INDIVIDUAL REPORT UPRM - HYDRO CLIMATE /RAMIREZ/HARMSEN (Performance period: March 1, 2008 to August 31, 2008) RESEARCH COMPONENT Thrust: Precipitation and Water Resources Thrust 1a: Hydro Climate Project 2: Validate Existing Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Relevance to NOAA’s mission and the strategic plan This study will provide information related to the strengths and weaknesses of the NOAA’s operational Hydro-Estimator rainfall algorithm, and will help to guide the development of the GOES-R era algorithm. This project will contribute directly to NOAA’s goals of supporting activities directed toward helping to sustain healthy coastal areas, improving weather forecasting and warnings, provide improved environmental forecasts/analyses, and to prepare for future NOAA operational environmental satellite missions. This project will contribute to improving the reliability, lead-time, and understanding of weather and water information and services that predict changes in environmental conditions; expand and enhance advanced technology monitoring and observing systems to provide accurate, up-to-date information. Relevance to NOAA Line Office (i.e., National Weather Service, National Ocean Service) strategic plan. The project is producing results relevant to the NWS in Puerto Rico. This project supports the following goals of NOAA and its Line Office by: expanding sources of reliable observational data, continued integration of environmental sciences, providing data to satisfy the increased demand for NWS warnings and response, will produce advances in science and technology, will expand climate information, and will provide more explicit and more useful measures of forecast certainty. Supervising PI or Co-Is (only faculty member(s) at your institution) Dr. Eric Harmsen, Nazario Ramírez, Ramón Vásquez Publications (during performance period): -Total Journal Publications 3 -Journal Publications with Students 5 Harmsen, E. W., S. E. Gomez Mesa, E. Cabassa, N. D. Ramírez-Beltran, S. Cruz Pol, R. J. Kuligowski And R. Vasquez, 2008. Satellite sub-pixel rainfall variability. International Journal of Systems Engineering, Applications and Development, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. (accepted) Ramirez-Beltran, N., R. J. Kuligowski, E. W. Harmsen, J. M. Castro, S. Cruz-Pol, and M. J. Cardona, 2008. Rainfall Estimation from Convective Storms Using the Hydro-Estimator and NEXRAD. Satellite sub-pixel rainfall variability. International Journal of Systems Engineering, Applications and Development, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. (accepted) Ramírez Beltran, N. D., J. M. Castro, E. W. Harmsen and R. Vásquez Espinoza, 2008. Stochastic transfer function model and neural networks to estimate soil moisture. J. of the American Water Resources Association, Vol. 44, No. 4:847-865. -Total Refereed Proceedings 3 -Refereed Proceedings with Students 3 Harmsen, E. W., S. E. Gomez Mesa, N. D. Ramírez-Beltran, R. J. Kuligowski, and R. Vasquez, 2008. Remote sensing QPE uncertainties associated with sub-pixel rainfall variation. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Heraklion, Greece, July 22-24, 2008. Pages 789-798. Pages 799-806. Ramirez-Beltran, N. D., R. J. Kuligowski, E. W. Harmsen, J. M. Castro, S. Cruz-Pol, and M. J. Cardona-Soto, 2008. Validation and Strategies to Improve the Hydro-Estimator and NEXRAD over Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Heraklion, Greece, July 22-24, 2008. Pages 789-798. Ramirez Builes, V. H., E. W. Harmsen, and T.G. Porch, 2008. Estimation of actual evapotranspiration using measured and calculated values of bulk surface resistance. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008. May 13-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii. -Books Dollar amount of funds leveraged with CREST funds (report for the performance period ONLY) $20,000 from NASA – GSFC. Project title: Rapid Detection of Soils and Drinking Water Sources Impacted by Salt Water Flooding. Eric Harmsen, PI, UPRM and Leonid Roytman, Co-PI, CUNY. This project grew out of a relationship developed on the NOAA-CREST Project. We hope to take advantage of the Cooperative Agreement between CUNY and UPR to enlist students research assistants on this project. See Appendix 1. Ongoing, New or Revised? This is an ongoing project Staff Students MS o Melvin Cordona, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2 Undergraduate Students: o Edvier Cabassa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering o Orlando Santiago from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering o Pablo Mejias from the Department of Civil Engineering NOAA Collaborators (with Affiliations) o Dr. Robert J. Kuligowski, at NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) o Israel Matos from the National Weather Service, San Juan, Puerto Rico Other Collaborators (with Affiliations) o Dr. Daniel Lindsey from Cooperative the Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University o Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico. o Dr. Mark Jury, Department of Physics, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Campus. Operational Impact (Has Research been /or planned to be transitioned to operation) N/A • Other Activities Presentation: 1. Remote sensing QPE uncertainties associated with sub-pixel rainfall variation. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Heraklion, Greece, July 22-24. Presenter: Eric Harmsen 2. Estimation of actual evapotranspiration using measured and calculated values of bulk surface resistance. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008. May 13-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii. Presenter: Eric Harmsen 3. Validation and Strategies to Improve the Hydro-Estimator and NEXRAD over Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Heraklion, Greece, July 22-24. Presenter: Nazario Ramirez 3 Status of the project with respect to the goals/objectives and benchmarks previously identified Tasks (For year II as per the Milestone Chart) (provide a brief narrative on each task with reasons if any for the delay) Task (3) Validate NESDIS HE & GMSRA Rainfall Algorithms for Puerto Rico. Owing to technical issues, our contact at NESDIS, Dr. Robert Kuligowski, has recommended that we not pursue validation of GMSRA at this time. The accuracy of the HE and the NEXRAD rainfall estimates were measured by decomposing the rainfall process in sequences of discrete (rain / no rain) and continuous (rainfall rate) random variables. Validation results were based on seven heavy storms that seriously impacted human life and the economy of PR during the period 2003 to 2007. Additional details are presented in Appendix 2. In our previous reports we described validation efforts related to the HE at the GOES pixel scale (4 km x 4 km). The HE performed poorly when compared with the pixel-scale rain gauge network. Therefore efforts are underway to improve the HE. Until the new algorithm is ready, pixel scale validation efforts will be suspended. During the reporting period efforts were focused on the quantification of sub-pixel scale rainfall variability. The results were published in a peer-review proceedings of the WSEAS and an extended paper will be published in the WSEAS Journal of Systems. For more detail please refer to Appendix 3. Task (4) Develop a Validation Algorithm A validation algorithm has been developed to measure the accuracy of the rainfall retrieval algorithms. Validation of the rainfall retrieval algorithm consists of comparing the rainfall estimates with corresponding observations (rain gauges in this study). The accuracy of rainfall estimates can be measured by decomposing the rainfall process as sequences of discrete and continuous random variables; i.e., the presence or absence of rainfall events (discrete variable) and the amount of rainfall (continuous variable). The occurrence of rainfall events in a given area and at a particular time follows a Bernoulli process and consequently the estimation accuracy of rainfall events can be conducted by analyzing a contingency table, which is the bivariate probability distribution of rainfall events. See Appendix 2 for more details. Task (5) Improve NESDIS Rainfall Algorithm It is known that precipitation processes in clouds with warm tops are very sensitive to the microphysical structure of their tops. Specifically, precipitation processes are more efficient when water droplets or/and ice particles grow to larger sizes. It has been shown that the uses of the reflected portion of the near-IR during the daytime indicates the presence large cloud-top particles and suggest rain in warm-top clouds. Preliminary work was conducted to explore improving the HE warm rainy-cloud detection using the GOES band 2 (3.9 µm) reflectance during the daytime. 4 This will be used as a proxy for cloud-top particle size to identify any correlation with the presence or absence of rain from warm-topped clouds over PR. In this work we presente the estimation of daytime reflectance of band 2. See Appendix 2 for additional details. Task (6) Validate NESDIS-SCaMPR Model over the US and Puerto Rico The NESDIS-SCaMPR model was not validated for Puerto Rico since this algorithm is limited to perform rainfall estimation above latitude 20oN or above. The second reason was because our NESDIS advisor suggested we invest time on validating and improving the HE since this is a NOAA/NESDIS operational algorithm, and since the HE estimates of rainfall are very poor in the Caribbean region. 5 Project 3: Flood Forecasting using Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates Relevance to NOAA’s mission and the strategic plan This project will contribute directly to NOAA’s goals of supporting activities directed toward helping to sustain healthy coastal areas, improving flood forecasting and warnings. This project will contribute to improving the reliability, lead-time, and understanding of flooding and services that predict changes in environmental conditions; expand and enhance advanced technology monitoring and observing systems to provide accurate, up-to-date information. Relevance to NOAA Line Office (i.e., National Weather Service, National Ocean Service) strategic plan. The project is producing results relevant to the NWS in Puerto Rico. This project supports the following goals of NOAA and its Line Office by: expanding sources of reliable observational data, continued integration of environmental sciences, providing data to satisfy the increased demand for NWS warnings and response, will produce advances in science and technology, will expand climate information, and will provide more explicit and more useful measures of forecast certainty. Supervising PI or Co-Is (only faculty member(s) at your institution) Dr. Eric Harmsen Publications (during performance period): -Total Journal Publications -Journal Publications with Students -Total Refereed Proceedings -Refereed Proceedings with Students -Books Dollar amount of funds leveraged with CREST funds (report for the performance period ONLY) $6,000 from NSF-CASA Project. Includes $3000 for Ph.D. student (Alejandra Rojas) developing hydrologic model and $3000 MS student (Santa Elizabeth Gomez) evaluating rain gauge network data (i.e.,performing literature review, statistical model for describing sub-pixel variation, and reclassification of storm types). See Appendix 1. Ongoing, New or Revised? If this is a revised project, please describe revisions and the impact This project is ongoing Staff Students PhD o Alejandra Rojas, Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, UPRM. (not funded by NOAA-CREST) Students MS o Santa Elizabeth Gomez, Department of Mathematics, UPRM. (not funded by NOAA-CREST) Students Undergraduate NOAA Collaborators (with Affiliations) Dr. Baxter Vieux, University of Oklahoma, Department of Civil Engineering 6 Other Collaborators (with Affiliations) Dr. Pedro Restrepo, The Office of Hydrologic Development, NOAA/NWS. Operational Impact (Has Research been /or planned to be transitioned to operation): N/A Other Activities Presentation: Assessment Predictability Limits in Small Watersheds to Enhance the Flash Flood Prediction in Western Puerto Rico. ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008. May 13-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii. Presenter: Eric Harmsen Status of the project with respect to the goals/objectives and benchmarks previously identified Tasks (For year II as per the Milestone Chart) (provide a brief narrative on each task with reasons if any for the delay) The work on this project is progressing but since there are no NOAA-CREST funds to cover this project, progress is slower than originally anticipated. Task (1) Modify a Hydrological Model by coupling with a Satellite-based Rainfall Retrieval Algorithm The coupling of the hydrologic model with satellite-based rainfall retrieval algorithm has not been initiated yet. This sub-task has not been initiated because although the Hydro Estimator Nowcaster is currently available, the Hydro Estimator is not capable of providing reliable rainfall estimates within the study area. Therefore, efforts are being focused on improving the rainfall algorithm. Task (2) Develop hydrologic model (Vflo) for the Mayagüez Bay drainage basin A hydrologic model has been configured for the Mayaguez Bay drainage basin and could theoretically be used with Hydro Estimator Nowcast data. However, the Mayaguez Bay drainage basin model is not yet calibrated. Before the regional scale model is calibrated, a smaller testbed subwatershed (TBSW) model will be developed. The TBSW is located within the GOES-12 study pixel. After the high resolution (10 m grid spacing) TBSW model has been calibrated, an upscaling process will be applied to determine the maximum grid spacing that can be used which will provide accurate results. This optimal grid spacing will then be used in the regional scale model and a calibration performed using stream flow data from the Añasco and Guanajibo. The research described is part of a Ph.D. research project through the Department of Civil Engineering (Funded by NSF, not NOAA-CREST). Task (3) Develop algorithms for hydrologic model to assimilate the real-time satellite QPE This task is actually the same as Task (1), therefore, please refer to sub-task 1. In future reports this sub-task should be dropped. 7 Future Tasks (From the Milestones) (provide a brief narrative and reason for earlier start) Project 2 Task 3 Validate NESDIS HE & GMSRA Rainfall Algorithms for Puerto Rico Validation of the current version of HE has been completed. Task 4 Develop a Validation Algorithm The validation algorithm has been completed and was used to validate the current version of the HE. The algorithm will continue to be improved in the future as necessary. Task 5 Improve NESDIS Rainfall Algorithm This task is well underway. This task was started early because the problem with the current version of the HE was identified within the first year and a half of the NOAA CREST research. Task 6 Validate NESDIS-SCaMPR Model over the US and Puerto Rico The NESDIS-SCaMPR model will not be validated for Puerto Rico since this algorithm is limited to perform rainfall estimation above latitude 20oN or above. The second reason was because our NESDIS advisor suggested we invest more time validating and improving the HE since this is a NOAA/NESDIS operational algorithm, and since the HE estimates of rainfall are very poor in the Caribbean region. Project 3 Task 1 Modify a Hydrological Model by coupling with a Satellite-based Rainfall Retrieval Algorithm During the next reporting period we will begin investigating the Nowcaster software and the requirements for coupling the hydrologic model Vflo. Task 2 Develop hydrologic model (Vflo) for the Mayagüez Bay drainage basin A preliminary calibration of the Mayaguez Drainage Basin model is almost complete. However, the more complex up-scaling calibration approach will probably take until next June. Task 3 Develop algorithms for hydrologic model to assimilate the real-time satellite QPE This task is actually the same as Task (1), therefore, please refer to that task. In future reports this task should be dropped. Task 4 Validate results of Hydrologic Model for Real Time Although this task is scheduled to start during the next reporting period. It will not be possible to validate the results of the real-time hydrologic model since it does not yet exist. The principal cause for the delay in these tasks is that no NOAA CREST funds have been provided to do the work. New Tasks (NOT in the milestones) (provide a brief narrative and justify the deviation) We plan to exploit information from the GOES product to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) over Puerto Rico. Rainfall is only one aspect of “Hydro-Climate” and, therefore, we wish to broaden its definition with regard to the NOAA CREST research. The ability to estimate ET will be a 8 valuable step towards estimating the complete island water budget at a high temporal and spatial scale. A short proposal for this work is presented in Appendix 4. 9 Appendix 1 Leverage Funds (During the Reporting Period – March 1, 2008-August 31, 2008) Project Title Sponsoring Agency PI/Recipient/Group NASAGSFC Eric Harmsen/UPRRioPiedras Dollarsi Total amount (amount Start Date End Date $20,000 Sep 1, 2008 Feb 29, 2009 $6,000 Oct 1, 2007 Sep 30, 2008 this period) Rapid Detection of Soils and Drinking Water Sources Impacted by Salt Water Flooding. Collaberative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere Puerto Rico Student Testbed L. Roytman, CUNY NSF Sandra Cruz Pol/UPRM/NSF CASA Project 10 11 Appendix 2 Rainfall Estimation from Convective Storms Using the HydroEstimator and NEXRAD Nazario D. Ramirez-Beltran1, Robert J. Kuligowski2, Eric W. Harmsen3, Joan M. Castro4, Sandra Cruz-Pol4, and Melvin J. Cardona4 1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 9030, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A, 2 NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR), Camp Springs, MD 20746, U.S.A. 3 Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 9030, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A., 4 Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 9040, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A,,, Abstract - Validation of the Hydro-Estimator (HE) and the Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) during heavy storms over Puerto Rico (PR) is reported. The HE is a high resolution rainfall retrieval algorithm based on satellite and numerical whether prediction model data. The accuracy of the HE and the NEXRAD rainfall estimates can be measured by decomposing the rainfall process into sequences of discrete (rain / no rain) and continuous (rainfall rate) random variables. Validation results are based on five heavy storms that seriously impacted human life and the economy of PR during the period 2003 to 2005. The average discrete validation results indicate acceptable hit rate values for both the HE and NEXRAD (0.76 vs. 0.87) and reasonable discrete bias ratios (1.04 vs. 0.73) but a very low of probability of detection of rain for both the HE and NEXRAD (0.36 vs. 0.52). The HE shows an overestimation on average whereas the NEXRAD exhibits underestimation in the continuous validation results (continuous bias ratio of 1.14 vs 0.70 for NEXRAD), which contributes to moderate overall errors for the HE and NEXRAD in terms of root mean squared error (2.14 mm vs. 1.66 mm) and mean absolute error (0.96 mm vs. 0.77 mm). The HE algorithm was designed to operate over US continental areas and satisfactory results have been reported in those regions. However, over tropical regions it was determined that warm clouds can generate substantial rainfall amounts that are not detected by the HE algorithm. Infrared band differencing techniques are being used to explore the possibility of improving the detection of warm-cloud rain events over PR. We are also classifying clouds based on Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Imager data in a manner that will lead to improved relationships between infrared brightness temperatures and rainfall rates. Key-words - validation, NEXRAD, Hydro-Estimator, retrieval algorithm, rain rate, GOES, brightness temperature. 11 1. Introduction Estimation of rainfall amounts is critical for protecting human lives and infrastructure, particularly in the case of heavy rainfall that triggers flash floods or landslides. In Puerto Rico (PR) during 2003 to 2005, five severe storms seriously impacted human lives and the economy. PR has extremely diverse terrain, and during the rainy season severe rainstorms can develop due to complex orographic attributes. Easterly winds come from the eastern Atlantic almost all year and play an important role in bringing humidity into the island and stimulating orographic rainfall over the mountains of PR. Cold fronts dominate the weather pattern during wintertime. Tropical waves occur during the rainy season and frequently generate large amounts of rainfall in the Caribbean basin. These tropical waves are typically the precursor of tropical storms and hurricanes from June to November. For these types of events, estimates of rainfall from instruments on geostationary platforms such as the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) are preferred over microwave-based estimates of rainfall from Low-Earth-Orbiting (LEO) platforms because of the rapid refresh (every 15 minutes) over the Continental United States (CONUS) and nearby regions and very short data latency times of GOES data relative to low-Earth orbit data. Numerous algorithms have been developed to estimate precipitation from GOES-based satellite data. The current generation of algorithms produced at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) are the Hydro-Estimator (HE, [1]), GOES Multi-Spectral Rainfall Algorithm (GMSRA, [2]), and the SelfCalibrating Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval (SCaMPR, [3]). The HE relies on GOES data from the infrared (IR) window channel (10.7 µm) with a fixed relationship to rainfall rates; similarly, Palmeira et al. [4] presented a self-consistent algorithm for rainfall estimation based on GOES data plus lightning data in Brazil. The GMSRA