Cornwall Infrastructure Providers Group

Cornwall Infrastructure Providers Group
Draft Terms of Reference
June 2010
objectives of the Group
Produce the Cornwall Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Help produce a sound Core Strategy
Plan and deliver infrastructure which supports the vision for
the county as set out in the Cornwall Sustainable Community
 Identify the social, economic and environmental infrastructure
requirements to be delivered through the Local Area
Agreement and the Local Development Framework
 Follow a programme of infrastructure assessment, planning
and delivery in accordance with national best practice and
based on the following steps:
o Gather evidence on resources, spending
programmes, delivery outlets
o Set standards and indentify capacity and deficits
o Apply standards to current and proposed
o Identify opportunities for most effective delivery,
including shared or remodelled delivery, co-location
and specialist project management
o Review infrastructure delivery for places and
settlements with a view to improving delivery and
releasing assets for further development
o Produce the infrastructure delivery plan and delivery
schedule, identifying where, when and by whom
(funding and execution) the infrastructure will be
 Monitor the delivery of the infrastructure delivery schedule
Benefits of a fully functioning Infrastructure Providers Group
Partnership working is at the heart of the work of this group, which
will consider infrastructure issues and resolve problems
collaboratively. This approach will lead to a joined up and
programmed approach to the delivery of public infrastructure. The
approach will provide clarity and a framework for the private and
the public sector to work within. Specific benefits which will
potentially result from the group’s work are:
Increasing the efficient use of existing assets
Creating a more joined up manner of public sector capital
planning and investment
Foresee the use of public sector threshold funding to support
growth and a changing population
Developing and supporting joint delivery and collocation of
Remodelling service delivery points
Ensuring that public infrastructure is coordinated and
delivered in step with new development
Identifying infrastructure requirements for which there is no
present funding, and the coordination of funding bids for them
Confidence for the private sector about public sector
infrastructure investment
Identify potential investment opportunities for the private
Creating transparency and a sound basis for the delivery of
the Core Strategy
Provide a sound basis for a Cornwall Community
Infrastructure Levy (or similar)
Membership of the group
Assistant Head of Planning and Regeneration (Chair)
Infrastructure Lead in the Strategic Planning Policy Team
All stakeholders relevant to the planning and delivery of
infrastructure in Cornwall, both from the private and public sector
(the initial list of members of the group is attached as an appendix).
Meeting frequency
Meetings will be held at intervals of approximately 6 weeks. The
dates for 2010 are set as follows:
 29 June
 24 September
 29 October
 8 December
The overall coordination of the infrastructure delivery plan project
will lie with the homes and Communities Partnership, which forms
part of the wider Cornwall Strategic Partnership.
The Place Shaping Board will function as the group which will guide
the overall direction of the infrastructure project and will ensure
integration between this project and other projects such as the
Local Investment Plan, Single Conversation, Local Area Agreement
and Total Place work.
The secretariat of the project lies with officers in the Strategic
Planning Policy Team. The team will shortly have two dedicated
officers to the project.
A Green Infrastructure strategy for Cornwall is being developed at
present, with very direct links to this infrastructure project. Officers
in the Strategic Planning Policy Team are represented on this
project and will ensure the integration between the GI project and
the Infrastructure Delivery Plan project.
In due course it may be prudent to engage major landowners in the
infrastructure project to ensure that they have input into and are
fully signed up to the delivery of infrastructure in the county. Use
will be made of an existing major landowner group.
Appendix 1
Membership of the group
CC planning and regeneration – Terry Grove-White
CC planning and regeneration – Corine Dyke
CC transport policy – Matt Sidney
Newquay Airport – Al Titterington
CC maritime - Andy Brigden
Western Power – Phil Mann
Wales and West utilities – Ian Dunstan
SWW – Mark Beighton
EA – Shaun Pritchard
CC traffic management– Jeremy Edwards
CC public transport – Stephen Nicholson
Sustrans – Simon Murray
BT Open Reach – Andrew Tucker
EH – David Stuart
CC leisure services – Simon Blamey
CC assets – Chris Jackson
CC assets – Louise Geddes Brown
NE – Wesley Smyth
CC education – Richard Horswell
CC education capital strategy – Elizabeth Fletcher
CC education capital strategy - Vicky Thornton
Royal Cornwall Hospital – Garth Weaver
Primary Care Trust – Mike Roberts
Primary Care Trust – Mark Summers
CC 14-19 education - Andy Stittle
CC libraries – Paul Brough
Devon and Cornwall Police – Chris Vercoe
Homes and Communities Agency – Trevor Ives
Cornwall Development Company - Miles Carden
CC transport policy – Tim Wood
Network Rail – Chris Aldridge
Plymouth CC – Philip Heseltine
Low Carbon Cornwall – Peter Rugg
CC drainage/flooding – Martin Clemo
Actnow – Julian Cowans
CC waste management – Paul Martin
CC waste managements – Rachael Bice
CUC – Nigel Hewitt
Cornwall Fire & Rescue – Ted Simpson
Devon CC – Stuart Langer
CC localism – Alison Ward
Western Greyhound – Mark Howarth
First Group – Mark Reddy