INVITATION TO TENDER BARNSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Enterprising Barnsley – PR Services This tender is for the procurement of services for the completion of a PR Project for Enterprising Barnsley during the period March 2016 to 31st March 2017. Dated: October 2015 Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Westgate Plaza PO Box 598 Barnsley 1 Contents Page 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. TENDER SPECIFICATION 4-5 3. 2.1 Specification 4 2.2 Timetable of Delivery 5 2.3 Value and Duration of Contract 5 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 4. 5. 6. 5 Payment 5 WORKING ARRANGEMENTS 6 SCORING & EVALUATION OF TENDERS 6 5.1 Application 6 5.2 Evaluation Criteria 7 INSTRUCTIONS & INFORMATION FOR TENDERERS 7-11 6.1 Submission of tender 9 6.2 Freedom of Information Legislation 9 6.3 Terms and Conditions of Contract 10 6.4 Specification 10 6.5 Tenders Excluded 10 6.6 Collusive Tendering 11 6.7 Timescales 11 Response Sections Section 1 12 Section 2 15 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Enterprising Barnsley Team is the economic development arm of Barnsley MBC, which is responsible for providing support to business and entrepreneurs regardless of their stage of business, size of sector, helping to ensure that they will receive the necessary support that will enable them to prosper within the local economy. Originally the Enterprising Barnsley brand, started as an individual ERDF programme in 2009. Since its creation in 2009, it has successfully embedded itself into the fabric of Barnsley’s business community. As its reputation has increased the prominence of the Enterprising Barnsley brand has intensified, largely due to the success of the wider Enterprising Barnsley programme in successfully helping to restructure the local business and employment base. In 2015, it was decided that the Barnsley Development Agency brand and associated promotional materials would be replaced by the Enterprising Barnsley brand. A complete brand refresh would be required of all Enterprising Barnsley activity to ensure that the new Enterprising Barnsley brand sheds its former ERDF presence and incorporates an unified point of contact for: 1. New Business Starts 2. Growing Established Indigenous Companies 3. Attracting Inward Investment 4. Promoting Key Sites and Premises Additional general information about the Enterprising Barnsley Programme can be found at 3 2.0 TENDER SPECIFICATION 2.1 Specification BMBC invite tender submissions from organisations, individuals or consortium that can carry out the proposed activities detailed in this document. The successful applicant will provide PR support for BMBC’s Enterprising Barnsley Team. The PR strategy should aim to promote Enterprising Barnsley to the following target markets: Those thinking of setting up their own business in Barnsley (pre – start) Those setting up their own business in Barnsley (start up) New businesses looking for support in Barnsley (new businesses) Established Barnsley based businesses looking for support (existing businesses) Businesses located outside of Barnsley considering relocating (inward investment) The wider Yorkshire commerce press and stakeholders (for example other local authorities) Key publications such as Insider and Estates Gazette We need to appoint a PR specialist that can plan and implement the PR strategy for Enterprising Barnsley. This will include all aspects of PR such as drafting and issuing press releases, social media management, case study production, an Enterprising Barnsley quarterly newsletter and website updates. This tender is for PR services. There is a separate tender for branding, marketing materials and website development. Please complete Section 1 and Section 2. 4 2.2 2.3 Timetable of Delivery Process Tenders published Date October 29th Closing date for queries November 6th Tender submission deadline November 16th Tender scoring date November 17th Announce successful tenderers - written confirmation will be given up to 5 working days after the scoring panel November 18th Begin planning at inception meeting November 26th Value and Duration of Contract A provision of up to £18,000 exclusive of VAT is available for this contract for PR Services. The contract will commence during March 2016 and cease at the end of March 2017, however we expect the agreed supplier to start the planning and design of the commissioned activity, for an imminent start. 3.0 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 Payment A provision of up to £18,000 exclusive of VAT is available for this contract for PR Services. Invoice payments will be made by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) on a monthly basis, following the completion of milestones, against the proposed timetable for delivery, together with the receipt of a monthly summary report which will provide a comprehensive account of the support undertaken. All monthly invoiced payments will be accompanied by a breakdown of activity that is being invoiced. 5 First payment is depended upon, the submission of a comprehensive project plan; ongoing payments will be based upon the completion of key timetabled project milestones. Final payment is dependent upon, the timely completion and submission of all project reports and invoices, together with an detailed overall end of project summary / evaluation report. The Provider will be expected to submit all monthly invoices and associated supportive documentation in PDF or Microsoft Word format and emailed to by 12.00 noon on the last working day of each month. BMBC will endeavour to pay invoices within 30 days of receipt. 