uses additional data from three other GOES channels and updates its calibration in real time based on matches with radar rain rates. SCaMPR calibrates GOES IR parameters against passive microwave rain rates, which is an approach similar to Kidd et al. [5] and the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Network (PERSIANN, [6]) algorithm. PERSIANN uses a combination of geostationary IR and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) microwave information to estimate rainfall rate in an hourly basis at spatial resolution of 0.25o. Another algorithm called the CPC Morphing Algorithm (CMORPH, [7]) also combines IR data and microwave rain rates, but uses the IR data as the basis for interpolating the microwave rain rates in time between lowEarth orbit satellite overpasses. The HE, which will be the focus of this paper, also uses information from numerical whether prediction models to estimate rain rate [1]. Rainfall rates are adjusted upward or downward for moist or dry environments as indicated by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) North American Model (NAM) or Global Forecast System (GFS) total column precipitable water and mean-layer relative humidity for the lowest third of the model vertical domain. Another adjustment enhances rainfall rates in regions where the convective equilibrium level temperature is relatively high; i.e., regions where very cold cloud tops are not thermodynamically possible but where strong updrafts and heavy rainfall can still occur. Finally, low-level winds and digital topography are combined to produce enhancements of rainfall rates in upslope regions and reductions in downslope regions, using a technique described in Vicente et al. [8]. The HE has been the operational satellite rainfall algorithm of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) since 2002 and produces rainfall estimates at the full spatial and temporal resolution of GOES over the CONUS and surrounding regions, including PR; realtime estimates are also produced on an experimental basis for the rest of the globe. However, validation of the Hydro-Estimator has generally focused on the CONUS (e.g., [1] and [9]) and has not been performed over Puerto Rico, and given the differences in 13 topography and climate of Puerto Rico relative to the CONUS, previous validation efforts may not necessarily be relevant to users in PR. Furthermore, validation of the HE over PR may illuminate opportunities to enhance the algorithm for application over PR. match these data with HE and NEXRAD data at 15-minute resolution for validation. The data set used for validation includes five heavy storms that have been impacted PR: Three can be characterized as a cold front and two as tropical storms. Validation of the rainfall retrieval algorithm consists of comparing the rainfall estimates with corresponding observations (rain gauges in this study). The accuracy of rainfall estimates can be measured by decomposing the rainfall process into sequences of discrete and continuous random variables; i.e., the presence or absence of rainfall events (discrete variable) and the amount of rainfall (continuous variable). The occurrence of rainfall events in a given area and at a particular time follows a Bernoulli process and consequently the estimation accuracy of rainfall events can be conducted by analyzing a contingency table. The typical scores that measure the accuracy of categorical forecasts are: hit rate (H), probability of detection (POD), false-alarm rate (FAR), and discrete bias (DB). The continuous validation strategy focuses on the amount of rainfall that occurred at specific area in a particular time and the continuous measurements of accuracy are mean absolute error (MAE), root mean squared error (RMSE), and continuous bias (CB). NEXRAD data over Puerto Rico come from a WSR-88D unit located in Cayey (18.12°N, 66.08°W, 886.63 m elevation). The radar frequency is 2.7 GHz and the maximum horizontal range is 462.5 km, and the radar scans the entire island every 6 minutes. The NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) conducted a significant effort to make possible an affordable nationwide operational capture, distribution, and archive of Level II NEXRAD data [10]. Unfortunately, for Puerto Rico the Level II data are available only until 2003 with a significant amount of missing data in that last year [11]. The NWS did resume archiving level II data for PR during the summer of 2007. On the other hand, Level III data for PR are available continuously since 2000 [12], so the Level III data were selected to perform validation since the most recent and catastrophic floods over PR occurred after 2002. The scanning angle for reflectivity data was selected as 0.5 degrees for this research in order to avoid beam overshoot over western PR. Fig. 1 shows the location of the radar and the spatial distribution of the rain gauges. The second section of this paper describes the data collection process and sources of information. The third section describes the conventional statistical techniques used to perform validation. The fourth section presents validation results during heavy storms over PR, and includes a comparison for rain gauges versus HE and rain gauges versus NEXRAD. The fifth section outlines some strategies for algorithm improvements. The sixth section presents some conclusions. As mentioned in the Introduction, the HE uses satellite IR window (10.7-µm) data and numerical whether prediction data to estimate rainfall over the CONUS and PR every 15 minutes at 4 km spatial resolution, and they are available for the entire period of interest. In order to ensure consistency among these data sets during the comparison, both the NEXRAD and HE rain rates were aggregated in time over the corresponding 15-minute accumulation period of the gauges. 2. Data collection Puerto Rico has a rain gauge network that collects rainfall measurements every 5, 10, 15, 30 or 45 minutes and includes 125 rain gauges with data available since January 2000. Since the majority of gauges collect rainfall every 15 minutes a computer program was designed to FIG. 1. Location of rain gauges (red stars) and 13 14 NEXRAD (black dot) in PR. POD a ac (2) FAR b ab (3) DB ab ac (4) 3. Validation techniques Validation of the rainfall retrieval algorithm consists of comparing the rainfall estimates with observations over the same time and space. The accuracy of rainfall estimates can be measured by decomposing the rainfall process into sequences of discrete and continuous random variables; i.e., the presence or absence of rainfall events and the amounts of rainfall. The occurrence of rainfall events in a given area and at a particular time follows a Bernoulli process and consequently the estimation accuracy of rainfall events can be conducted by analyzing contingency tables and the bivariate probability distribution of rainfall events [13]. Table 1 shows the classical two-way contingency table. It is assumed that the values provided by the rain gauges are the “ground truth” while the HE and the NEXRAD provide estimated rainfall values. The variable a in the contingency table is the number of times that the rain gauge identifies a rainfall event and the estimator also correctly identifies a rainfall event at the same time and location. The variable d represents the number of times the rain gauge does not observe a rainfall event and the estimator correctly determines that there is no rainfall event. The variable b indicates the number of times the rain gauge does not observe a rainfall event but the estimator incorrectly indicates that there is a rainfall event. The variable c shows the number of times that the rain gauge detects a rainfall event but the estimator incorrectly does not detect the rainfall event. where H is the hit rate, POD is the probability of detection, FAR is the false-alarm rate, and DB is the discrete bias. Hit rate is the fraction of the no estimating occasions when the categorical estimation correctly determines the occurrence of rainfall event or nonevent. Probability of detection is the likelihood that the event would be estimated, given that it occurred. The false-alarm rate is the proportion of estimated rainfall events that fail to materialize. Bias is the ratio of the number of estimated rainfall events to the number of observed events [13]. The continuous validation strategy consists of comparing the amount of rainfall that occurred with the estimated amount of rainfall at specific area in a particular time and the continuous accuracy scores used here are: eij yij yˆ ij i 1,, n and j 1, , m (5) MAE H ad , where no a b c d (1) no 1 n m 2 ei n m i 1 j 1 RMSE TABLE 1. Sample contingency table. Observed rainfall (Rain gauge) Yes No Estimated rainfall Yes a b (HE or NEXRAD) No c d The typical scores that measure the accuracy of categorical estimation are: 1 n m eij n m i 1 j 1 n CB (6) (7) m yˆ ij i 1 j 1 n m yij (8) i 1 j 1 where y and ŷ are the observed and estimated amount of rainfall. The i and j subscripts represent time and space, respectively. The constant n is the total number of time intervals for a given storm, and m is the number of rain gauges that are collecting rain during a storm. 14 15 The error e is the deviation between the observed and estimated amount of rainfall at a particular time and space and is computed only when at least one of y or ŷ is greater than zero. MAE is the mean absolute error, RMSE the root mean squared error, and CB is the continuous bias. 4.2 Continuous validation The accumulated rainfall across the island was computed to compare the observed and the estimated rainfall: (9) 4. Validation results 4.1 Discrete validation A contingency table was computed for each rain gauge during a given storm and the scores of those tables were summarized to create contingency tables for each storm for the HE and NEXRAD. These are shown in Tables 2a) and 2b) while the associated scores are given in Tables 3a) and 3b). The HE significantly underestimates the number of raining pixels in the three April-May events (DB of 0.49 to 0.52) but strongly overestimates the November-December events (DB of 1.54 and 2.15). The physical reasons behind this apparent strong seasonal variation in DB are not known at this time. Meanwhile, the NEXRAD had a consistent dry bias (0.620.68) for the last four events but virtually no bias (1.02) for the first; again, it is not clear at this time what led to such a significant difference. The hit rates of the HE range from 0.62 to 0.91 with an average of 0.76 and NEXRAD has a range from 0.82 to 0.95 with average of 0.87. Although, both HE and NEXRAD exhibit relatively high hit rate, the HE has a lower percentage of correct rain / no rain estimates than does the NEXRAD. The probability of detection of the HE ranges from 0.14 to 0.57 with an average value of 0.36, whereas, the NEXRAD shows a range from 0.4 to 0.74 with an average of 0.52. Thus, the HE correctly detected a smaller percentage of the observed rainfall events (36%) than did NEXRAD (52%) for these events. The false alarm rate for the HE varies between 0.39 to 0.73 with an average value of 0.61, meanwhile the NEXRAD varies from 0.25 to 0.35 with an average of 0.29. Thus, the false alarm rate was actually higher for the HE (61%) than for NEXRAD (29%). Overall, the discrete validation shows that the NEXRAD outperforms the HE in terms of correct rain / no rain estimates. where Yi is the total rainfall recorded by all 125 rain gauges across the island or the closest HE or radar pixels at the i th time. TABLE 2a. Contingency tables for the HydroEstimator. 