Publications of the United Mine Workers of America, Collection # 55 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Special Collections and University Archives 42 boxes, 54 Linear Feet Historical Note For a history of the United Mine Workers of America, (UMWA) please see Collection # 52, UMWA, District 2; Collection # 66, UMWA, District 5; Collection # 67, UMWA, District 3; Collection # 79, UMWA, Local 617; and Collection # 109, UMWA, District 25. Scope and Content This collection of publications of the UMWA includes published materials of the UMWA International as well as items published in various coal producing states. The collection features volumes of The Black Diamond, which date from 1920-1972. Annual coal reports and inspection reports from the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming are also included. Provenance: Unknown Restrictions: None Processor: Date Unknown; Papers arranged and inventory written by Special Collections Staff. Summer 2001; Papers rearranged and inventory rewritten by Special Collections Staff. Container List The Black Diamond Bound Issues: 1920 Volume 1 and 2 1921 Volume 2 1922 Volume 1 and 2 1923 Volume 1 and 2 1924 Volume 1 and 2 1925 Volume 1 and 2 1926 Volume 1 and 2 1927 Volume 1 and 2 1 1928 1929 1930 Volume 1 and 2 Volume 1 and 2 Volume 1 and 2 Boxed Issues (Box 1-16): Box Number Year 1 1943 1943 1948 1948 Volume Number 110 111 120 121 Issue Number 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13 4, 6, 10, 11 1-13 1-3, 6-13 2 1949 1949 122 123 3-13 1-14 3 1950 1950 124 125 1-13 1-13 4 1951 1951 126 127 1-13 1-8, 12-13 5 1952 1952 128 129 1-5, 7, 8-13 1-10 6 1954 1954 132 133 1-13 1, 3-13 7 1955 1955 134 135 1-13 1-13 8 1956 1956 136 137 1-13 1-6, 8-13 9 1957 1957 138 139 1-13 1-13 10 1958 1958 1959 1959 140 141 142 143 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-13 1-13 1-13 1-11 Boxed Issues Continued… 2 Box Number Year 11 1960 1960 Volume Number 144 145 Issue Number 1-13 1-14 12 1961 1961 146 147 1-13 1-14 13 1962 1962 148 149 1-13 1-13 14 1963 1963 1964 1964 150 151 152 153 1-13 1-11 1-13 1-13 15 1965 1966 1967 1968 154 155 156 157 1-6, 8, 9, 11 1-11 1-4, 6-12 1-9, 11, 12 16 1969 1970 1971 1972 158 159 160 161 1-6, 8-12 1-12 1-12 1-11 Miscellaneous State Publications: Box 17: Alabama: Alaska: Arkansas: Colorado: Illinois: Box 18: Illinois: Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Safety and Inspection, Annual Reports 1960-61, 1963-67 Report of Commissioner of Mines 1946 Annual Report of State Inspector of Coal Mines 1968-71 Annual Report of Coal Mine Inspection Department 1956, 1960-62, 1964-65, 1968-72 Proceedings of the Illinois Mining Institute 1940-42 Coal Reports 1934-38 Coal Reports 1939-1946 3 Box 19: Illinois: Box 20: Illinois: Box 21: Illinois: Iowa: Box 22: Kansas: Kentucky: Maryland: Missouri: Montana: Ohio: Coal Reports 1947-54 Coal Reports 1955-1962 Coal Reports 1963-67, 1970-71 Mineral Resource Research and Activities of the State Geological Survey 1950-51 Minable Coal Reserves of Illinois 1952 Illinois Mineral Industry in 1951 and 1952 1953 Illinois Mineral Industry in 1953 1955 Report of Mine Inspectors 1946-49, 1952-53, 1959, 1965, 1969 Report of Mine Inspection Section 1950 Department of Mines and Minerals Annual Report 1949, 1957, 