Solution of Electrolyte ※ Definition: Electrochemistry - A science concerned with the properties of solutions of electrolytes and with processes occurring when electrodes are immersed in these solutions. ※ Electrolyte: Nonelectrolyte - solution can not dissociate, e.g. sucrose. Electrolyte - solution can be dissociated into ions, e.g. NaCl, CH3COOH. ★ Strong electrolyte - greater extent of dissociation, e.g. NaCl. ★ Weak electrolyte - weak extent of dissociation, e.g. CH3COOH. ※ Molar conductivity: From Ohm’s law, the resistance R is defined to be: R V I The reciprocal of the resistance is the electrical conductance, G, which is defined by G 1 R . The electrical conductance of material of length l and 1 cross-sectional area A is given by: G A l For a solution of an electrolyte,κis called the electrolytic conductivity. Its unit is cm . 1 -1 However, the electrolytic conductivity is not a suitable quantity for comparing the conductivities of different solutions, since the electrolytic conductivity depends on the concentration of solution. It is defined the molar conductivity as. cm mol 1 2 1 C Strong electrolyte - the molar conductivity of strong electrolyte falls very slightly as the concentration is raised. Weak electrolyte - the molar conductivity of weak electrolyte decreases largely when concentration is raised. ※ Weak electrolytes: The Arrhenius theory ☆ Kohlrausch observations: The heat of neutralization of a 2 strong acid by a strong base in dilute solution was practically the same (~54.7 kJ/mole@25℃) ☆ Arrhenius theory: electrolyte produces certain degree of dissociation. The degree of dissociation is defined by 0 ☆ Van’t Hoff observations: The osmotic pressures of solutions of electrolytes were always considerably higher than predicted by the osmotic pressure equation for nonelectrolyte. i C R Tfor electrolyte solutions where i is the Van’t Hoff factor. The degree of dissociation could be determined by: i1 1 whereυis the number of ions produced. ☆ Ostwald’s dilution law: For weak electrolyte AB, the equilibrium constant is given by K n 2 2 1 V is larger; C is smaller αis larger C C V 1 ※Strong electrolytes: 3 Concentration Observed freezing point (℃) Freezing point lowering/mole 0.0001m NaCl -0.000372 3.72 0.001m NaCl -0.00366 3.66 0.01m NaCl -0.0361 3.61 0.1m NaCl -0.347 3.47 ☆ Arrhenius theory fails in strong electrolyte because the conductivity of strong electrolyte does not vary largely compared with that of weak electrolyte. ☆ Debye-Huckel theory: Ions in electrolyte solutions are completely random. More negative ions tend to be attracted into the neighborhood of positive ions. The decrease in the molar conductivity of a strong electrolyte was attribute to the interaction between opposite ions. The concentration is higher, the interaction is larger. Two effects are pronounced in the strong electrolytes: Asymmetry effect (非對稱效應): Ions motion under potential applied is retarded by the interaction of opposite solute ions in the behinds. Electrophoretic effect (電泳效應): Ions motion under potential applied is retarded by the interaction of opposite solvent ions in the behinds. 4 Conductivity slight decrease due to the asymetry effect and electrophoretic effect. Debye-Huckel-Omsager equation: P Q C 0 0 where P and Q are constant. The D-H-O equation fails to predict the conductivity of strong electrolyte when ions association is enhanced: Solvent with low dielectric constant - low dipole moment Higher valence of ions, e.g. Zn2+SO42- - ion association. Electrolyte with different valence of ions, e.g. Na2SO4 - ion association of Na+SO42-. ☆ The theory of ions association: An associated ion is formed when the separation between the opposite charge of ions is≦0.358 nm. ※ Independent migration of ions: ◇ Kohlrausch’s observations (1875): Each ion make its own contribution to the molar conductivity, irrespective of the nature of the other ion with which it is associated. Electrolyte 0 Electrolyte 5 0 difference 1 2 KCl 149.9 NaCl 126.5 23.4 KI 150.3 NaI 126.9 23.4 130.1 23.4 153.5 K SO 2 Na SO 1 4 2 2 4 ◇ Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions: 0 0 0 where and are the ion conductivities of cation and 0 0 anion, respectively. ◇ The ion conductivity is given by the volume of the cube : unit the potential drop: V the concentration of univalent positive ion: C+ the mobility of ion: u+ the speed of ion: u+V charge k current potential drop unit time FC u V Fu C potential drop V The molar conductivity is given by: 0 Fu C where F is the Faraday’s constant, u+ is the ionic mobility (m2V-1s-1) and C+ is the ion concentration. 