17 April 2003 Hydro-Estimator Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 1105 699 2603 6708 Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 331 875 2000 30022 19-21 May, 2003 Hydro-Estimator 11-18 November, 2003 Hydro-Estimator Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 10430 18719 8465 47913 Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 4882 13224 3538 23167 5 December 2003 Hydro-Estimator 20 April 2005 Hydro-Estimator Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 310 395 1039 8522 TABLE 2b. Contingency tables for NEXRAD. 17 April 2003 NEXRAD Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 2713 951 1023 6311 Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 1177 1149 399 30386 19-21 May, 2003 NEXRAD 15 16 Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 8922 9967 3620 62901 apparent seasonal pattern like the HE. As a result, both the mean absolute error and root mean squared error of the HE are also higher than that of NEXRAD. Yes No Rain Gauge Yes No 3392 5026 1814 34462 TABLE 4a. Continuous validation scores for the Hydro-Estimator. 17 19-21 11-18 5 20 Apr. May Nov. Dec. Apr. 2003 2003 2003 2003 2005 CB 0.26 0.23 1.68 2.42 0.16 MAE (mm) 1.33 0.74 1.10 0.86 0.79 RMSE (mm) 2.73 2.10 2.24 1.93 1.71 11-18 November 2003 NEXRAD 5 December 2003 NEXRAD 20 April 2005 Rain Gauge Yes No NEXRAD Yes 655 670 No 240 8583 TABLE 3a. Discrete validation scores for the Hydro-Estimator. 17 Apr. 2003 DB HR POD FAR 0.49 0.70 0.30 0.39 19115 20 21 18 Dec. Apr. Avg. May Nov. 2003 2005 2003 2003 0.52 1.54 2.15 0.52 1.04 0.91 0.68 0.62 0.86 0.76 0.14 0.55 0.57 0.23 0.36 0.72 0.64 0.73 0.56 0.61 TABLE 3b. Discrete validation scores for the NEXRAD. 17 Apr. 2003 DB HR POD FAR 1.02 0.82 0.74 0.27 19115 20 21 18 Dec. Apr. Avg. May Nov. 2003 2005 2003 2003 0.68 0.66 0.62 0.67 0.73 0.95 0.84 0.85 0.91 0.87 0.51 0.47 0.40 0.49 0.52 0.25 0.29 0.35 0.27 0.29 Tables 4a) and 4b) show the continuous validation scores for HE and NEXRAD, respectively. The continuous bias of the HE is even more seasonally variable than the DB, with values ranging from 0.160.26 for the April-May storms and 1.68-2.42 for the November-December events. The lower CB relative to the DB for the April-May storms suggests that the HE is underestimating the conditional rainfall rates in addition to the spatial extent of the rainfall, while the opposite is happening for the November-December events. The NEXRAD has nearly no continuous bias for two storms and a strong dry bias for three (0.41-0.68), albeit with no Avg. 0.95 0.96 2.14 TABLE 4b. Continuous validation scores for NEXRAD. 17 Apr. 2003 CB 1.02 MAE (mm) 1.02 RMSE (mm) 1.91 19-21 May, 2003 0.68 0.66 1.79 11-18 Nov. 2003 0.41 0.85 1.78 5 Dec. 2003 0.42 0.53 1.15 20 Apr. 2005 1.01 0.80 1.68 5. NEXRAD bias Radar measurements over the western part of PR are frequently inaccurate. This is because reflectivity measurements are conducted at about 2000m above the surface as a result of the elevated location of the radar and a relatively high scan angle which was selected to minimize beam block by nearby mountains. In order to estimate the NEXRAD bias, the following validation exercise was conducted. PR was divided in three zones. The first zone includes the rain gauges that are located in a radius of equal or less that 35km, the second region includes stations that are in the radii that is larger than 35km but equal and smaller than 90km, and the third region consists of stations at a range larger than 90km from the location of the NEXRAD. Figure 2 shows the study zones, which were designed to provide an appropriate sample size to derive reliable statistics. FIG. 2. Location of rain gauges (stars) and 16 Avg. 0.71 0.77 1.66 17 NEXRAD (black dot on Region I) in PR. Black dots in Region III are small and high resolution radar that will be used to derive the bias correction factor for NEXRAD. The radii of the circles are 35 km and 90 km. Probability of detection False alarm rate An unnamed tropical storm, which becomes stationary over the PR area during November 11-18, 2003, was studied to determine the NEXRAD bias over the designed zones. The continuous red lines in Figures 3a, 3b and 3c show the cumulative rainfall recorded every 15 minutes by all gauges of PR rain-gauge network. The horizontal axis shows the Julian day and the vertical axis shows the 15-minutes accumulated rainfall in mm. The blue line represents the 15-minutes accumulative rainfall recorded by the radar pixel that is the closest to each rain gauge. The difference between the red and blue lines represents the estimation error of the accumulative rainfall. Figures 3a and 3b show reasonable rainfall estimation by the radar. However, Figure 3c shows that the NEXRAD exhibits a significant underestimation in Region III. The corresponding scatter plots in Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c show the actual rainfall amount recorded by the individual gauges versus the estimates from the radar pixels. These figures also confirm that although Region III generally experiences lighter rainfall events than in the other two regions, the NEXRAD bias is largest in this region. TABLE 5b. Comparison of NEXRAD performance Region I Region II Region III (0-35 km (35-90 km (>90km from from from NEXRAD) NEXRAD) NEXRAD) MAE 0.92mm 1.07mm 1.06mm RMSE 1.76mm 2.07mm 2.18mm CB 0.45 0.35 0.37 0.50 0.46 0.37 0.32 0.27 0.29 RG and N1P Cumulated Rainfall 140 Rain Gauges N1P 120 100 mm 80 60 40 20 0 315.0417 316.0417 317.0417 318.0417 319.0417 time (julian days) 320.0417 321.0417 322.0417 FIG. 3a. Cumulative rainfall during November 11-18, 2003, over Region I. RG and N1P Cumulated Rainfall 200 Rain Gauges N1P 180 160 140 120 mm Table 5 shows that the probability of detection increases with distance from the NEXRAD. Figures 3a, 3b and 3c show that the NEXRAD exhibits underestimation in the three regions; however, the underestimation is larger in Region III. Table 5 shows that the bias ratio become smaller, which indicates that the estimation error becomes worse for larger distances between the station and radar. 100 80 60 40 TABLE 5a. Discrete comparison of NEXRAD performance for each region. 20 0 315.0417 Discrete bias Hit rate Region I Region II Region III (0-35 km (35-90 km (>90km from from from NEXRAD) NEXRAD) NEXRAD) 0.74 0.64 0.46 0.83 0.83 316.0417 317.0417 318.0417 319.0417 time (julian days) 320.0417 321.0417 322.0417 FIG. 3b. Cumulative rainfall during November 11-18, 2003 for Region II. 0.80 17 18 RG and N1P Cumulated Rainfall 60 Rain Gauges N1P FIG. 4b. Scatter diagram for rain gauges and NEXRAD pixels during November 11-18, 2003 for Region II. 50 mm 40 30 20 10 0 315.0417 316.0417 317.0417 318.0417 319.0417 time (julian days) 320.0417 321.0417 322.0417 FIG. 3c. Cumulative rainfall during November 11-18, 2003 for Region III. FIG. 4c. Scatter diagram for rain gauges and NEXRAD pixels during November 11-18, 2003 for Region III. 6. Improvement Algorithms 6.1 Rainfall detection FIG. 4a. Scatter diagram for rain gauges and NEXRAD pixels during November 11-18, 2003 for Region I. As stated previously, the HE uses GOES brightness temperatures (Tb) from channel 4 (10.7 µm) to discriminate raining from nonraining events [1]. During the validation exercise we noted that there are some warmtop convective events that are not detected by the HE. The HE generally produces little or no rainfall for brightness temperatures exceeding 235K; however, there are numerous events in PR where rainfall was in fact observed at these temperatures. For instance, Fig. 5 shows the observed accumulated rainfall for all gauges located in PR (red line) and the accumulated rainfall by the corresponding HE pixels (blue line) on November 14, 2006. The horizontal axes shows the time every 15 minutes and the vertical axis exhibits the accumulated rainfall in mm. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of brightness temperatures over the GOES pixels corresponding to gauge locations during this storm and there are few pixels below 235 K; a comparison with Fig. 5 indicates that the poor detection by the HE was at least in part because it was not calibrated to produce rainfall from relatively warm clouds. In order to improve the detection skill of the HE, we plan to examine the differences in brightness temperature between 10.7 µm and 18 19 the water vapor band (6.5 µm in GOES). Positive values of the WV-infrared window temperature difference have been shown to correspond with convective cloud tops that are above the tropopause (i.e. overshooting tops), ([14 and [15]). Convective clouds with positive differences indicate the possibility of warm-top convection. 90 80 particles grow to larger sizes. It has been shown that the uses of the reflected portion of the near-IR during the daytime indicates the presence large cloud-top particles and suggest rain in warm-top clouds. [16] Rosenfeld and Gutman (1994) and [17] Lensky and Rosenfeld (1997) used the effective radius of clouds particles derived from the AVHRR 3.75-µm window channel to detect warm raining clouds. This concept was also applied RG and HE Cumulated Rainfall to rainfall estimation from GOES data in the Rain Gauges GMSRA [2]. Hydroestimator Preliminary work was conducted to explore improving the HE warm rainy-cloud detection using the GOES band 2 (3.9 µm) reflectance during the daytime. This will be used as a proxy for cloud-top particle size to identify any correlation with the presence or absence of rain from warm-topped clouds over PR. In this work we presente the estimation of daytime reflectance of band 2. 