This Intelligence Bulletin provides information

Cornwall Council Internal Audit Service
Schools’ Fraud Awareness Bulletin
June 2013
Cornwall Council receives intelligence related information and bulletins from
organisations (both national and local) providing information about possible
fraud risks or trends which may affect Council Services including schools.
We have just received information from Essex County Council of a scam
which may have targeted or be targeting Essex Schools.
A company claiming to be The X Factor is asking for schools to register their
interest to become involved with their annual charity single. Schools are
invited to attend a Christmas Recording taking place on 16th November 2013
at the ExCeL Centre London. The company is requesting payment of £10.00
per person. Emails may have come from,
Communications Manager Jessica Weller.
Essex County Council has informed us that they have contacted The X Factor
and ITV and have been advised by them that this is a scam. They confirmed
to Essex County Council that they would not approach schools in this manner
and would not ask for payment.
It is possible that other schools, for example those in Cornwall, could be
targeted by a similar scam and in light of this please remain vigilant.
If you have been contacted by The X Factor, received emails from the
mentioned email address, have had any dialogue with them or paid them any
money we would ask that you get in touch with Martin Fisher (Senior Trading
Standards Officer) by calling 01872 324362 or by emailing
If you have suspicions of any other possible fraudulent activity being directed
at schools, have any questions or would like advice on any fraud related
matters please do not hesitate to contact Martin Curtis, Cornwall Council
Fraud Area Manager on 01872 224291 or by emailing