ALTOONA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING October 29, 2013 -6:30 PM Altoona City Hall Members Present – Scott Henry, Allison Hay, Jill Pudenz Dan Dove, and Anne Lohmeier. Members Absent – Eric Gjersvik and Dan Narber. Staff – John Shaw, Chad Quick Guests – Ed Pelds, Ron Grubb, Jim Miller, Tim West, Adam McRoberts, Terry Warren, Matthew Murphy, Kevin Bartemes, Randy Cokerham, Councilman Harmeyer, and others not signing in. Henry called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., roll call was taken with all members present except Gjersvik and Narber. #1 Public hearing, consideration and recommendation of a development plan request from Prairie Crossing Investment, Inc. for the Prairie Crossing development. The property is zoned C7 (Regional Commercial). Shaw noted that the City is working with the developer on this project and plan to have it ready for the next meeting. Henry noted that construction of the restaurant is still underway via an agreement with the City Council. Motion by Henry to recommend continuing the public hearing to the November meeting. Seconded by Lohmeier. Votes: Yes – Henry, Lohmeier, Dove, Hay, Pudenz; No – none. Motion to continue public hearing approved 5-0. #2 Consideration and recommendation of a final plat for Meadow Vista Estates Plat 7. Erin Ollendike (Civil Design Advantage) presented the final plat. It is 21-single family lots and one outlot planned for multi-family uses. Henry noted this is the last plat in the Meadow Vista development and it will connect 26th and 28th Avenues through to Meadow Vista South. Motion by Lohmeier to recommend approval of the final plat subject to submitting legal documents and bonds. Seconded by Dove. Votes: Yes – Lohmeier, Dove, Pudenz, Hay, Henry; No – none. Motion approved 5-0. #3 Consideration and recommendation of a site plan for Rock Creek Condominiums Phase II. Ron Grubb of Jerry’s Homes presented the site plan. This project will finish the Rock Creek project by constructing the remaining three buildings. The units will be rental units but set up as a condominium regime so they could be sold in the future. They are working with their attorney to complete the legal documents addressing a setback issue. Motion by Dove to recommend approval of the site plan subject to working out the condominium regime documents. Seconded by Pudenz. Votes: Yes – Dove, Pudenz, Henry, Hay, Lohmeier; No – none. Motion approved 5-0. #4 Consideration and recommendation of a site plan for AutoZone retail store. Matt Murphy, Treanor Architects, represented the site plan. This a new building that will be constructed where 1 the old Sonic Drive-in is located. That site will be razed and a new building and parking lot constructed. They are working with the neighbor on a landscaping buffer yard agreement. Motion by Dove to recommend approval of the site plan subject to working out deficiencies. Seconded by Hay. Votes: Yes – Dove, Hay, Lohmeier, Pudenz, Henry; No – None. Motion approved 5-0. #5 Consideration and recommendation of a site plan for Perkins Restaurant. Tim West, Snyder & Associates, presented the site plan. The location is north of Jethro’s and west of Culver’s, north of Adventureland Drive. They have ample parking, almost double the number of stalls required. Henry asked and West said that Big Game, the owner, also owns the ground to the west. Motion by Dove to recommend approval of the site plan subject to correcting deficiencies. Seconded by Pudenz. Votes: Yes – Dove, Pudenz, Hay, Lohmeier, Henry; No – None. Motion approved 5-0. #6 Consideration and recommendation of a rural Polk County rezoning request from Brad Warren for property located at 4290 NE 94th County including Outlot Y of Timberwood Plat 2. Ed Pelds, Pelds Engineering, presented the item. It is a proposal to rezone some property east of Altoona. He said Polk County P&Z, which considered the item at their meeting last night, came to no decision on the matter voting 2-1 against rezoning but their were two abstentions and hence it died because of a lack of a majority. Last spring this ground was subdivided again by Mr. Warren. Now he is seeking rezoning to develop six lots. The subdivision began in the early 2000’s by Stubbs and when the County adopted a new comprehensive plan in 2006, the property was essentially down zoned. The current County zoning does not allow the further split of land without rezoning. The County rezoned in essence to protect the cities, making it harder to develop certain ground near cities until annexed into a city. Brad Warren, 7980 NE 27th Avenue, said that this property is unique because it was developed with curb and to city standards. The Commission wants the developer and staff to meet. Motion by Dove to recommend tabling to the November meeting. Seconded by Pudenz. Votes: Yes – Dove, Pudenz, Henry, Lohmeier, Hay; No – none. Motion to table approved 5-0. #7 Public hearing, consideration and recommendation of an ordinance amendment to the waiver section of the Architectural Design Standards in the site plan ordinance, Chapter 171.01(2)(M). Shaw noted the ordinance language and the proposed changes within the waiver section of the ordinance. Motion by Dove to recommend approval of the amendment. Seconded by Pudenz. Votes: Yes – Dove, Pudenz, Hay, Lohmeier, Henry; No – None. Motion approved 5-0. #8 Minutes of the September 24, 2013 meeting. Henry moved and Lohmeier seconded to approve the minutes. Votes: Yes – Henry, Lohmeier, Dove, Hay, Narber; No – none. Motion approved 5-0. 2 Old Business – None. New Business – December meeting date was set for Tuesday, December 17th. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Next meeting November 26, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Chad Quick Planner 3