70 60 mm 50 40 30 20 10 0 318.0104 318.2604 318.5104 time (hours UTC) 318.7604 FIG. 5. Comparison between observed and estimated accumulated rainfall (Nov. 14, 2006). It is assumed that during the daytimes the total radiance measured by GOES band 2 (3.9 µm) is composed by the sum of emitted radiances and the reflected radiances. , (10) where T3.9,d is the total radiance during the day, E3.9,d is the emitted radiance, and R3.9,d is the reflected radiance of band 2 during the day. However during the night since the sun is not present the total radiance is equal to the emitted radiances, as shown as follows: , FIG. 6. GOES-12 brightness temperature from channel 4 (Nov. 14, 2006). It is known that precipitation processes in clouds with warm tops are very sensitive to the microphysical structure of their tops. Specifically, precipitation processes are more efficient when water droplets or/and ice (11) An empirical equation can be developed to estimate the emittance measured by band 2. The emittance during the night it is assumed to be a function of the radiance measured by bands 3 (6.9 µm) and band 4 (10.7 µm ). The general relationship may be expressed as follows: , (12) where E3.9 is the emittance of band 2, T6.9 is the total radiance of band 3, and T10.7 is the total radiance of band 4. A linear relationship was assumed first and the performance of the 19 20 model will indicate whether or not a linear model is appropriate. Thus, the postulated model is as follows: , (13) where Ê3.9,n is the estimated emittance of band 2 during the night, T6.9,n is the total radiance of band 3, and T10.7,n is the total radiance of band 4 during the night, and the â’s are the parameters of the linear equation. The parameters were estimated using a severe rainfall event that occurred on October 27-30, 2007. The data set was divided in two parts: the first part (October 27-28) was used to estimate the parameters and the second part (October 29-30) for validation. The parameter estimation results are summarized in Table 6. Table 6. Parameter estimation Parameter Figure 7 Observed emittance of band 2 for a nighttime image. Estimate -0.69348 0.083468 0.024352 The second part of the data was used to perform validation. The mean absolute error (MAE) and the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) were computed to measure the accuracy of equation (13) and were found to be MAE=0.0389 mW/(m2–sr-cm-1) and R2=0.92. A quadratic model was also fitted to measure if a significant improvement can be obtained. However, the quadratic model provides R2=0.93, and consequently, these results show that the selected linear model sufficiently represents the estimated reflectance. Figures 7 and 8 show a comparison between the observed and estimated reflectance during the daytime. Figure 8. Estimated emittance of band 2 for the same image as in Figure 7. Assuming that equation (13) also holds during the daytime, the emittance of band 2 can be estimated as follow: (14) where the subscript d refers to variables observed during the daytimes and the 20 21 regression coefficients are obtained from equation (13). Figure 9 shows the estimated emittance which will be subtracted from the observed radiance during daytime of band 2 and compared to corresponding rain / no rain areas to determine its usefulness in discriminating raining areas in relatively warm clouds. Figure 10 shows the observed reflectivity (converted to rainfall rates) for the same rainfall event. Figure 10. Estimated rainfall from NEXRAD. 6.2 Improving rain rate estimates Figure 9 Estimated emittance of band 2 during the day The rainfall retrieval procedure of the HE is also mainly based on the relationship between the brightness temperature (10.7 µm) and observed rain rate. Estimation of the amount of rainfall may be improved by classifying the brightness temperature patterns (BTP) with the corresponding rain formation processes. The following channels will be used to classify the BTP with the corresponding rain process. Channel 1 (0.65 µm) will be used to classify the events according to the cloud optical thickness. The reflected portion of channel 2 (3.9 µm) during the daytime will be used as an indirect measurement of the cloud drop size distribution, thermodynamic phase, and particle shape [16]. Channel 4 (10.7 µm) will be used to classify the rainfall events according to temperature. Brightness temperature differences will also be used to develop the classification algorithm: The difference between the 10.7-µm and 3.9-µm brightness temperatures will be useful to determine whether a cloud top is composed of 21 22 liquid water or ice. As stated previously, the IR-WV difference (6.5–10.7 µm) is usually negative; however, convective clouds with positive differences have likely already begun to precipitate, especially in tropical atmospheres that support warm top convection. The 13.3–10.7 µm differencing technique is used to characterize and delineate cumulus clouds. This research will focus on convective clouds, and consequently, the factors to be consider for the classification of BTP and rain types are: area, depth, duration, and updraft velocity. events and the amounts of rainfall, whereas NEXRAD is nearly unbiased in these respects. The HE algorithm does exhibit a satisfactory hit rate, but a very low probability of detection and a large false alarm rate that is surprisingly higher than that of NEXRAD despite the dry bias of the HE. A research effort is undergone to improve the performance of the HE for PR; specifically, the algorithm proposed by Ramirez-Beltran et al. [17] will be implemented to improve the HE rainfall detection and the equation that relates brightness temperatures with rain rates. A variable selection algorithm will be used to identify the variables that best explain rainfall variability. Thehe selected variables will be used to develop training patterns for a self-organized artificial neural network [17] which will be used to identify a set of homogenous groups that reveal similarities within the member of a class, but different among the classes. The Kohonen learning rule will be used to determine the optimal weights of the artificial neural network ([18], [19], and [20]). A successful application was reported [21] to identify the spatial variability of soil to select the appropriate model to estimate soil moisture. 8 Acknowledgements. This research has been supported by NOAACREST grant number NA17AE1625, the NSFERC-CASA with a grant Number 0313747, NOAA-NWS grant number NA06NWS468001, and also by the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. The authors appreciate and recognize the funding support from these institutions. Pedro L. Diaz director of PR-US Geological Survey provided the rainfall data from the PR rain-gauge network; we want to appreciate his invaluable contribution. References 7 Summary and conclusions The HE is a high resolution satellite rainfall retrieval algorithm run operationally by NOAA/NESDIS that provides estimates of rainfall every 15 minutes at 4-km resolution over the CONUS and nearby areas including PR. (Global estimates are also produced in real time on an experimental basis.) The rain rates are primarily derived from GOES 10.7µm brightness temperatures and then adjusted using parameters derived from a numerical weather prediction model. The HE estimates should be especially useful over regions of complex topography such as western PR because of the difficulties associated with radar in those regions such as beam block. However, for the very small sample of heavy rainfall events examined in this paper, NEXRAD clearly outperforms the HE, perhaps in part because of most of the rainfall events were located in the central and eastern parts of the island where the radar data will be most reliable. Specifically, the HE underestimates both the number of rainfall [1] Scofield, R.A., and R.J. Kuligowski, 2003: Status and outlook of operational satellite precipitation algorithms for extreme-precipitation events. Wea. Forecasting, 18, 1037-1051. [2] Ba, M. B., and A. Gruber, 2000: GOES Multispectral Rainfall Algorithm (GMSRA). J. Appl. Meteor., 40, 15001514. 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KULIGOWSKI6 RAMÓN VASQUEZ7 1 Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Puerto Rico P.O. Box 9030, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A. 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 9030, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A. 3 Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico P.O. Box 9040, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A 4 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Puerto Rico P.O. Box 9030, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A 5 Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 9040, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A 6 NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) 5200 Auth Rd., Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304 U.S.A. 7 Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico P.O. Box 9040, Mayagüez, PR 00681, U.S.A 24 25 Abstract: - Rain gauge networks are used to calibrate and validate quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) methods based on remote sensing, which may be used as data sources for hydrologic models. The typical approach is to adjust (calibrate) or compare (validate) the rainfall in the QPE pixel with the rain gauge located within the pixel. The QPE result represents a mean rainfall over the pixel area, whereas the rainfall from the gauge represents a point, although it is normally assumed to represent some area. In most cases the QPE pixel area is millions of square meter in size. We hypothesize that some rain gauge networks in environments similar to this study (i.e., tropical coastal), which provide only one rain gauge per remote sensing pixel, may lead to error when used to calibrate/validate QPE methods, and that consequently these errors may be propagated throughout hydrologic models. The objective of this paper is to describe a ground-truth rain gauge network located in western Puerto Rico which will be available to test our hypothesis. In this paper we discuss observations from the rain gauge network, but do not present any QPE validation results. In addition to being valuable for validating satellite and radar QPE data, the rain gauge network is being used to test and calibrate atmospheric simulation models and to gain a better understanding of the sea breeze effect and its influence on rainfall. In this study, a large number of storms (> 60) were evaluated between August 2006 and August 2008. The area covered by the rain gauge network was limited to a single GOES-12 pixel (4 km x 4 km). Five-minute and total storm rainfall amounts were spatially variable at the sub-pixel scale. The average storm rainfall from 20% of the 120 possible rain gauge-pairs was found to be significantly different at the 5% of significance level, indicating significant rainfall variation at the sub-pixel scale. The average coefficient of determination (r2), describing the goodness of fit of a linear model relating rain gauge pairs, was 0.365, further suggesting a significant degree of variability at the satellite sub-pixel scale. Although there were several different storm types identified (localized, upper westerly trough, tropical easterly wave, tropical westerly trough, cold front and localized with cold front), there did not appear to be any relationship between storm type and the correlation patterns among the gauges. Key-Words: - satellite pixel, rainfall variability, QPE, rain gauge, radar, validation, hydrologic modeling 1 Introduction Is it is commonly assumed that a single rain gauge located within a QPE pixel represents the average rainfall for the pixel area (e.g., [1] and [2]). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hydro Estimator (HE) algorithm [3], which utilizes data from the GOES geostationary satellite to estimate rainfall, for example, has an approximate pixel size of 4 km x 4 km (16,000,000 m2), compared to a cross-sectional area of roughly 0.032 m2 for the standard National Weather Service tipping bucket gauge. The National Weather Service’s (NWS) Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) estimates rainfall within a radial coordinate system (base resolution 2 to 4 km), in which the pixel size increases with distance from the radar antenna [4]. NEXRAD accuracy also decreases with distance from the antenna owing to the curvature of the earth and in some cases the presence of obstructions (e.g., mountains); additional details can be found in [5]. The differences in temporal and spatial scales make the comparison of QPE methods with ground-based rain gauges difficult [6]. Other potential sources of error include rain gauge inaccuracy, assumptions made in the development of the QPE algorithm that may be violated under local (e.g., tropical) rainfall conditions, and navigation errors in the satellite pixel coordinates. For example, the navigation errors of the GOES-12 pixels at nadir are on the order of 4-6 km [7]. Hydrologic models used to estimate storm hydrographs and flood levels and extent may be sensitive to rainfall distribution at the QPE sub-pixel scale [8]. Bevan and Hornberger [9] have stated that “… an accurate portrayal of spatial variation in rainfall is a prerequisite for accurate simulation of stream flows”. Spatial rainfall variability greatly affects runoff processes in watersheds [10]. Goodrich [11] has stated that rainfall runoff accuracy will increase with an increasing number of rain gauges in the watershed, which will improve the representation of the spatial characteristics of rainfall. Rainfall estimates at a point differ from catchment averages because rainfall varies spatially and its spatial distribution over the catchment determines the amount of rainfall that is integrated in time and space [12]. Moreiraa et al. [10] evaluated rainfall spatial variability effects on catchment runoff. The study area was a 2.1 km2 catchment in northeastern Brazil. The catchment response of the relatively small catchment area was quite sensitive to the occurrence of rainfall with high spatial variability. Bell and Moore [13] evaluated the sensitivity of simulated runoff using rainfall data from gauges and radar. The rain gauge system consisted of 49 gauges over the 135 km2 Brue catchment in southwestern England. They evaluated convective and stratiform rainfall events. Runoff variability was strongest during convective storm events and weakest during stratiform events. Surprisingly, the authors obtained the best performance using lower- 25 26 resolution rainfall data and a lower-resolution hydrologic model. This result was attributed to the fact that the original model was calibrated with lower resolution data. Hydrologic models need to be recalibrated when rainfall of a different resolution is used. Numerous small-scale rainfall variation studies have been conducted (e.g., [10], [14], [15]). For instance, Bidin and Chappell [14] evaluated rainfall variation for differing wind fields with 46 rain gauges within a 4 km2 rainforest in Northeastern Borneo. They observed a very high degree of spatial variability. Seasonal totals were correlated with gauge separation distance, aspect and topographic relief. Changes in rainfall patterns over the 4 km2 catchment were related to complex local topographic effects in the regional wind field. Goodrich et al. [15] studied small scale rainfall variability within a 4.4 ha area in the semiarid USDA Walnut Gulch Experimental (WGE) Watershed in Arizona, USA. The average observed rainfall gradient was 1.2 mm/100 m. They concluded that the assumption of rainfall uniformity in convective environments similar to the WGE Watershed is invalid. Krajewski et al. [16]) compared rain gauges in Guam at three time scales (5, 15, and 60 min) and three spatial scales (1, 600, and 1100 m). The largest variations occurred for the smallest time scale and the largest spatial scale. The smallest variations occurred for the largest time scale and the smallest spatial scale. We hypothesize that many rain gauge networks in environments similar to this study (i.e., tropical coastal), which provide only one rain gauge per remote sensing pixel, may be inadequate to calibrate/validate QPE methods, and that consequently QPE data may be inadequate to use with hydrologic models. The objective of this paper is to present results from a rain gauge network that will be used to validate several QPE methods (e.g., GOES Hydro-Estimator [3], SCaMPR [17], NEXRAD and the University of Puerto Rico Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere radar network). Implications of the results on calibration/validation of QPE methods are discussed. equipped with a data logger capable of storing rainfall depth every 5 minutes over a 24-day period. The study area was located near to the University of Puerto Rico’s Mayagüez Campus (UPRM) in western Puerto Rico (Fig. 1). The pixel area of 4 km x 4 km (16 km2) was divided into sixteen evenly spaced squares of 1 km2 each. To locate the rain gauges the following steps were used: 1. The center points of the GOES pixels were obtained from NESDIS. 2. An appropriate GOES pixel was selected, which included a relatively large range of topographic relief east of the Mayagüez Bay in western Puerto Rico. 3. Using ArcGIS, sixteen points were located (evenly spaced) within the GOES pixel. 4. With the assistance of a ground positioning system (GPS), properties (mainly residential) were located which were as close as possible to the center point locations identified in step no. 3. In each case it was necessary to obtain permission from the property owner before installing the rain gauges. 5. The actual coordinates of the installed rain gauges were recorded and entered into ArcGIS (Fig. 2). Study Area Mayagüez Bay Figure 1. Study area in western Puerto Rico corresponding to a GOES pixel (4 km x 4 km). Colors represent variations in topography. 2 Methodology During July 2006, sixteen tipping bucket rain gauges (Spectrum Technology, Inc.1) were installed within the area covered by one GOES pixel, with the objective of comparing to the operational National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Hydro-Estimator algorithm [18]. Each rain gauge is 1 Reference to a commercial product in no way constitutes an endorsement of the product by the authors. 26 27 Figure 2. Twenty-eight tipping bucket rain gauges used in the study. The 12 rain gauges installed in June of 2007 were distributed within a subwatershed of the Añasco River. Some of the rain gauges could not be located close to the center points of the squares because of a lack of access—generally to undeveloped valleys. Consequently the final locations of rain gauges were not evenly spaced; however, this resulted in producing a random (possibly beneficial) aspect to the locations of rain gauges within each sub-area. The data logger clocks were synchronized and programmed to record cumulative rainfall depth every 5 minutes. All rain gauges were placed in areas free from obstructions. It was necessary to locate a few of the gauges on roof tops (approximately 5 meters above the ground) owing to inappropriate conditions on the ground. An effort was made to level each of the rain gauges to assure proper functioning. In June of 2007, another 12 tipping bucket rain gauges were added to the network. These rain gauges were distributed within a subwatershed of the Añasco River for future hydrologic evaluation. Figure 2 shows the location of the 12 rain gauges within the subwatershed and the location of a stream gauge (Solinst Levelogger) installed at the outlet of the subwatershed. It should be noted that to maintain consistency in this study, only the original 16 rain gauges were used in the statistical analysis. Storm data were collected for 62 storms between August 2006 and August 2007. The storm data collected included: start and end times, storm duration, number of operational rain gauges (n), average total storm rainfall, standard deviation, and maximum and minimum rain gauge amounts. Storms were classified according to whether they were locally formed by sea breezes and heating, or generated by large weather systems of either easterly or westerly origin. For this it was necessary to gather supplementary information on the synoptic weather conditions, and the local pattern and timing of convection near Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Supplementary information included large scale maps of upper winds and precipitable water, visible or IR satellite and radar images, and radiosonde profiles at San Juan. The types of weather systems observed were: • Localized = isolated over western Puerto Rico with trade wind convergence • Tropical westerly trough = southwesterly moist flow and SW-NE cloud bands • Tropical easterly wave = deep easterly flow with widespread cloudiness • Upper westerly trough = westerly flow in midlevels coming down from north • Cold front = frontal cloud band penetrating from Florida The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test [19] was used to evaluate normality of the non-tranformed and log-transformed storm totals for each of the rain gauges for 90 storms between August 2006 and August 2008. In the case of the non-transformed data, not one of the 16 data sets was determined to be normal. In the case of the log-transformed data, eleven of the sixteen data sets were determined to be normally distribution. Therefore, two non-parametric comparison tests were used which do not require that the data come from a normal distributions. The two tests used were the MannWhitney [20] and Wilcoxon [21] signed-rank tests. The purpose of these two tests is to assess whether two samples of observations come from the same distribution. If the analysis results in a small probabilities (e.g., ≤ 0.05) then the null hypothesis must be rejected, that is to say that the two samples are significantly different. A Pearson correlation table was also generated for the sixteen data sets. All statistical analyses were performed using the computer software StatMost32 [22]. The reason for conducting the significant difference tests was based on the following rationale. QPE methods based on remote sensing usually compare (or adjust) the remotely sensed rainfall estimate based on a single rain gauge located within the remotely sensed pixel. The rain gauge, in virtually all cases, will be randomly located within the pixel (as opposed to, for example, being located at the pixel center). This is because the entity that manages the satellite or radar is typically different than the entity that installed the rain gauges. If there is a large amount of sub-pixel rainfall variation then the QPE will be compared with a rain gauge that does not represent other locations within the pixel. On the other hand, if there is no significant difference between randomly located pairs of rain gauges, then this would suggest that the sub-pixel 27 28 variability is low and the QPE can be compared (or adjusted) to rain gauges located at any location within the pixel. 