The Hinesburg Thrust Fault is exposed in its type locality in Mechanicsville, Vermont, just northeast of Hinesburg, Vermont. Late Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian (~540-560 million years old) Fairfield Pond Phyllite and Cheshire Quartzite rocks are thrust westward approximately 6.4 km (~4 mi.) over the younger, Lower Ordovician (~500 million years old) Bascom Formation limestones and dolostones (Stanley et al, 1999). Slivers of the dark Brownell Mountain Phyllite are also present along the fault trace (Stanley et al, 1987). The Hinesburg Thrust Fault is the major structural boundary in northern and central Vermont separating the older, highly metamorphosed rift-drift sequence Taconian “hinterland” rocks to the east (phyllites and argillaceous quartzite here) and the younger, carbonate-siliciclastic rocks of the platform “foreland” to the west (limestones and dolostones here) (Figure 1: ??, 1972? ; Figure 2: Doll et al, 1961). The phyllites and quartzites form the cliffs at the Mechanicsville site, while the lower plate carbonates are poorly exposed. Interesting fault-related structures in the cliffs include: deformed fractures, isoclinal folds, shear bands, mylonitic textures, slickenlines, pressure fringes around pyrites and “Z”shaped quartz veins. References: Doll, C.G., W. Cady, J.B. Thompson, Jr., and M.P. Billings, 1961. Centennial geologic map of Vermont, State of Vermont. Stanley, R.S., K. Leonard, and B. Strehle, 1987. A transect through the foreland and transitional zone of Western Vermont; in Westerman, D., ed., NEIGC 79th Annual Mtg. Guidebook—1987, Vol. 2, p. 80-108. Stanley, R.S., T. Rushmer, C. Holyoke, and A. Lini, 1999. Faults and fluids in the Vermont foreland and hinterland in Western Vermont; in Wright, S.F., ed., NEIGC 91st Annual Mtg. Guidebook—1999, p. 135158. Stanley, R.S., and B. Strehle, ????. VGS Report. For information about other geological teaching outcrops in Vermont, please contact the Perkins Geology Museum Perkins Hall University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405-0122 (802) 656-8694 HINESBURG THRUST FAULT Mechanicsville, Vermont Insert photo here Rolfe Seaton Stanley Teaching Outcrop UVM Geology Professor, 1964-2000