Bio 225 Chapter 9 Practice Questions 1. Which of the following steps most closely represents the definition of recombinant DNA technology? A. Use a restriction enzyme to cut the genome of an organism into pieces B. Use a restriction enzyme to cut plasmids C. Insert the restriction fragments into the plasmids D. Insert the plasmids into cells E. Screen the cells to determine which contains the restriction fragment with the gene of interest F. Allow the cells to reproduce G. Harvest the gene product 2. Which of the following steps most closely represents the definition of genetic engineering? A. Use a restriction enzyme to cut the genome of an organism into pieces B. Use a restriction enzyme to cut plasmids C. Insert the restriction fragments into the plasmids D. Insert the plasmids into cells E. Screen the cells to determine which contains the restriction fragment with the gene of interest F. Allow the cells to reproduce G. Harvest the gene product 3. Which of the following steps most closely represents the definition of cloning? A. Use a restriction enzyme to cut the genome of an organism into pieces B. Use a restriction enzyme to cut plasmids C. Insert the restriction fragments into the plasmids D. Insert the plasmids into cells E. Screen the cells to determine which contains the restriction fragment with the gene of interest F. Allow the cells to reproduce G. Harvest the gene product 4. Which of the following steps most closely represents the definition of biotechnology? A. Use a restriction enzyme to cut the genome of an organism into pieces B. Use a restriction enzyme to cut plasmids C. Insert the restriction fragments into the plasmids D. Insert the plasmids into cells E. Screen the cells to determine which contains the restriction fragment with the gene of interest F. Allow the cells to reproduce G. Harvest the gene product 5. Which of the following steps is the first to use a vector? A. Use a restriction enzyme to cut the genome of an organism into pieces B. Use a restriction enzyme to cut plasmids C. Insert the restriction fragments into the plasmids D. Insert the plasmids into cells E. Screen the cells to determine which contains the restriction fragment with the gene of interest F. Allow the cells to reproduce G. Harvest the gene product 6. What are restriction enzymes? A. Enzymes that only work in restricted areas of the cell B. Enzymes that are specific for plasmids C. Enzymes that cut introns out of pre-mRNA D. Enzymes cut DNA molecules at specific recognition sites 7. What are sticky ends? A. Ends of cut DNA that are even B. Ends of uncut chromosomal DNA C. Areas of restriction enzymes that bind to plasmids D. Areas of restriction enzymes that recognize genomic DNA E. Ends of cut DNA that have overhangs 8. The best description of a rule for using restriction enzymes to produce recombinant DNA molecules is: A. Use a restriction enzyme that produces blunt ends B. Use as many different restriction enzymes as possible C. Don’t use the same restriction enzyme on the genomic DNA that is used on the plasmid D. A restriction enzyme that produces sticky ends, used on both the genomic DNA and the plasmid, will give the best chance of recombination Enzyme BamHI EcoRI HindIII PstI Use for Q9 and 10 Recognition sequence (cuts at *) G*GATCC CCTAG*G G*AATTC CTTAA*G A*AGCTT TTCGA*A CTGCA*G G*ACGTC 9. Which of the following restriction enzymes makes sticky ends? A. BamHI B. EcoRI C. HindIII D. PstI E. All of the above F. None of the above 10. Which restriction enzyme would cut a strand of DNA with the following sequence? GGTACCGTGAATTCGAG CCATGGCACTTAAGCTC A. B. C. D. Bam HI Eco RI HindIII Pst I 11. The method of inserting foreign DNA into cells that relies on fusing bacterial cells that lack cell walls is: A. Using a gene gun B. Microinjection C. Protoplast fusion D. Electroporation E. Transduction 12. The method of inserting foreign DNA into cells that relies on forcing particles coated with DNA across cell walls is: A. Using a gene gun B. Microinjection C. Transformation D. Electroporation E. Transduction 13. The method of inserting foreign DNA into cells by using a viral vector is: A. Using a gene gun B. Microinjection C. Transformation D. Electroporation E. Transduction 14. A method of getting plasmids into cells that don’t normally take up naked DNA is: A. Using a gene gun B. Microinjection C. Conjugation D. Electroporation E. Transduction 15. If you want to clone a gene, what’s the first thing you have to do? A. Digest the DNA with restriction enzymes B. Cut your plasmid with restriction enzymes C. Ligate the plasmid with a restriction fragment D. Incubate the cells you will transform with the recombinant plasmids E. Lyse the cells with the genomic DNA you’re interested in cloning 16. What is a gene library? A. A computerized database of gene sequences B. The entire sequence of a particular organism’s genome C. A set of synthetic cDNA molecules that represent all of the genes of a particular organism D. A bunch of clones containing all of