4.0 Working Arrangements This commission will be managed by the Business Investment Manager and other members of the Enterprising Barnsley Programme Team. It should be noted that all information accumulated as part of the project will be considered the property of BMBC at all times. The successful applicant will invoice Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) who will endeavour to pay invoices within 30 days of receipt. 5.0 Scoring & Evaluation of Tenders 5.1 Application Tender submissions will be scored on the information they submit in the PR Services Evaluation Criteria. Details and instructions on how to submit the tender form can be found in the instructions to tender documentation. 5.2 Evaluation Criteria This contract will be awarded based on the price and the quality criteria indicated below. The applicant’s quality and price submissions will be scored and those scores weighted in 6 the ratio 80:20 (quality:price). The consultant with the highest aggregate score will be considered for the work. The price assessment will be scored out of 100 points. The lowest price quoted will be awarded 100 points. The other submissions will have one point deducted for each percentage point by which the cost is above that of the lowest (e.g. a contractor tendering at a total of 20% above the lowest price will receive 80 points). Please note that any applicant who submits a tender with a price, which is above the identified budgets, will not be scored. The quality assessment will be scored out of 100 points allocated against weighted criteria as described below. The assessment panel will judge submissions based wholly on the contents of the information provided. The highest quality assessment score will be awarded 100 points. Other quality assessment scores will have one mark deducted for each percentage point by which the total is below that of the highest (e.g. a total of 20% below the best quality assessment score will receive 80 points). An example of how the overall evaluation criteria will be scored based upon the 80:20 (quality / price) split can be seen below. Assessing value out of 100% – Example evaluation 1 Quality score 2 Adjusted quality score (%age of highest score 3 Quality Weighting 4 Weighted quality score (2x3) 5 Price £ 6 Price score (%age of lowest price rounded) 7 Price weighting 8 Weighted price score (6 x7) 9 Total weighted score (4+8) 10 Ranking Quality 11 Ranking Price 12 Ranking Total Score Tender A 106 68 60 4080 156,000 99 40 3960 8040 4 2 4 Tender B 142 92 60 5520 167,000 92 40 3680 9200 2 3 1 Tender C 155 100 60 6000 194,000 79 40 3160 9160 1 4 2 Tender D 122 79 60 4740 154,000 100 40 4000 8740 3 1 3 With this example, you can see that the quality scores are lower; so, whilst the individual quality and price rankings remain the same as the prior overall weighting model, because 7 the scores are closer together we actually achieve a different result with supplier B winning this tender. Scoring quality criteria Unless stated otherwise each of the quality questions will be marked using the following criteria: 0 - Unacceptable - Information totally inadequate to be able to mark this response 1 - Very Poor - Information incomplete, significant gaps in information and lack of evidence that the provider is able to meet performance requirements and deliver a high quality service 2 - Poor - Information gives concerns that the provider may lack the ability to meet performance requirements and deliver a high quality service 3 - Average - Information indicates potential suitability but fails to demonstrate adequately the ability to meet performance requirements and provide high quality services as required 4 - Good - Information gives confidence that the provider can meet performance requirements and deliver a high quality service 5 - Excellent - Information shows that the provider has expertise to meet performance requirements and deliver a high quality service 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS & INFORMATION FOR TENDERERS Please note there is no Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) Stage, all applications will be appraised by the BMBC Business Investment Manager, working in partnership with members of the Enterprising Barnsley Team tender evaluation panel. An applicant may make contact with officers of BMBC via the YORtender system to obtain any further information about the requirements of the contract or the tendering procedures if these are not evident or clear from the documents supplied to applicants. Should questions arise during the tendering period, which in our judgement are of material significance, we will inform all applicants to explain the nature of the question, and our formal reply. All applicants should then take that reply into consideration when preparing their own bids, and we will evaluate bids on the assumption that they have done so. Except where BMBC considers that questions are not material to the procurement process and the fullest understanding of its objectives, such questions and their subsequent replies will be disseminated to all Applicants. Applicants should note in relation to all responses to questions in connection with this invitation to tender that Enterprising Barnsley makes no 8 guarantee that such information in response to questions will be made available and are not warranting its accuracy. Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the instruction to tender document. Any change that is considered material by BMBC as to the identity or control of an applicant, or in the eligibility of an Applicant, happening before or after the tenderers has submitted their response to the Invitation to Tender, will lead to its disqualification. Where the Applicant is a consortium, the lead consortium member must remain the same. The full consortium membership must be disclosed and set at the time of submission of the Invitation to Tender response and there must be no material changes in the consortium after the tender submission. BMBC must be advised of any change in the consortium membership or in the principal relationships between members of the consortium. Any change, which is considered material, will lead to the Applicant’s disqualification. Work undertaken by individuals who are not named in the application will not be funded. Tenders will be rejected if any of the requested information is not supplied in accordance with the tender requirements. BMBC reserves the right, at its discretion, to request clarification in writing, or further relevant information, from any applicant post submission of the tender. BMBC expressly reserves the right not to award any contract as a result of this procurement process and it shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Applicants. BMBC also reserves the right to accept all or any part of a tender. 6.1 Submission of tender All responses to this invitation to tender must be in English. Interested organisations or individuals should submit their proposal via the YORtender System by 12 pm on Monday 16th November 2015. Tenders will be received up to the time and date stated. It is the Applicants’ responsibility to ensure that their tender is submitted on time. 9 6.2 Freedom of Information Legislation BMBC may be obliged to disclose information provided by Applicants in response to this Invitation to Tender under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all subordinate legislation made under this and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“the Freedom of Information Legislation”). Applicants should be aware that the information they provide could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. BMBC will proceed on the basis of disclosure unless an appropriate exemption applies. Applicants should be aware that despite the availability of some exemptions, information may still be disclosed if the public interest in its disclosure outweighs the public interest in maintaining the exemption. No response to this tender should be covered by a general statement regarding its overall confidentiality. BMBC accepts no liability (including for negligence) for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information legislation. Applicants should highlight information in their responses, which they consider to be commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, and should state the precise reasons why they consider this. BMBC will use reasonable endeavours to consult with Applicants over the release of information, which is highlighted by them as commercially sensitive or confidential. 6.3 Terms and Conditions of Contract All services supplied under this contract will be supplied under the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council terms and conditions of contract. No variations to the terms and conditions will be considered. Applicants must note that any bids tabling proposed amendments may be rejected without further consideration. 10 6.4 Specification For the avoidance of doubt, the contract specification shall include all requirements explicit or implied within the invitation to tender. It must be recognised that BMBC reserve the right to withdraw this tender document and all funding contained within it without notice. 6.5 Tenders Excluded No tender will be considered for acceptance if the applicant has indulged or attempted to indulge in any corrupt practice or canvassed the tender with an officer of BMBC. If an applicant has indulged or attempted to indulge in such practices and the tender is accepted, then grounds shall exist for the termination of the contract and the claiming damages from the successful applicants. It is unlikely that any tender will be accepted which (a) is incomplete or inaccurately or inadequately completed or which purports to impose conditions other than those provided in the contract documents and (b) is delivered out of time or in a manner other than specified in the specification (c) does not provide the necessary information requested in the tender document. 6.6 Collusive Tendering The Applicant also certifies that at no time, before or following the submission of the tender, has the Applicant carried out any of the following acts: i) offering or paying or giving or agreeing to give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above. The context of this clause the word ‘person’ includes any persons and any body or association, corporate or unincorporated; and ‘any agreement or arrangement’ includes any 11 such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not. 6.7 Timescales Process Tenders published Date October 29th Closing date for queries November 6th Tender submission deadline November 16th Tender scoring date November 17th Announce successful tenderers November 18th Begin planning during inception meeting November 26th 12 Section 1 Contact Information 1.1 Name of the organisation or individual in whose name the tender is submitted 1.2 Contact name for enquiries about this application 1.3 Contact position 1.4 Address including postcode 1.5 Telephone number 1.6 Mobile number for contact name 1.7 Email address 1.8 Website address 1.9 Company registration number 1.10 Date of company registration 1.11 Company registered address if different from above 1.13 Is your organisation: Limited Company If other, please specify: 13 Insurances Please provide details of your current insurance cover, all applicants must have this level of insurance in place in order to pass Section 1 : Value 1.1 1.2 1.3 Employer’s liability (minimum of Ten million pounds) Public liability (minimum of Five million pounds for claims) Professional indemnity (minimum of One Million pounds) Note The successful tenderers will be asked to provide certificates of their insurance covers. Professional and Business Standing Do any of the following apply to your organisation, or to any of the directors /partners /proprietors / staff / associates. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Is in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency, compulsory winding up, receivership, composition with creditors, or subject to relevant proceedings. Has been convicted of a criminal offence related to business or professional conduct. Has committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of business. Has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security contributions. Has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of taxes. Is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying information. Is not in possession of relevant licences or membership of an appropriate organisation where required by law. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Note If ‘YES’ is answered to any of the questions in Section 2 then the application will automatically be rejected. Declarations of Interest 4.1 Please identify if any members of your organisation’s personnel directly involved in this contract have been employed by BMBC . If so, give details of when and in what capacity. 4.2 Please identify if any of your organisation’s employees directly involved in this contract are related to any BMBC staff. If so, give details of relationship. 14 Signed Declaration I declare to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted in this tender and any supporting documents are correct. I understand that the information will be used in the evaluation process to assess my organisation’s suitability to be awarded a contract to deliver work within the Enterprising Barnsley – PR Services. Form completed by: 5.1 Name 5.2 Position 5.3 Date 5.4 Telephone number 5.5 Email address 5.6 Signature ……………………………………………………….. 15 Section 2 The Aim We need an effective PR strategy that helps to promote and strengthen the Enterprising Barnsley brand. This should include a calendar of activities that spans a 12-month period from March 1st 2016 to the 1st March 2017. The PR strategy should aim to promote Enterprising Barnsley to the following target markets: Those thinking of setting up their own business in Barnsley (pre – start) Those setting up their own business in Barnsley (start up) New businesses looking for support in Barnsley (new businesses) Established Barnsley based businesses looking for support (existing businesses) Businesses located outside of Barnsley considering relocating (inward investment) The wider Yorkshire commerce press and stakeholders (for example other local authorities) Key publications such as Insider and Estates Gazette The Requirement We need to appoint a PR specialist that can plan and implement the PR strategy for Enterprising Barnsley. This will include all aspects of PR such as drafting and issuing press releases, social media management, case study production, an Enterprising Barnsley quarterly newsletter and website updates. We have a maximum budget of £18,000 ex vat for this tender. The winning bidders responsibilities will include: a) Agreeing the PR strategy for the 12-month period with the Enterprising Barnsley team 16 b) Implementing the PR strategy for the 12-month period c) Producing, issuing and measuring monthly press releases d) Issuing monthly updates to the Enterprising Barnsley team e) Issuing daily updates on key social networks (i.e. Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn) f) Case studies as and when required g) Producing a quarterly newsletter h) Uploading press releases, case studies and newsletters to the Enterprising Barnsley website i) Adding web content when required (working with ALciumn Software used within the website) Each question should be responded to on no more than one side of A4, font size 11 unless otherwise stated (Question 5). The total potential marks available for each question are identified. Methodology 1. How would you go about delivering the PR requirements? (20 marks) 2. What metrics of success would you measure your work against? (10 marks) 3. What added value would you bring to the project? (10 marks) Timescales 4. The PR strategy needs to be agreed by January 29th 2016. Illustrate your suggested detailed time plan and what could affect this. (10 marks) Experience/Success 5. What is your experience and previous success in delivering similar PR projects? (20 marks) 17 This should be provided in the form of 2 case studies of PR led projects that include an overview of the original brief. All case studies should include the name of the company and as a minimum your response should include: A description of the PR work undertaken (50%) The impact of the PR work undertaken (50%) 2 case studies must be provided otherwise the application will be rejected. Case studies must be submitted in an electronic or scanned format. Each case study should be detailed in Font Size 11 and on no more than 2 pages of A4 and 2 pages of images. Each case study will score a maximum of 10 points on the basis of 5 points each for parts A and part B. 6. Please detail the details and credentials of the team that you intend to work on this project. (10 marks) Pricing 6. Please detail your costs for meeting the PR requirements. (20 marks) 18