INSTRUCTIONS... YOU NEED TO PUT IN YOUR BIRTH PLACE, TOWN AND STATE. ALSO, THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR OF YOUR BIRTH...You'll see where. Place a 3 cent stamp in the upper right hand corner (but only within the margin boundaries of the document !) of each page. Use red ink and place your rolled thumb print...over the bottom corner of the stamp. Then use a gold ink pen and "Print" your name :John-Doe; Smith; at an angle across the face of the stamp. Then, turn over each page of the document and place a 3 cent stamp in the Lower Right Corner of each page and repeat the same procedure for your thumb print and name as above. Also, on the BACK of each page of the document, write the following phrase... "Settlement Agreement" the left of the stamp in the center of the bottom of the page. The stamp, at approximately page 10, the last page of the first part of the initial filing and on the same level as your signature line, and right before the Proof Of Service page, will also be thumbprinted in red, and gold inked with your printed name at an angle, but with this exception: try to sign your name on the line so that the end of your written signature overlaps a bit into the stamp. You'll be thumprinting into the stamp but the thumbprint will also overlap your signature a bit. Remove all references to "3 cent stamp here" ! YOU WILL NEED A STATE CERTIFIED COPY OF YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE TO FILE IN ALONG WITH THE DOCUMENT. It will be Exhibit A...Place the BC after the last page of the filing and right before the Proof Of Service page as an Exhibit and DON'T DO ANYTHING TO IT ! You'll see there is appropriate wording at that point - use it. This document may need to be massaged a bit because of email and platform transmission problems. The pagination will probably self correct itself IF you delete this first page of Instructions after you massage the document and before you print it out. Hopefully that's the case ! 1 1 3 cent stamp here UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ________ :John-Doe; Smith; Petitioner / Grantor / Settlor Of JOHN DOE SMITH Case No. _______________ ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE _______________________ Vs UNITED STATES d/b/a CORPORATION, Or STATE OF ________ d/b/a CORPORATION Fictitious Plaintiff PETITION TO SETTLE THE DISPUTE WITH FACTS AND LAW AND ORDER FOR THE FEDERAL OR STATE COMPTROLLER TO SETTLE THE ALLEGED DEBT NOW, COMES, The Petitioner, Grantor / Settlor :John–Doe; Smith; (hereinafter Smith), one of the people on Massachusetts, and in this court of record, Presents a PETITION TO SETTLE THE DISPUTE WITH FACTS AND LAW, AND AN ORDER FOR THE FEDERAL OR STATE COMPTROLLER TO SETTLE THE ALLEGED DEBT. 2 1 This Administrative Court and its Officers are aware that all prosecutorial offices were formed under the Judiciary Act of 1789 when the inferior Courts (to the "one supreme court") were created. This Administrative Court and its Court Officials are also aware of the fact, in nature, that All judicial power in Law and Equity was amended on Feb. 5, 1795 under the Eleventh Amendment of the Constitution for the united States of America, thereby removing all judicial power and prosecutorial power to hear any cases based on claims of Law or Equity or even in controversy. When the Eleventh Amendment removed the judicial power of the Courts it removed it on both the Federal and State level Courts as well as prosecutorial powers in both jurisdictions to proceed in any case in Law or Equity or even in controversies. That same judicial and prosecution power taken from both Federal and State Courts, still, however remained with the people of the united States, in the Bill of Rights. The people retained this authority under Article III, Section 2 now making WE the People of the Preamble, the "one supreme court," and the Court and Prosecution in all cases in common law under the Articles / Amendments 7, 9, and 10. (See the Bill of Rights 7th, 9th and 10th under Amendments) Amendment 7 - Trial by Jury in Civil Cases. Ratified 12/15/1791. In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law 3 1 Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. The Administrative Court and its Officers are by lawful definition Federal employees, under, among other factors, the Clearfield Doctrine, and are private collection agencies for the UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT. At least, this is what the People are led to believe by your own Codes, Rules, Regulations, etc., and settled law. If I am wrong correct me? You also know, being educated and competent in the Law, that the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1 states the following: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” 4 1 The Supreme Court declared in the 1883, Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883), that the UNITED STATES and State Legislatures can not create, enforce or abridge any laws for or against a United States citizen. This affirms Title 42, Section 1981 "equal protection as white citizens." The Fourteenth Amendment has given ALL races the same standing in law as white citzens per Title 42, Section 1981. The Administratitive Agencies, Administrative Courts and its Officers are aware of the U.S. Statutes at Large, Vol. 48 of 1933 -1934, pages 1-112, and that in the State of Emergency, declared in 1933, that all Gold and Silver and any money (currency) of value was turned over to the United States Treasury and was to be placed in the Trust of The Comptroller of Currency thereby making that office, (COC), a Trustee of Debt on the Federal level and the State's Comptrollers on the lower case named state, to pay the all caps name of the STATE Of ___________ or the Corporation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The jurisdiction was defined in the survey track of the "metes and bounds" that defined the all caps jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES within the "forty stones" laid out around the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The names of the two, distinct jurisdictions - that of the UNITED STATES and the de jure states from which the land was taken - are on each portion of each stone which indicate jurisdiction. Referring back to the Federal Comptroller of Currency - this office also handles the discharge of debt for the all caps name - and fictional entity - such as JOHN DOE SMITH (Property of the, all caps, UNITED STATES, and/or STATE OF _______ Corporation) to whom you charged with violations of ______________ . 