3 Results As an example of the measured rainfall data, Fig. 3 shows the depth of rainfall measured every 5 minutes by sixteen rain gauges on 6 August 2006. Figure 4a shows the spatial distribution of total rainfall for the same storm. It is clear that the rainfall can vary significantly within the satellite pixel area. The average and standard deviation for the rainfall were 30.8 mm and 13.6 mm, respectively, while the maximum and minimum recorded rainfall were 55.6 mm and 9.2 mm, respectively. In addition to 6 August 2006 (4a), Fig. 4 shows the rainfall variation for storms occurring on 16 August (4b), 18 August (4c) and 22 October (4d), 2006. For these storms, the maximum rainfall gradients were 20.4, 56.9, 55, and 65 mm/km, respectively. Spatial variation in rainfall distribution as shown in Fig. 4 is commonly observed during the “wet” season (August through November) in western Puerto Rico. 1 12 2 Rainfall (mm) 3 10 4 5 8 6 7 6 8 9 4 10 11 2 0 12:43 12 13 13:12 13:40 14:09 14:38 Time (hour) 15:07 15:36 16:04 14 15 16 Figure 3. Rainfall measured from rain gauges on August 6th, 2006. Numbers 1-16 in the legend represent the rain gauge number. Table 1 lists the statistics associated with 62 storms which occurred between August 2006 and August 2007. The table includes storm type, number for of storms, average storm start and end times, average storm durations, average number of operational rain gauges (n), average total storm rainfall, average standard deviation, average maximum and average minimum rain gauge amounts. The overall average for each of the parameters is presented at the bottom of Table 1. On average, the rain storms started at 15:02 and ended at 17:22, with an average duration of 2.33 hours. The average, maximum, and minimum rainfall depths were 15.94 mm, 30.14 mm and 4.53 mm, respectively. The distribution of the storm classifications were as follows (Table 1): localized = 22 cases, upper westerly trough = 16 cases, tropical easterly wave = 11 cases, cold front = 6 cases, tropical westerly trough = 6 cases, and localized with cold front = 1. These results indicate the importance of the localized sea-breeze induced storm to the local hydrology. The average rainfalls produced from each type of storm were 15.4 mm, 14.4 mm, 17.2 mm, 9 mm, 27.03 mm and 13.64 for localized, upper westerly trough, tropical easterly wave, cold front, storms tropical westerly trough, and localized with cold front, respectively. In mid-June 2007, 12 additional rain gauges were added within a small subwatershed located within the 4 km x 4 km pixel as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 5 shows the variation in 5 minute rainfall at four different times (14:27, 14:37, 15:32 and 16:22) on 27 June 2007. Large variations can be observed between the individual 5 minute intervals. Table 2 shows the results of the statistical comparison of all possible pairs of the sixteen rain gauge data sets (green circles in Figure 2) derived from 90 storms between August 2006 and August 2008; however data from all the rain gauges were not available for all 90 storms. For example, there were 77 rainfall totals available for rain gauge no. 7. Rain gauge no. 8 had the smallest data set with only 23 rainfall totals. The main reason that data were not available for all storms was the lack of measurement of rainfall by a rain gauge (i.e., rainfall measured was zero). Because we could not be certain that this was real or if the rain gauge became plugged with debris, for example, all zero rainfall values were discarded. It should be noted that the decision to discard this data will result in data sets that may underestimate the variability of rainfall. Therefore, in the statistical analysis presented below it should be kept in mind that our assessment of variability is conservatively low, because without a doubt, some of the discarded zero rain gauge values were in fact correct. For the Mann-Whitney and the Wilcoxon analyses (log-transformed and non-transformed data), 17 to 25% (20.9% mean) of average rainfall totals for all rain gauge pairs were significantly different (Table 2). A Pearson Correlation Table (Dataxiom Software, Inc., 2001) was generated for the sixteen data sets (not shown) and the overall average correlation coefficient (r) was 0.60. Pearson correlation indicates the strength of a linear relationship between two variables. The coefficient of determination (r2) can be estimated by taking the square of r, which in this case yielded r2 = 0.37. Therefore, on average a linear model can explain 36.5% of the variance between two randomly selected rain gauge data sets. This is quite a low coefficient of determination, and is another indication of rainfall variability at the satellite sub-pixel scale. Figures 6 and 7 show the frequency and cumulative frequency of r and r2, respectively, for the 16 rain gauge pairs. Of the 120 r2 values, 90% were less than 0.7, 67% were less than 0.5, and 30% were less than 0.2. 28 29 Figure 8 shows the upper 95% confidence interval (CIU) minus the lower 95% confidence interval (CIL) for the mean gauge rainfall for the 90 storms. CIU - CIU provides another indication of how variable the data is with respect to the mean rain gauge data. The average CIU - CIU was 15.6 mm (0.6 inches), while the maximum CIU - CIU was 87.7 mm (3.5 inches). Ironically, with such a large range between the upper and lower 95% confidence limits, it may be relatively easy to obtain a QPE which falls within this range. What these results indicate is that we do not know what the mean rainfall is with a high degree of certainty. 4 Discussion Typically QPE methods are compared with existing rain gauge networks. For example, Cruz Gonzalez [1] compared the HE algorithm with an existing U.S. Geological Survey rain gauge network in Puerto Rico (125 rain gauges). If we were to superimpose the QPE pixels over the area of the island, for example the HE method having a pixel resolution of 4 km x 4 km, the individual rain gauge would fall at some random location within an HE pixel. As Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate, a large difference could be obtained depending upon where the rain gauges were located within the pixels. Statistically speaking, one out of every five rain gauges would not be representative of the rainfall occurring at other locations within the pixel. This problem is reduced when averaging estimates over time, but is most acute for short-term estimates within a single storm [15]—the type of data needed for real-time hydrologic flood forecasting [23, 24]. 5 Summary and Conclusion Figure 4. Spatial distribution of rainfall for storms on 6 August (a), 16 August (b), 18 August (c) and 22 October (d), 2006. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the spatial rainfall variability within a QPE pixel (4 km x 4 km HE pixel) in a tropical watershed located in western PR. Graphical data were presented for four storms (total storm rainfall), several 5-minute intervals within a single storm on 27 June 2007, and tabular data were presented for 62 storms. Rainfall was observed to be variable within the 4 km x 4 km study area. Average storm rainfall from more than one fifth (20.9%) of the 120 rain gauge-pairs evaluated for 90 storms, based on nonparametric statistics, were significantly different at the 5% of significance level, indicating significant rainfall variation at the sub-pixel scale. The overall coefficient of determination was 0.37. Of the 120 r2 values, 90% were less than 0.7, 67% were less than 0.5, and 30% were less than 0.2. The average CIU - CIU was 15.6 mm (0.6 inches), while the maximum CIU - CIU was 87.7 mm. 29 30 Results from this study clearly illustrate that for existing rain gauge networks (e.g., USGS) used in environments similar to this study (i.e., coastal tropical), significant sub-pixel variation can be expected. In these cases, where a single rain gauge exists within the QPE pixels and is used to either calibrate or validate a remotely sensed QPE method, error may be introduced into the QPE, and may be propagated through any hydrologic model used. The practical consequences of this error propagation are that the hydrologic parameters derived as part of the hydrologic model calibration will be incorrect. P3 P1 18.235 C1 C2 C4 C5 18.23 C3 P7 P5 C10 C6 18.225 C8 C7 C9 C11 18.22 C12 P11 P10 18.215 14:27 18.21 P13 P14 -67.125 P16 P15 -67.12 -67.115 -67.11 -67.105 -67.1 P3 6 Acknowledgement Financial support was received from NOAA-CREST, NSF-CASA, NASA-IDEAS, USDA HATCH (H-402) and USDA-TSTAR (100). Thanks to Dr. Mark Jury of the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez for assistance with determing storm classifications, and to Dr. Raúl Macchiavelli for his advice on the statistical approach used in this study. Thanks also to the students that helped install rain gauges and collect rainfall data: Jerak Cintrón, Ian García, Mariana León Pérez, Melvin Cardona, Ramón Rodríguez, Marcel Giovanni Prieto, Víctor Hugo Ramírez, Yaritza Pérez, Romara Santiago, Alejandra Roja, Jorge Canals, Julian Harmsen and Lua Harmsen. P1 18.235 C1 C2 C4 C5 18.23 C3 P7 P5 C10 C6 18.225 C8 C7 C9 C11 18.22 C12 P11 P10 18.215 14:37 18.21 P13 P14 -67.125 -67.12 P16 P15 -67.115 -67.11 -67.105 -67.1 P3 P1 18.235 C1 C2 C4 C5 18.23 C3 P7 P5 C10 C6 18.225 C8 C7 C9 C11 18.22 C12 P11 P10 18.215 15:32 18.21 P13 P14 -67.125 -67.12 P16 P15 -67.115 -67.11 -67.105 -67.1 mm P3 9 8.5 P1 8 18.235 7.5 7 C1 C2 C4 6.5 C5 18.23 C3 6 P7 P5 5.5 C10 C6 18.225 C7 5 C8 C9 4.5 C11 4 18.22 C12 3.5 P11 P10 3 2.5 16:22 18.215 2 1.5 1 18.21 P13 -67.125 P14 -67.12 P16 P15 -67.115 -67.11 -67.105 -67.1 0.5 0 Figure 5. Spatial distribution of 5-minute rainfall values (mm) at 14:27, 14:37, 15:32 and 16:22 hours, for a storm occurring on 27 June, 2007. 30 31 Histogram of r values for 16 rain gauge pairs 30 120% Frequency 25 100% Frequency Cumulative % 20 80% 15 60% 10 40% 5 20% 0 0% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 More Bin Figure 6. Frequency and cumulative frequency of correlation coefficients (r) for 16 rain gauge pairs. Frequency Histogram of r2 values for 16 rain gauge pairs 25 120% 20 100% 80% 15 Frequency Cumulative % 60% 10 40% 5 20% 0 0% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 More Bin Figure 7. Frequency and cumulative frequency of coefficient of determination (r2) for 16 rain gauge pairs. Upper 95% C.I. minus the Lower 95% C.I. 100 90 80 CIU - CIL (mm) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Storm Number Figure 8. Upper 95% confidence interval (CIU) minus the lower 95% confidence interval (CIL) for 90 storms. References: [1] Cruz Gonzalez, B., 2006: Validacion del Algoritmo Hidro-Estimador en la Region de Puerto Rico (Validation of the Hydro-Estimator Algorithm in the Puerto Rico Region). Tesis Departamento de ININ, Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayagüez. [2] Vila D. and I. Velasco, 2002. Some experiences on satellite rainfall estimation over South America. Proceedings, 1st International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) Workshop Madrid, Spain. [3] Scofield, R.A. and R.J. 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Flood simulation and emergency management: a web-based decision support system. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME / WSEAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics & Hydrology, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 15-17, 2007. [24] Liao, H. Y., T. H. Chang, A. P. Wang and B. W. Cheng, 2008. Fuzzy comprehensive assessment of typhoon flood. WSEAS Transactions On Environment And Development, Issue 3, Vol. 4: 257-266. 