STORAGE FACILITY LAND DISPOSAL RESTRICTIONS CHECKLIST Facility Name:__________________________________ Date:__________________________ Facility Representative:___________________________ Facility ID #:____________________ SIC Codes:_____________________________________ Inspector: ______________________ 40 CFR Part 268 1. Does the facility manage any waste streams that are determined to be exempt from land disposal restrictions subsequent to receipt? (268.1) Y _____ N _____ If so, Identify waste and exemption: (268.1(c and e)) Waste Exemption Waste is conditionally exempt or from households Case by case exemption under 268.5 for a specific waste from a specific facility. Approved “no migration” petition under 268.6. National Capacity Variance Expiration date:___________________ Decharacterized nonlisted wastes disposed of to a hazardous or non hazardous injection well, provided D001 high TOC wastes and D012-17 pesticide wastes meet treatment standards before injection. Wastes identified as hazardous after November 8, 1984 for which EPA has not promulgated treatment standards. De minimus losses to wastewater treatment systems. Laboratory wastes mixed with other plant wastewaters at facilities where the discharge is subject to the Clean Water Act. 2. Does the facility treat hazardous waste? Describe in narrative. Y _____ N _____ If so, is the treatment to render the waste non-hazardous or to meet LDR Treatment Standards? Y _____ N _____ Is the facility following its approved waste analysis plan for determining whether treated wastes meet LDRs? (264.13, 268.7(b)) Y _____ N _____ 3. Does the facility have records documenting treatment is effective? Y _____ N _____ 6. Is treated waste sent off site for further treatment to meet LDRs? Y _____ N _____ 7. Is treated waste sent off site for land disposal? Y _____ N _____ 8. Does the facility open and repackage lab packed material? Y _____ N _____ Inspect operating record to assure restricted waste is properly identifed on outgoing shipments and that disposal facilities are notified of applicable LDRs. Final Revision 4-25-96 Facility Name_________________________ Date_________________________ Inspector_________________________ TSDF Notification and Certification Requirements (268.7(b)) Notice Types Notice frequency Required Notice Content 1. Restricted, meets treatment standards Each shipment to next TSDF EPA waste number(s) Constituents of Concern Treatability Group Manifest Number Analysis data (where available) Certification per 268.7(b)(5)(i),(ii) or (iii) that the waste has been treated per standards 2. Restricted, requires further treatment to meet standards Each shipment to next TSDF Comply with generator notice requirements: EPA waste number(s) Constituents of Concern Treatability Group Manifest Number Analysis data (where available) 3. Hazardous debris excluded from the definition of HW under 261.3(f)(1) One time to EPA & state Name & address of subtitle D facility EPA waste number(s) Description of waste as generated Technology used to treat the waste Certification & recordkeeping per 268.7(d)(3) 4. Treater claiming characteristic wastes are no longer hazardous but contain underlying hazardous constitutents subject to further treatment Own file, initial to EPA & state w/ updates Name & address of receiving subtitle D facility EPA waste number(s) Description of waste as generated Treatability group Underlying hazardous constituents Certification statement per 268.7(b)(5)(iv) 5. If wastes are recyclable materials used in a manner that constitutes disposal Each shipment, to Regional Administrator Certification per 268.7(b)(5)(i),(ii) or (iii) that the waste has been treated per standards Notice to Regional Administrator including: EPA waste number(s) Constituents of Concern Treatability Group Analysis data (where available) Recycling facility must keep records of each entity receiving HW derived products Final Revision 4-25-96 Facility Name_________________________ Date_________________________ Inspector_________________________ Notification and Certification Requirements (268.7) 1. Is the facility complying with the notification and certification requirements when disposing of treated hazardous wastes? Check to ensure that notices made by the original generator correspond with notices made by TSDF for shipments of the waste off site. Note violations below. Manifest # Line Item Date Notice Type Waste Codes Included Defects - Comments 2. Is the facility keeping records for five years from the date of waste treatment or disposal? 268.7(a)(7) Y _____ N _____ 3. Is the facility managing a restricted waste that is excluded from the definition of hazardous waste under 261.2 - after acceptance from the initial generator? (explain in narrative) Y _____ N _____ If so, is a notice of the acceptance, subsequent exclusion and ultimate disposition of the waste placed in facility operating record? (268.7(a)(6)) Y _____ N _____ 4. Does the facility manage hazardous debris? Y _____ N _____ If so, is the waste being treated by the alternative treatment technologies provided by 268.45(b) N/A____ Y _____ N _____ If so does the facility claim the debris is excluded from the definition of hazardous waste per 261.3(e)(2) N/A____ Y _____ N _____ 5. Is the facility using a tolling agreement to accept wastes from 100 - 1000 kg/mo generators? If so, is the facility keeping copies of the one time notices made by the generators on site for 3 years from the last waste acceptance? Final Revision 4-25-96 Y _____ N _____ Y _____ N _____