ESOL 10TH GRADE Class syllabus and

Mrs. Koche’s- Room 561
10th Grade -English II through ESOL
Phone: 407-905-3000 Ext: 6112-561
Welcome to English II through ESOL. I am so excited to have your student
in my class. This year will be full of challenges, excitement, and learning!
Course Description/ Rationale:
This course is designed to promote a deeper understanding of literature, the
written word, and the overall English Language. In addition, it encourages the use
of effective communication through the use of various written forms and skills.
Students should leave this course as critical thinkers and tactical writers. Skills
that prepare students for taking the FCAT are incorporated into this course.
English II through ESOL is a required course and credits must be fulfilled upon
high school graduation.
General Outline:
Term 1:Fiction/Short Story Elements, Expository Writing, Grammar Review
Term 2: Nonfiction, Text Structures, Persuasive Writing
Term 3: Reading Strategies, Timed Writing to Prompts, Poetry
Term 4: Research Skills, Presentation Skills, Creative Writing.
Course Goals/Objectives:
The student will learn to read accurately
The student will learn to develop vocabulary
The student will learn to comprehend texts
The student will learn to apply elements of literature
The student will learn to engage in the writing process
The student will learn to apply listening and speaking strategies
The student will learn to develop technology skills
The student will learn to develop media skills
Course Readings and Writings:
Texts (provided): Multiple short stories, poetry, novel excerpts and memoirs from
the Literature Textbook. Novels including: (T.B.A.) and (changes and additions to
novel list will be accompanied by a novel rationale sent home with students.)
Writing Assignments: the Writing process and Expository Writing , Public Speaking,
Grammar/punctuation, Media Literacy, Persuasive Writing, Research and
Technology, Informational Text, Structure and format of work place documents,
Fact/Opinion, Commercials, Ads and brochures, Propaganda, Creative Writing and
**** Various units may incorporate excerpts from other novels.
Course Details/Requirements:
The following supplies are required for my class:
White loose-leaf paper (college ruled)/Notebook
Black / blue pens (erasable if possible), pencils, eraser, markers,
Four different colored highlighters or colored pencils
Small Post-it-Notes
**** Classroom donations are much appreciated (Tissues, hand sanitizer,
Post-it-Notes, blue/black pens, electric stapler or hole punch, Clorox
antibacterial wipes, white loose-leaf paper, tape, markers, glue sticks,
crayons, colored pencils, computer paper, construction paper)
* It is recommended that the student has personal earphones.
Please note that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.
Class work and Class Participation:
Class work includes whole-class, group, partner, and individual work.
Each quarter, participation will play a factor in your overall English II
through ESOL grade. This grade is based on how much you contribute to
class discussions and group work. I also expect to see genuine interest,
curiosity, and willingness to engage in the material.
Homework is a way for you to better understand the course work; thorough
completion of homework will bring you greater success with tests, essays and
projects. I will check homework during class, and you will only receive credit
if you adequately complete the assignment. If you are in school for any part
of the day, you must hand in your homework. Your final homework grade will
result from the amount of homework assignments that you completed. In
addition, you are to expect homework every night.
Instructional Techniques:
The following instructional techniques will be used within the classroom:
lecture, small groups, discussions, readings, cooperative learning groups, and
differentiated instruction. All instructional techniques will be utilized
throughout the school year.
Textbook: Florida Collections (Grade 12); Digital Textbook; Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co.
Each student will be assigned a digital textbook. An introduction to the text
will be given to the students upon digital textbook assignment.
Technology: Google Apps, and Progress Book
MacBook Air issued by OCPS: Students are responsible for charging their
learning devices at home nightly and for bringing them to school fully
charged on a daily basis.
All essays will be submitted to Essays will be checked for
authenticity, and graded using the Common Core State Standards rubrics
created on this site. Students must use previously created accounts and sign
in using the group ID.
Student email/login information
MacBook Air laptop (provided by Ocoee High School)
All assignments will be submitted using students’ assigned OCPS digital
textbook/Google/Edmodo and accounts.
Computer login:
Username: student number
Password: birth date (yyyymmdd)
Google login:
Username: student
Password: birth date (yyyymmdd)
Edmodo login:
Username: first and last name
Password: birth date (yyyymmdd)
Edmodo Group Codes: (Case sensitive)
2nd Period: vxfvbd
3rd Period : rff34m All essays and research papers will be submitted to
Group Codes (You will only use this to enroll in your class period. Login will be
your email address and the password you create. It is your responsibility to
remember these!)
Password: honesty
If you do not have access to internet at home, please keep in mind
that the Orange County Public Library offers the use of computers and free
internet to all library card holders. The school library is also available for
use during lunch and before and after school. (Remember, you will need your
student ID to enter the media center!)
Grading Scale (state mandated)
A = 90 ¬ 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 00 – 59
Grades will be based on an accumulation of points earned for tests, quizzes,
exercises, written work, oral work, projects and presentations.
Grading Categories:
30% Formative Assessment (homework, class work)
20% Weekly Quizzes
50% Summative Assessment (tests, projects, essays)
Makeup Work
When absent, students may check their Edmodo page or Progress Book to
get copies of the missed assignments, handouts, and journal topics. Students
are given 1 day per excused absence to complete the makeup work. If a
student is absent due to in-school or out-of-school suspension, they may also
get copies of assignments and missed work on or Progress Book.
Students who accumulate 20 unexcused or more absences in a school year
must pass the final exam to receive credit for the course!
Late Work Policy
Students will be given ample time to complete assignments and projects.
Directions and rubrics for assignments and projects will be posted on
Progress Report/ when assignments are given to students. Please
check the Edmodo calendar and Progress Book regularly to get copies of
missed assignments! Get your work in on time!
A percentage deduction is applied to all Late Work:
● 1 period late: 10% grade point deduction
● Greater than 1 period late: 50% grade point deduction
● Late work defaults to a zero if not turned in before the attendant
summative assessment Long term projects (10 days prior notice) shall be
turned in on the assigned due date
Each student enrolled in the English II through ESOL curriculum will be
regularly assessed throughout the school year. A variety of assessments
techniques will be used throughout the school year and there is no one set
assessment type. Assessment types will include observation, debates,
differentiated instruction, tests/exams, cooperative learning groups,
projects, and reading log.
Progress Book:
Parents and students are encouraged to check Progress Book on a daily
and/or weekly basis to monitor their child’s grade. All grades and classroom
information will be posted through the Progress Book site. Parents can
access Progress Book through the Progress Book parent portal at the
following website:
Also you can check my website:
Tardy Procedure
A student who is not in his/her assigned class at the beginning of each
period will be considered tardy and will be assigned a Tardy Loss of
Privilege. Students receiving a Loss of Privilege will have three (3) days to
serve the Loss of Privilege to avoid further disciplinary action.
**** Syllabus is subject to change.
I have read and reviewed that above syllabus with my child. Students will be
notified of any changes. Students will keep this in their portfolio for the
entire nine weeks. Parents, please feel free to contact me at any time with
questions, comments, or concerns through a note, email, or voice-mail
Student Signature: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________
Contact Information:
Phone: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________
Date: __________________________***Please sign and return promptly