Reg. No…. KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGY DE KIGALI Avenue de l’Armée, B.P. 3900 Kigali - Rwanda EXAMINATIONS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (FAED) END OF SEMESTER MAIN EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT AND VALUATION YEAR: TWO SEMESTER 2 EMV 3224 LAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS DATE: / /2013 DURATION: 2 HRS MAXIMUM MARKS: 60 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper contains FOUR (4) questions in two sections. 2. Section A is COMPULSORY and carries 30 marks 3. All questions in Section B carry equal marks – 15 marks. Answer ANY TWO questions of your choice from this section. 4. Do not forget to write your registration number 5. Do not write any answer on this question paper 1 SECTION A Question 1: Representing geographic phenomena in a Land Information System (LIS) 1a. What is LIS (2 pts)? 1b. Explain the Rwandan land tenure regularization (LTR) process (10 pts) 1c. Explain the following terms giving 1 example each of geographic phenomena which they can represent i. Field representation (4 pts) ii. Object representation (4 pts) 1d. Explain how these geographic phenomena are represented in the LIS? (2 pts each) No. Geographic phenomena i. ii. What computer representation in the LIS is this and explain? Road Forest iii. iv. v. Road Hydrant SECTION B 2 Question 2: Spatial data queries and analysis 2a. How can you get information about how to use a tool in ArcGIS? (2 pts) 2b. Give two examples of a single attribute condition spatial query type (1.5 pts each) 2c. Imagine you are planning to develop a waste site application using GIS. Give 4 examples of the needed datasets and explain why these datasets are needed. (10 pts) Question 3: Spatial analysis 3. Choose any five spatial queries from the list below: Explain and give a real life example when it is to be applied (3 pts each) i. Intersect ii. Are within a distance of iii. Contain iv. Touch the boundary of v. Shares a line segment with vi. Are crossed by the outline of vii. Have their centroid (centre) in Question 4: Spatial database modelling 4a. What makes a database spatial (2 pts)? 4b. Explain the 3 levels of database design modeling using the example of land management information system (13 pts) All the very best 3 Reg. No…. KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGY DE KIGALI Avenue de l’Armée, B.P. 3900 Kigali - Rwanda EXAMINATIONS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (FAED) END OF SEMESTER SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT AND VALUATION YEAR: TWO SEMESTER 2 EMV 3224 LAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS DATE: / /2013 DURATION: 2 HRS MAXIMUM MARKS: 60 INSTRUCTIONS 6. This paper contains FOUR (4) questions in two sections. 7. Section A is COMPULSORY and carries 30 marks 8. All questions in Section B carry equal marks – 15 marks. Answer ANY TWO questions of your choice from this section. 9. Do not forget to write your registration number 10. Do not write any answer on this question paper 4 SECTION A Question 1: Representing geographic phenomena in a Land Information System (LIS) 1a. How can Land Information Systems (LIS) facilitate the land tenure regularization (LTR) process in Rwanda? (15 pts) 1b. pts). What are the challenges to LIS implementation in a developing country context (8 1c. Draw and explain these views of geographic reality using 1 example each (3.5 pts each) i. Fields ii. Object SECTION B Question 2: Spatial queries and analysis 2a. Which ArcMap tool would you use to quickly see the characteristics of a map feature? (3 pts) 2b. Explain and give two examples each where these spatial query types are applied (3 pts each) i. selection by attributes ii. selection by location Question 3: Spatial data models for system design 3. Compare and explain the difference between the following terms (5 pts each) i. Data model and data structure ii. Vector and raster iii. Georeference in vector data and georeference in raster data Question 4: Spatial database design a. What makes a database spatial (2 pts)? b. In spatial data modeling, briefly explain the criteria you will use in developing a GIS application for locating a new kids shop (5 pts). Show the geographic and computer representation of the entities in your database (4 pts). c. Fill the table below of a database design phase and give reasons for your choice (4 pts): Data modelling Conceptual Logical Physical Software ? dependent ? Hardware Independent ? ? All the very best 5 6