper is in the final stages of preparation for publication. Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2005 to Spring 2006 Worked with a team of graduate students developing a new computational fluids package; implemented iterative linear solvers (including Gauss-Seidel and GMRES) with preconditioning on large, sparse matrices arising from problems of fluid dynamics. Preconditioned GMRES yielded a 200 to 400% decrease in the run-time of the sparse-solver while proving to be most robust iterative scheme. Aided in updates and revisions to current coding and documentation standards to improve clarity and ease of use. The MathWorks: Embedded MATLAB Cambridge, MA Software Developer Summer 2006 Developed numerical library functions (~20) for the EML team. Project goal is to create a MATLAB to C compiler that supported as much of MATLAB’s numerical functionality as possible while decreasing the execution time. Tasks ranged from special functions (using rational approximation) to linear algebra routines (e.g. schur, hessenberg, rcond) to making previous code more efficient in terms of operation counts and especially array accesses. Helped design an upcoming interface to the optimized BLAS and LAPACK for the EML libraries. Also uncovered bugs and worked with other employees to create fixes. NC Dept of Transportation, Division of Highways Raleigh, NC Engineering Intern Summer 2004 Worked in the Utilities Subsection with CAD: aided in a division-wide software upgrade; e.g. designing and creating new Microstation standards, simplifying old standards, integrating and demonstrating new software such as Geopak 2004, and creating application extensions to add functionality desired by DOT engineers. Skills Programming Languages: C/C++ (with basic MPI), MATLAB, Ada95, FORTRAN77, Scheme, and Java Operating Systems: Windows XP, 2000, NT 4.0, 9.x, MIT-Athena, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu Computing: MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel; Adobe Acrobat; Maple; LaTeX; Knowledgeable in PC hardware installation and troubleshooting. Languages: Fluent in Chinese (Mandarin) Activities Enloe Literary Organization Prose Editor, Co-Chief Editor Raleigh, NC Fall 2001 to Spring 2004 Served as Prose Editor for first two years: read, edited, and selected student submissions for publication; aided in design of magazine, “Stone Soup.” Co-Chief Editor for final year: directed prose, poetry, music, and publicity subsections of our organization, made final decisions on submissions, helped to design, format, and publish our magazine. Awarded 1st place in the N.C. Literary and Historical Association Literary Contest in 2002, 2nd place in 2003 and 2004.