Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________ #______ Rocks In His Head Sequence Activity Please put these sentences in order by numbering them 1 -10. You may use your book to help you. “I may have rocks in my head,” he (my father) said, “but I think bad times are coming. So my father took the job as night janitor at the museum. People said he had rocks in his pockets and rocks in his head. On rainy days when my father could find no other work, he’d take the bus to the science museum. They came to buy gas, and they came to play chess, and they came to look at the rocks. She (Mrs. Johnson) said, “I told them I need somebody with rocks in his head and rocks in his pockets.” When he grew up, my father decided to open a gas station. My father spent a lot of time looking for any job he could find. “If you think those rocks are ever going to do you any good,” said my mother, “you’ve got rocks in your head.” When he was a boy, my father collected rocks.