SCRAP Bin Workshop Instructor Guidelines and Application SCRAP Bin hosts on-site workshops that are presented by instructors who creatively reuse recyclable items. Instructors may include independent artists, teachers, master gardeners, environmental advocates, humanitarian relief workers, and other community volunteers. The goals of our workshops are as follows: 1. To teach participants how to engage in creative reuse using recycled materials; participants will complete a creative reuse project 2. To recharge everyone's creative batteries, and 3. To have FUN! Requirements for the workshop instructor: 1. Submit workshop application. The SCRAP Bin Workshop Director will contact you if the workshop is approved. Once approved, the presenter will need to do the following: 2. Attend a brief meeting with the SCRAP Bin Workshop Director to tour SCRAP Bin and discuss your workshop goals, material needs, timeframe and fee. 3. Fill out and sign a letter of agreement. 4. Write a simple, one page list of directions for your project to be made available for workshop participants either via handout or to be displayed at the workshop. Additionally, a copy should be provided to the Workshop Director. 5. During your workshop, share with participants SCRAP Bin’s goals of environmental stewardship through creative reuse and how your workshop meets those goals. 6. Maintain a safe environment and supervise participants at all times - in keeping with the policies and liabilities of SCRAP Bin. 7. Arrive one hour before the start of your workshop to set up. 8. Allow time in your workshop to involve participants in clean up; put tools and materials away and leave the workshop site as you found it. 9. Share photos and at least one example of the finished product with SCRAP Bin for the workshop bulletin board, website and gallery. 10. Sign invoice and give it to the SCRAP Bin Workshop Director 1 SCRAP Bin Workshop Instructor Guidelines and Application 2 Instructor Fee The workshop instructor’s fee comes directly from the participants’ fees. Typically a minimum of 8 participants are needed in order for the workshop “to make.” SCRAP Bin will keep 25% of the proceeds for our costs. Depending on the workshop, a materials fee may be charged in addition to the workshop registration fee. SCRAP Bin will promote your workshop through our monthly mailings and on our website. We encourage the workshop instructor to also spread the word to generate interest in his/her upcoming workshop. SCRAP Bin Workshop Presenter Application Name: Date: Address: City: State: Phone: Email: ZIP: Tell us a little about yourself: Workshop Information Workshop Title: Age Group: Length of workshop: Proposed workshop fee per participant: Materials fee per participant (if necessary): Workshop Goals: Please provide a description of the workshop you would like to teach. What will people learn? What will they leave with? Anything else you’d like us to know? (Use back if necessary)