the restriction fragments generated from a restriction digest of an organism’s genome 17. What is synthetic DNA? A. DNA created by recombinant DNA technology B. DNA created by PCR C. cDNA D. DNA created using one organism’s genome for a template and another organism’s DNA polymerase and nucleotides E. DNA created with a machine (DNA synthesizer) 18. You want to clone some DNA, so you use a plasmid with an ampicillin resistance gene as a vector. After transforming the bacteria you’ll be using to clone the DNA you streak them out on media containing ampicillin. Colonies that contain the plasmid can be identified by: A. Their blue color B. Their white color C. Replica plating D. Growth 19. To determine whether or not a clone contains the specific gene of interest you could use: A. Replica plating B. Blue-white screening C. X-gal D. Ampicillin E. A probe 20. To locate a specific piece of DNA on a group of restriction fragments the probe must be: A. Identical to the gene of interest B. Radioactive C. Properly inserted into the cloning site on the plasmid vector D. Single stranded 21. What do you need to make cDNA? A. A cloning vector B. An enzyme that removes introns C. A template, some nucleotides, and Taq polymerase D. Reverse transcriptase E. None of the above 22. What is the difference between cDNA and genomic DNA? A. cDNA has no codons B. cDNA has uracil instead of thymine C. cDNA is circular in eukaryotes D. cDNA has no introns 23. Which of the following is most problematic when using E. coli to produce human gene products? A. E. coli can’t excise introns to produce mRNA from eukayotic genes B. E. coli doesn’t naturally secrete most gene products C. E. coli DNA polymerase won’t copy human DNA D. E. coli RNA polymerase won’t transcribe human DNA E. The product may be contaminated by endotoxin 24. Genetic engineering can be used to produce: A. Subunit vaccines B. Hormones C. Disease resistance in plants D. Improved shelf life of agricultural products E. All of the above 25. Gene therapy uses genetic engineering to: A. Inhibit oncogene expression B. Eliminate copies of disease-causing genes C. Construct plants that produce their own insecticide D. Impart pesticide resistance to plants E. Treat diseases that result from defective or missing genes 26. You take the gene that codes for Bt toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis – organism A - and put it into the leaf colonizing organism Pseudomonas fluorescens – organism B. The Pseudomonas colonizes a tomato plant – organism C. The resulting organism (organism C after colonization) is: A. Bacillus thuringiensis B. Pseudomonas fluorescens C. E. coli D. A plant x Pseudomonas hybrid E. A tomato plant 27. You take the gene that codes for Bt toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis – organism A - and put it into the leaf colonizing organism Pseudomonas fluorescens – organism B. The Pseudomonas colonizes a tomato plant – organism C. The resulting organism (organism B with the Bt toxin gene) has: A. A tomato gene B. An E. coli gene C. A Bacillus gene D. A tomato and a Bacillus gene E. No new gene 28. The purpose of PCR is: A. To identify specific genes B. To make cDNA C. To make mRNA D. To make multiple copies of plasmid cloning vectors E. To make multiple copies of a desired piece of DNA enzymatically 29. PCR makes DNA: A. By synthesizing individual nucleotides B. Using Thermus aquaticus to synthesize new DNA molecules C. By using reverse transcriptase D. Without a living organism 30. After 2 rounds of PCR how many new single stranded DNA molecules do you have? A. One B. Two C. Four D. Eight E. None of the above 31. Southern blotting is used to: A. Identify specific mRNA molecules present in an organism B. Identify specific proteins present in an organism C. Identify clones with a specific gene D. Identify restriction fragments with a specific piece of DNA 32. Which of the following is the fifth step in a Southern blot? A. Lyse cells B. Do electrophoresis C. Transfer bands to nitrocellulose filter D. Develop film E. Expose film F. Hybridize with probe G. Restriction digest Key Bio 225 Chapter 9 Practice Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c d f g b d e d e b c a e d e d e d e d d d e e e e c e d e d f See definition See definition See definition See definition The plasmid is a vector Protoplast fusion wasn’t choice C, there was no correct answer so I changed it. C looks good but the cDNA molecules have to be in a vector and in cells Only ampicillin resistant cells grow, only cells with plasmid are ampicillin resistant It has to be complementary to the DNA of interest and single stranded so it can hybridize Probably most problematic since you would have dealt with the other problems up front. You put a working copy of the gene in to compensate for the defective or missing gene B would be correct if it said …Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase… You’d have 8 total single strands and six new single strands (the other 2 were original template)