32 Table 1. Average Rainfall statistics by storm type for 62 storms between August 2006 and August 2007. Number Storm Type of Storm of Storms start Localized 22 15:18 Upper Westerly trough 16 15:22 Tropical Easterly Wave 11 14:41 Cold Front 6 14:59 Tropical Westerly trough 6 13:31 Localized with cold front 1 15:51 Overall Average 62 15:01 Storm end 18:16 17:59 16:10 16:50 17:39 17:40 17:37 Storm Duration (hr) 2.97 2.63 1.47 1.85 4.14 1.82 2.60 n 14 12 17 12 17 13 14 Total Average Storm Rainfall (mm) 15.37 14.41 17.23 9.04 27.03 13.64 15.98 Standard Deviation Maximum Minimum (mm) (mm) (mm) 12.09 29.11 4.57 13.23 29.18 4.63 10.77 31.62 5.54 6.09 21.57 0.70 9.66 41.90 6.53 NA 32.60 1.80 10.37 30.23 4.48 n stands for sample size or the number of operational rain gauges. Table 2. Results of statistical comparisons between storms totals for all combinations of 16 rain gauges. Statistical Analysis Mann-Whitney Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon Wilcoxon Average Data Transformation None Log None Log Percent of rain gauge pairs showing significant difference (%) 25.0 21.6 17.0 20.0 20.9 Appendix 4 PROPOSAL Estimation of evapotranspiration using remote sensing techniques under tropical coastal conditions Prof. Eric Harmsen, Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 00681 Determination of evapotranspiration is important for evaluation of hydrologic resources of a region, and evaluating irrigation requirements. Because of the inter-relation between components of the hydrologic cycle, evapotranspiration is important in the evaluation soil water content, surface runoff, and aquifer recharge. Evapotranspiration (ET) is defined as the combination of evaporation from soil and plant surfaces, and transpiration from plant leaves. Evaporation is the process whereby liquid water is converted to water vapor and removed from the evaporating surface (Allen et al., 1998). Transpiration is the vaporization of liquid water contained in plant tissues and its subsequent removal to the atmosphere. Crops predominately loss water through small openings in their leaves called stomata. Evapotranspiration can be expressed in units of mm/day (or in/day), or as an energy flux in units of MJ m-2 day-1 (Allen et al., 1998). Evapotranspiration is important because it is often the largest component of the hydrologic cycle after rainfall. Under arid conditions, potential evapotranspiration can easily exceed rainfall. Remote sensing methods for estimating evapotranspiration are needed for tropical coastal conditions. Various techniques have been developed based on radiation methods (e.g. Sumner et al., 2008) and surface energy budgets (e.g., Gowda et al., 2007 and Allen et al., 2008). In this study we will estimate the evapotranspiration flux using the Penman-Monteith method (Allen et al., 1998) and Priestly-Taylor (Priestly and Taylor, 1972) in combination with the solar radiation and surface temperature products of the GOES-12 satellite. Solar radiation will be derived using the radiative transfer model of Diak et al. (1996). Input required for the Penman-Monteith will be based on procedures developed for Puerto Rico by Harmsen et al. (2002). The advantage of using a geostationary satellite platform is that sensor readings are available every 15 minutes, and therefore ET can be estimated on a sub-hourly basis. Although, accurate surface solar radiation estimates are limited to cloudless conditions, the frequent measurement from this platform means that evapotranspiration can be estimated through much of the day when clear skies are present. Objective Evaluate estimates of evapotranspiration using the Penman-Monteith and Priestly-Taylor methods in combination with GOES-derived solar radiation and surface temperature, and other parameter estimations procedures developed for Puerto Rico. Remotely sensed ET will be compared with several ground based methods including meteorological, Bowen ratio, scintillation methods. 34 Methods Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) will be estimated with the Penman-Monteith method (Allen et al., 1989): 900 u e e 2 s a T 273 0.408 Rn G ETo 1 0.34 u2 . (1) where is slope of the vapor pressure curve, Rn is net radiation at the surface [Wm-2], G is soil heat flux density [Wm-2], is psychrometric constant, T is mean daily air temperature at 2-m height, u2 is wind speed at 2-m height, es is the saturated vapor pressure and ea is the actual vapor pressure [Kpa]. Equation 1 applies specifically to a hypothetical reference crop with an assumed crop height of 0.12 m, a fixed surface resistance of 70 sec.m-1 and an albedo of 0.23. In 1990 a committee of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 1990) recommended the Penman-Monteith method (equ. 1) as the single approach to be used for calculating reference ETo. This recommendation was based on comprehensive studies, which compared twenty ET calculation methods with weighing lysimeter data (Jensen et al., 1990). These studies found the Penman-Monteith method to produce superior results relative to all other methods. Vapor pressure will calculated using the following equation: 17.27 T T 237.3 e ( T) 0.6108 exp . (2) where e(T) is vapor pressure [Kpa] evaluated at temperature T [K]. Saturated and actual vapor pressures will be estimated using equation 2 with the mean daily air temperature (Tmean) [Co] and mean daily dew point temperature (Tdew) [Co], respectively. Air temperatures will be derived from GOES surface temperatures using the method of Narasimhan et al. (2003). The FAO (Allen et al., 1998) has reported that Tdew can be estimated based on the use of the daily minimum air temperature (Tmin) and this approach will be used in this study. A correction factor is recommended by Allen et al. (1998, equation 6-6) based on local conditions: Tdew = Tmin + Ko, where Ko is a temperature correction factor. Harmsen et al. (2002) derived values of Ko for the six NOAA Climate Divisions in Puerto Rico (Figure 1). In this study T dew will be estimated using the GOES-derived daily minimum air temperature plus the appropriate correction factor. The FAO recommends that wind speed be estimated from nearby weather stations, or as a preliminary first approximation, the worldwide average of 2 m/sec can be used. In this study we will use the wind speed values presented by Harmsen et al. (2002), which were based on average station data within the Climatic Divisions established by the NOAA, and are presented in Table 3. The data in Table 3 were derived from wind speed sensors located at airports and university 35 experiment stations. Average wind speeds were based on San Juan and Aguadilla for Div. 1; Ponce, Aguirre, Fortuna and Lajas, for Div. 2; Isabela and Rio Piedras for Div. 3; Mayagüez, Roosevelt Rd. and Yabucoa for Div. 4; Gurabo for Div. 5; and Corozal and Adjuntas for Div. 6.. The sensor heights were 10 m and 0.58 m above the ground for the airports and experiment stations, respectively. Measured wind speeds were adjusted to the wind speed at 2 m above the ground using the following equation (Allen et al., 2005): u2 = (4.87 uz) / [ln (67.8 z -5.42)], where uz is the wind speed at height z above the ground. Note also that the wind speeds in Table 3 are the average daytime wind speeds. M A L Figure 1. Map of Puerto Rico showing the locations of Adjuntas (A), Mayagüez (M) and Lajas (L) . Numbers indicate National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climatic Divisions. 1, North Coastal; 2 South coastal; 3, Northern Slopes; 4, Southern Slopes; 5, Eastern Interior; and 6; Western Interior. Table 3. Average daily wind speeds 2 meters above the ground by month and NOAA Climatic Division* within Puerto Rico. (From Harmsen et al., 2002) Average Daily Wind Speeds (m/s)** NOAA Climatic Division* 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2.7 1.8 2.2 1.8 1.1 1.3 2.8 2.0 2.4 2.0 1.3 1.5 3.0 2.2 2.6 2.1 1.4 1.5 2.9 2.1 2.4 2.1 1.5 1.5 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.8 2.9 2.4 2.7 2.0 1.6 1.8 2.7 2.1 2.5 1.8 1.3 1.5 2.1 1.7 2.0 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.9 1.5 1.8 1.6 0.9 1.1 2.2 1.4 2.0 1.6 0.9 1.0 2.6 1.5 2.3 1.6 0.9 1.0 * See Figure 1 for NOAA Climate Divisions ** Averages are based on San Juan and Aguadilla for Div. 1; Ponce, Aguirre, Fortuna and Lajas, for Div. 2; Isabela and Rio Piedras for Div. 3; Mayagüez, Roosevelt Rd. and Yabucoa for Div. 4; Gurabo for Div. 5; and Corozal and Adjuntas for Div. 6. Solar radiation (Rs) will be estimated with the radiative transfer model of Diak et al. (1996) using data from the visible-channel of the GOES satellite. The methods presented in Allen et al. (2005) to calculate extraterrestrial radiation (Ra), Rnet and G will be utilized in this study. In addition to using the Penman-Monteith method (equ. 1), the method of Taylor and 36 Priestly (1972) will also be used: ETo PTc Rn G . where PTc [unitless] is the Priestly-Taylor location parameter, and all other variables/parameters have been previously defined. An obvious advantage of this approach is that it does not depend on as many parameters as does the Penman-Monteith method. Actual evapotranspiration will be obtained from the following formula: ET = Kc ETo, where Kc is the crop factor, which accounts for not climatic factors such as vegetation color, stage of growth, leaf area, etc. The spatially variable crop factor will be derived using remotely sensed estimates of leaf area index from the MODIS-derived natural difference vegetation index (NDVI). The remotely sensed ET will be compared with several ground-based ET methods including: meteorological, Bowen ratio, Eddy Covariance and Scintillation methods. References Allen, R. G., I. A. Walter, R. Elliott, R. Howell, D. Itenfisu and M. Jensen, R. L. Snyder, 2005. The ASCE Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration Equation. Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 57 pages. Allen, R. G., L. S. Pereira, Dirk Raes and M. Smith, 1998. Crop Evapotranspiration Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Allen, R. G., M. Tasumi, R. Trezza, C. W. Robison, M. Garcia, D. Toll, K. Arsenault, J.M.H. Hendrickx, and J. Kjaersgaard, 2008. Comparison of Evapotranspiration Images Derived from MODIS and Landsat along the Middle Rio Grande. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua'a. Diak, G. R., W. L. 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Estimation of potential evapotranspiration from NOAA–AVHRR satellite. ASABE, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 19(3): 309–318. Priestly, C.H.B. and R.J. Taylor. 1972. On the assessment of surface heat flux and evaporation using large scale parameters. Mon.Weath. Rev. 100:81-92. Sumner, D. M, C. S. Pathak, J. R. Mecikalski, S. J. Paech, Q. Wu, and T. Sangoyomi, 2008. 37 Calibration of GOES-derived Solar Radiation Data Using Network of Surface Measurements in Florida, USA. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua'a. Projects Task (with each Projects CREST Researchers NOAA Collaborators 38 Other Co 39