5 1 The Petitioner is, now, giving you the opportunity to come back into honor and do the right and lawful thing, as you are a Fiduciary Trustee of the Trust in the all caps name of JOHN DOE SMITH. Because you are an Administrative Court and its officers have failed to disclose all the parties involved (Comptroller of Currency, Court Administrator to correct and balance the books) or others to be named to which was to be given the disputed funds in this case, and have placed your offices in dishonor and have made yourself an enemy of the Corporate Fictions, the “All “caps, STATE OF ________ / UNITED STATES. It is time for the Petitioner, Smith, on behalf of JOHN DOE SMITH, to correct the dishonor of your offices, and for Smith to effect the removal of your office from the Enemy of the State list. I became the Grantor and Settlor of the Trust created under the Statutes at Large, Vol. 48, 1933- 1934, pages 1- 112. I, therefore ,will place into this Court an Order to correct this dispute and the dishonor that has come upon this Administrative Court and its Officers, and me, by your neglect of duties or lack of understanding of your job. ORDER TO BE SIGNED The Court ORDER will read as Such: The Court of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF _______ hereby Orders the Comptroller of Currency of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and / or the Ohio State Comptroller to release the Funds of the Trust of the all caps name of JOHN DOE SMITH, 6 1 and, To Settle the claim brought by the all caps UNITED STATES / STATE OF ___________against the all caps name of JOHN DOE SMITH on behalf of the Grantor / Settlor, upper and lower case name: :John–Doe: Smith; the living, breathing Man....or Woman. It is Also ORDERED that the Living Man :John–Doe; Smith; be (released from prison and) made whole again, and that the all caps fictional entity JOHN DOE SMITH be found - the last known whereabouts of this fictional entity was at the OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISON OF VITAL STATISTICS which contains this information for JOHN DOE SMITH: Day of birth _____, Month of birth_____, Year of birth ______, City or Town of birth _______________, State of birth __________ - and that the fictional entity be placed in custody. All disputed funds allegedly owed in the current complaint will be paid by either the Federal Comptroller of Currency under the UNITED STATES TREASURY or by the State of Ohio Comptroller as the last known whereabouts of JOHN DOE SMITH was already stated to be at the OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISON OF VITAL STATISTIC according to the above information. So ORDERED by THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF _______ on this date of _______________ . Payment is to be settled within 30 days of this Court ORDER. 7 1 ______________________ Administrative Law Judge The above example Order will be included with this filing to be placed on the record as ORDER TO SETTLE DISPUTE. The Petitioner, Smith is also forced to commence a further suit dealing with the violations of Securities Fraud being committed by this court and is compelled by TITLE 18, § 4. Misprision of felony to report these crimes. It is a fact that this court is aware that all cases, etc., are being converted to securities to be bought and sold on the stock market (and other venues) by and through insurance companies, etc. Once the original security note, bond, mortgage or document(s) is sold into the markets the only evidence left is a copy of the original document. Those "copies" are placed before the Administrative Courts by prosecutors and court officials are accepting these "copies" as a true/original document. The Administrative Courts and its officers know that these are "counterfeit" obligations and that forged and "counterfeit" documents are being placed before this Administrative Court in order to "re-monetize" them which is illegal. The real / original documents have already been placed into the securities exchange system for trade and commerce, and assigned CUSIP numbers (Federal Government Code, State code, County code, issuer, issue, check = Cusip Identifier). CUSIP numbers regulate the selling of securities under the Securities Act. Once this is done the debt has been cleared and discharged. For any prosecutor or Administrative Office to re-introduce these same, 8 1 now "counterfeit," securities before a court would be committing Fraud under 18 USC 471- 474(A). The penalties for these felony violations include up to 10-40 years in prison. Also, these actions include the fraud of civil rights violations by bringing such claims (suits) "in fraud" just so these counterfeit securities can be traded. These actions are felonies and outright "securities fraud." This is also called stock market manipulation and violate all applicable "anti-trust" laws. It is also a fact that the converted "copies" of these securities by the courts also go through the State Comptroller and the Comptroller of Currency of the United States