6 ※ Transport numbers(遷移數): ☆ Ion mobility is hard to determine; the conductivity is determined using the transport number. ☆ Transport number is the fraction of the current by each ion present in solution. ☆t u u u n 0 0 for positive ion ; t u u u n 0 0 for negative ion ※ Faraday’s law of electrolysis: The mass of an element produced at an electrode is proportional to the quantity of electricity Q passed through the liquid. The mass of an element liberated at an electrode is proportional to the equivalent weight of the element. Faraday’s law is independent of P, T, electrode materials, and electrolyte solution. ※ Determination of transport number: ☆ Hittorf method (1853): 7 The solution contains M+A-. 1F current passing. M+: t 96500C electricity. M-: t 96500C electricity. Anode: loss of t+ mole of M+. Cathode: loss of t- mole of A-. + - loss of anode compartment loss of cathode compartment t t ☆ Moving boundary method (Lodge, 1886/Dampier, 1893): the transport numbers of the ions in the electrolyte MA is to be measured. Two indicators, M’A and MA’ which have a common ion with MA are selected. M’+ moves slowly than M+; A’- moves slowly than A-. The original boundary at a and b. As the current flows, the new boundary at a’ and b’. aa aa bb t ; bb aa bb ☆ One-boundary movement: aa where Q: the charge flow 8 t t Q FCA F: the Faraday’s constant C: the concentration of electrolyte A: the cross section of tube. ※ Determination of ion conductivity: Determination of transport number: t ; t 0 For any strong electrolyte: 0 0 For any weak electrolyte: Applying Kohlrausch’s law. MA MCl NaA NaCl 0 0 0 0 where MCl, NaA, and NaCl are strong electrolyte. e.g. CH COOH HCl CH COONa NaCl 0 0 0 3 0 3 ※ Effect of ion conductivity: (A) Hydration: water approaches the small ion more closely. Rb+>K+>Na+>Li+ (B) Solvent effect: especial for H+ in hydroxylic solvent e.g. water, methanol, and ethanol etc. H H O H O 2 3 H O H O H O+ H O Grotthuss mechanisms (1805) 3 2 2 3 ※ Application of ionic conductivity: (A) Diffusion coefficient: 9 D K BT Q u RT 2 F z where Q is the charge of the ion Fz and z is the N A charge number of the ion. (B) Viscosity: Walden’s rule constant ※ Activity coefficient: (A) Review of ideal solution: ★ Properties of ideal solution: Property 1: The equilibrium partial vapor pressure of each component of an ideal solution is equal to the product of the equilibrium vapor pressure of the pure substance time its mole fraction, i.e. P P x . * i i i Property 2: The entropy change of mixing of an ideal solution is the same as the mixing of ideal gases. (B) Activity coefficient for real solution: Most solutions are not ideal, because there is an interaction between molecules. Especially, there is electrostatic interaction between ions in electrolyte solution. The extent to which the activity of a non-ideal solution deviates from that of an ideal solution is specified by the activity coefficient,γ, which is 10 a defined by: i i xi . (C) Ionic strength (I): The activity coefficient is affected by the electrostatic interactions. For an electrolyte solution, the electrostatic interaction could be described by the ionic strength, which is introduced by G. N. Lewis: I 1 C z 2 1 C z ...... C z 2 2 1 2 2 i 2 i where Ci is the molar concentration of the ion i. zi is the charge number of the ion i. (D) The Debye-Hückel limiting law: The activity coefficient of real solution is given by: log z B I 2 i i 1 1 if water is used as solvent @25℃, B is 0.51 mol . 2 2 For an electrolyte solution, at least two types of ions must be present; therefore, a mean activity coefficient is used to describe the activity coefficient of real solution. coefficient is defined by: The mean activity ; e.g. 2 1 3 for ZnCl2. For aqueous solution@25℃, the mean activity coefficient can be determined by: log 0 . 51 z z 11 I mole This equation is called the Debye-Hückel limiting law (DHLL). (E) Mean activity coefficient in high concentration: The Debye-Hückel limiting law is only valid at extremely low concentrations. At high concentration, the electrostatic interaction becomes very large. The activity coefficient may be determined by using the extend Debye-Hückel law: log B z z I 1 aB I CI where B and B’ are constants; a is the mean ionic diameter. ※ Effect of ionic strength on equilibrium: ☆ Dissociation constant: HA H A For the dissociation of weak acid: H A HA K a HA Assumed dissociation constant isα. If solution is dilute, 1 and , then K 2 HA a C 2 1- 2 the activity coefficient is given by og z z B I B I C og og K 2B I 1 2 a ☆Solubility product: 12 I For AgCl, the solubility product is given by: K Ag s Cl Ag Cl 2 At low I, decreases as I increases. At high I, increases as I increases. ↓, solubility↑, called salting in. ↑, solubility↓, called salting out. ☆ Donnan equilibrium: ◆ Situation 1: Na+ and Cl- both are diffusible through membrane. at equilibrium, [Na+] 1=[Na+] 2 [Cl-] 1=[Cl-] 2 ◆ Situation 2: one side with Na+ and non-diffusible P-; another side with Na+ and Cl-. 13 Na+ and Cl- are both diffusible. P- are nondiffusible. Charge balance. x 2 c2 c1 2c 2 Donnan equilibrium. 14