• • • • Start date: November 2012 Duration: 24 months Website: www.marg-project.eu Funding Scheme: FP7 Research for the Benefit of SMEs The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 315296. 1 ORGANIZATION NAME COUNTRY BHE Bonn Hungary Electronics Ltd. Hungary ON AIR Elektronikai Gyártó és Javító Kft. Hungary Geographica Spain PESSL Instruments GmbH. Austria Cantine D’Alfonso Del Sordo Srl. Italy Technische Universität Graz Austria Agenzia Regionale Per La Protezione Ambientale Del Piemonte Italy MET-ENV FejlesztÅ‘ és Szolgáltató Bt. Hungary 2 • Currently, the common methods to measure rainfall include the use of rain gauges or long range weather radars. • Rain gauges are used for direct measurement of rainfall intensity near land. • Long range weather radars work as very densely situated rain gauges, but the price of these radars are not affordable for large part of the endusers, especially for Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). • To own and operate an individual rain gauge by an SME is highly expensive. • Participating SMEs of the MARG project realized that there is a clear need for a cheaper and innovative measurement device. • The MARG project aims to develop an accurate, real-time, price-sensitive and user friendly rainfall measurement system. • MARG will monitor spatial distribution and intensity of rain in rural and urban scale for commercial weather data and value-added forecast product suppliers. 3 Scientific objectives: - To develop a high resolution, low cost, short range precipitation radar system - To identify rain type events using Doppler spectrum data - To identify rain type events using morphological information of the radar rainfall maps - To develop high grade clutter cancellation algorithm in order to eliminate scattering data on stationary objects in the area Business objectives: - To realize a relatively lower commercial price than current solutions - To realize a pre-competitive product that will enable participants to reach the targeted return on investments Training, dissemination and exploitation objectives: - To train SMEs on functionality, operability, troubleshooting, maintenance, etc. of the system - To disseminate the project at commercial, scientific, certification and on public platforms, and to compile a European Best Practices Guild. - To prepare Exploitation Plan to determine routs for protection and exploitation of Foreground in line with post-project exploitation plans 4 MFKK www.marg-project.eu marg@mfkk.hu (06 1) 787 4024 5