to disperse the funds once they go through the money laundering stage. Through this scheme, the Comptroller can now legally produce grant money to the government. This is this Petitioner's short version of a very long story. This applies on all cases including - IRS, MORTGAGES, CREDIT CARDS, CRIMINAL CASES, TRAFFIC TICKETS, CHILD SERVICES, ETC. The Petitioner, Smith has given this court, through this filing, a number of ways to settle this dispute and has explained why the Administrative system has created a syntax, and statutory language, fraud on the people, and why the Administrative Court refuses to clarify any language. This is why the court returns rulings of "NOT WELL TAKEN" when a clarification of language document, such as a Petition or Motion, comes before any court. Further Argument The Petitioner Smith; also points out a conflict concerning the flag flying in the Courtroom. If it’s not the Constitutional Flag, is it a Military flag, and is it properly proportioned and of regulation size as defined by the United States Code, Title 4, and Army Regulation 840-10. Concerning the regulations, if the Flag flying doesn’t represent 9 1 either the Constitution or the Military, then it follows that it must be a flag of a Foreign jurisdiction. The Question is: is it a Foreign flag? The next consideration: is Roman Law and/or the Vatican influencing the court? This also brings the issue of separation of church and State. The question is, is the Petitioner being forced into a fraudulent confession under a Foreign flag by the Person acting as a judge, magistrate or a tribunal in order to clear "Them self of their sins? If it isn't a Roman Civil flag under the influence of the Vatican, and not a Constitutional flag or a Military flag, then what Foreign Flags are flying and what jurisdiction is being declared in all the Courtrooms on sovereign united States National soil? CONCLUSION The Petitioner, Smith, has set out the facts and Laws, and raised questions concerning your commercial side, religious side, the Constitutional issues and statutory regulations, and has offered a way to honorably settle this dispute against the all cap name of JOHN DOE SMITH (Property of the all caps Corporation(s)). The UNITED STATES or the STATE OF ___________ created the conflict in order to collect fraudulent funds out of the Trust Fund, created under the U.S. Statutes, Vol. 48, 1933-34, but now the Petitioner, Smith has clearly claimed. and invoked his Status as Grantor / Settlor to settle this erroneous contract claim in Honor. This now affords Petitioner Smith a 12(b)(6) remedy, and a potential remedy for you of your sins against the Truth and the Petitioner, Smith, a Living Man. Or Woman. 1 0 1 "S .Luke [sic] CHAPTER 11 52 *[sic] Woe vnto you Lawyers: for ye haue taken away the key of knowledge: ye entred not in your selues, and them that were entring in , ye ІІ [sic] hindred." The Holy Bible King James Version: 1611 Edition by Hendrickson Publishers, First Printing, Publisher's Edition October 2003 (No copyright). _____________________________ 3 STAMP HERE :John–Doe; Smith; Exhibit A - Certified Birth Certificate of JOHN DOE SMITH as the next unnumbered page and inserted after this page. PROOF OF SERVICE NOW, COMES, The Petitioner, Grantor / Settlor, :John–Doe; Smith; with a PETITION TO SETTLE THE DISPUTE WITH FACTS AND LAW AND AN ORDER FOR THE FEDERAL OR STATE COMPTROLLER TO SETTLE THE ALLEGED 1 1 1 DEBT before the Clerk Of Court of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF _____________ on this day of ___________ the month of _____________ in the year of our Lord 2010 A.D., and states that all parties of interest have been served. _____________________________ :John–Doe; Smith; Cc to 3 cent stamp here UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ____________ :John–Doe; Smith; 1 2 1 Petitioner / Grantor / Settlor Of JOHN DOE SMITH Case No. ______________________ Vs ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE _______________________ UNITED STATES dba CORPORATION OR STATE OF _________ Fictitious Plaintiff ORDER TO SETTLE DISPUTE The Court of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ____________ hereby ORDERS the Comptroller of the Currency of the District of Columbia and / or the ________ State Comptroller to release the funds of the Trust of the all caps name of JOHN DOE SMITH to Settle the claim brought by the all caps UNITED STATES / STATE OF ___________ against the all caps name of JOHN DOE SMITH, thereby Settling the dispute on behalf of the Grantor / Settlor, lower case name, :John–Doe; Smith;, the Living Man Or women. It is ALSO Ordered that the Living Man or Woman: :John–Doe; Smith; be (released from prison and) made whole, and the all caps JOHN DOE SMITH (Property of the all caps UNITED STATES and/or STATE OF _______ corporation) be found at the last know whereabouts at the OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISON OF VITAL STATISTICS which contains this information for JOHN DOE SMITH: Day of birth ________, Month of birth________, Year of birth ______, City or Town of birth 1 3 1 _______________, State of birth __________ - and such "entity" be placed in custody. All disputed funds will be paid by either the Federal Comptroller of Currency under the UNITED STATES TREASURY or by the State of Ohio Comptroller, as the last known whereabouts of the entity JOHN DOE SMITH was at the OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISON OF VITAL STATISTICS and has been since approximately the ________day of, the ______ month of, and year of __________ . So ORDERED, BY THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ___________ . Payment is to be settled within 30 days of this Court Order. Date: ____________________ ______________________ Administrative Law Judge 1 4 1