Development Plan for ICT 200_ to 20__ Element 1: Leadership and Management 1a. The Vision for ICT Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsibl e: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: 1a.1 The Vision Create a development plan for ICT. A Vision Statement for ICT 533566156 1 Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date achieved: Evidence: Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Resource Professional Implications: Development 1a-2 Development and Ownership of vision Vision to be shared with staff and governing body. 1a-3 Reviewing the vision To review the vision on a regular basis. 533566156 2 Success Criteria: Monitorin g and evaluation Date achieved: Evidence: 1b. A Strategy to achieve the ICT vision Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Resource Professional Implications: Development 1b-1 Strategic Leadership Ensure all staff aware of strategy to achieve the vision, resulting in an ‘identifiable impact across the school’. 1b-2 Operational Leadership 1b-3 A strategy to achieve the vision 1b-4 Whole school planning for ICT 1b-5 Budgetary effectiveness 533566156 3 Success Criteria: Monitoring Date and achieved: evaluation Evidence: for ICT 1b-6 Sustainability 533566156 4 1c. The use of ICT to improve organisational effectiveness and efficiency Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 1c-1 Use of management information systems 1c-2 Use of performance data 1c-3 Communications 1c-4 Security & Safety 1c-5 Data Protection and Freedom of Information 1c-6 Working Practices 533566156 5 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date achieved : Evidence : 1d Monitoring and evaluation Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 1d -1 Monitoring & evaluating effectiveness of the strategy 1d-2 Evaluation of impact 1d-3 Range and quality of evidence 533566156 6 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date achieved: Evidence: Element 2: Curriculum 2a The planned ICT curriculum Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 2a-1 The development of pupils’ ICT capability 2a-2 Application of ICT capability across the curriculum 2a-3 The planned use of ICT to support learning and teaching 2a-4 Matching capability to opportunities 2a-5 Recognition(and accreditation where applicable) 533566156 7 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 2b Pupil’s actual ICT experiences Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 2b-1 Breadth of development for ICT capability 2b-2 Breadth of other ICT experiences 2b-3 Consistency of experiences 533566156 8 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 2c Curriculum leadership and review Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 2c-1 Curriculum Leadership 2c-2 Curriculum development 2c-3 Review of the curriculum 533566156 9 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Element 3: Learning and Teaching 3a Teacher’s planning, use and evaluation Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 3a-1 Planning for ICT in learning and teaching 3a-2 Planning for ICT as a means of promoting inclusion 3a-3 Building on prior learning 3a-4 Extent of ICT use for learning and teaching 3a-5 Quality of use of ICT for learning and teaching 3a-6 Ongoing critical evaluation 533566156 10 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 3b Learning with ICT Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 3b-1 Pupils’ learning with ICT 3b-2 Effective and safe use of digital resources 3b-3 Pupil's understanding about their learning with ICT 533566156 11 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 3c Leadership of learning and teaching Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 3c-1 Leadership of learning and teaching with ICT 3c-2 Transfer and transition 3c-3 Developing practice with ICT 533566156 12 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Element 4: Assessment 4a Assessment of, and with ICT Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 4a-1 Reliability 4a-2 Self- and peerassessment 4a-3 Dialogue 4a-4 Using ICT to support assessment 4a-5 Targets for improving ICT capability 533566156 13 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Element 5: Professional Development 5a Planning Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 5a-1 Identifying individual staff skills and needs 5a-2 Identifying whole-school ICT development needs 533566156 14 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 5b Implementation Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 5b-1 Meeting school and individual ICT needs 5b-2 Quality of professional development 5b-3 Coaching, mentoring and individual support 5b-4 Sharing effective practice 5c Review Target: 5c-1 Monitoring and evaluation 533566156 15 Element 6: Extending Opportunities for Learning 6a Awareness and Understanding Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 6a-1 Understanding 6a-2 Pupils and families 6a-3 The community and partner organisations 533566156 16 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 6b Planning and implementation Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 6b-1 Leadership for extending learning 6b-2 Pupils 6b-3 Families 6b-4 Evaluation 533566156 17 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Element 7: Resources 7a Provision Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 7a-1 Physical environments 7a-2 Sufficiency and suitability of resources 7a-3 Digital learning resources 7b Access Target: 7b-1 ICT supporting efficient working practices 7b-2 Technical support 7c Management Target: 7c-1 Procurement 7c-2 Evaluation 533566156 18 of ICT resources 533566156 19 Element 8: Impact on Pupil Outcomes 8a Pupil’s progress in ICT capability Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development 8a-1 Pupils' progress in ICT capability across the key stages 8a-2 ICT progress of different groups (e.g. by gender, ethnicity, social disadvantage etc) 8a-3 Independence in working with ICT 533566156 20 Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 8b Pupil’s progress more widely Target: Key Actions: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: Personnel Responsible: Timescale: Continuing Professional Development Resource Implications: Success Criteria: Monitoring and evaluation Date Evidence: achieved: 8b-1 Breadth and range 8b-2 Thinking and learning skills 8b-3 Creativity 8c Attitudes and behaviour Target: Key Actions: 8c-1 Attitudes to learning 8c-2 Engagement in learning 8c-3 Motivation 533566156 21