1961, 1963 Annual Report Bureau of Mines 1961-66 Annual Report of Division of Mine Inspection 1961 Strippable Coal Deposits on State Land, Powder River County, Montana Directory of Mining Enterprises for 1978 1979 A Program of Activities and Research in Coal Geology 1952 Annual Coal Report 1946-51, 1954-58 4 Box 23: Ohio: Oklahoma: Tennessee: Virginia: Annual Coal Report 1959-71, 1979 Annual Report of Mines and Mining 1961, 1968-69, 1971 Annual Report Department of Labor 1957-58, 1967 Rules and Regulations Affecting Unemployment Compensation 1980 Annual Report Department of Labor and Industry 1968-71 Box 24: West Virginia: Unemployment Compensation Rights and Duties 1974 Workmen’s Compensation Law 1974 Mining Laws 1977, 1981 Annual Report Workmen’s Compensation Fund 1943, 1946, 1948-51, 1966, 1969-72 Monthly Report Coal Mining Section December 1936 Annual Report Department of Mines 1945-47, 1949-51 Box 25: West Virginia: Annual Report Department of Mines 1952-61 Box 26: West Virginia: Annual Report Department of Mines 1962-68, 1973, 1975, 1977-78 Box 27: West Virginia: Annual Report Department of Mines 1979-80, 1983-84, 1989 Directory of West Virginia Business Industry 1946 Wyoming: Wyoming Coal Mining – A Wage and Employment Survey 1984 Annual Report State Inspector of Coal Mines 1946, 1959, 1961-65, 1968-72 5 Other Miscellaneous Publications: Box 28: Saward’s Annual 1956-67 Box 29: Report of Thomas Kennedy, International Secretary-Treasurer, UMWA Dec. 1, 1929 – June 1, 1930 Dec. 1, 1930 – June 1, 1931 Dec. 1, 1931 – June 1, 1932 Dec. 1, 1934 – June 1, 1935 Dec. 1, 1936 – June 1, 1937 Dec 1, 1937 – Dec. 1, 1938 Dec. 1, 1939 – Jan 1, 1943 July 1, 1943 – Jan 1, 1948 Report of John Owens, International Secretary-Treasurer, UMWA Jan 1, 1948 – Dec 31, 1963 July 1, 1964 – Dec 31, 1964 July 1, 1965 – Dec 31, 1967 July 1, 1968 – Dec 31, 1968 July 1, 1969 – June 30, 1970 Jan 1, 1971 – Dec 31, 1971 Proceedings of the Twenty Sixth Consecutive and Third Biennial Convention of the UMWA Jan 15-26, 1918 Volume Two Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Consecutive and Sixth Biennial Convention of the UMWA Jan 22-Feb 2, 1924 Volume Two Proceedings of the Consecutive Constitutional Convention of the UMWA 20th Convention: Jan 19-Feb 6, 1909 Two Volumes 31st Convention: March 10-20, 1930 Two Volumes 32nd Convention: Jan 26-Feb 5, 1932 Volume 2 rd 33 Convention: Jan 23-31, 1934 Two Volumes 34th Convention: Jan 28-Feb 7, 1936 Four Volumes 35th Convention: Jan 25-Feb 3, 1938 Two Volumes 36th Convention: Jan 23-Feb 1, 1940 Volume 1 Box 30: 6 Proceedings: UMWA Cont… 38th Convention: 1944 42nd Convention: Oct 2-9, 1956 rd 43 Convention: Oct 4-11, 1960 44th Convention: Sept 1-11, 1964 45th Convention: Sept 4-13, 1968 th 48 Convention: Dec 10-19, 1979 49th Convention: Dec 12-17, 1983 th 50 Convention: Sept 17-25, 1990 Two Volumes Two Volumes Two Volumes Two Volumes Three Vols. Two Volumes Daily Proceedings of the Thirty Eighth Constitutional Convention of the UMWA Sept. 12, 1942 Sept. 13-15, 1944 Sept. 18-20, 1944 Daily Minutes of the Constitutional Convention of the UMWA 42nd Convention: Oct. 2, 1956 44th Convention: Sept. 9, 1964 th 45 Convention: Sept. 10, 1968 Final Report of Committee on Credentials of the UMWA Feb. 3, 1936 Sept. 16, 1944 Oct. 8, 1956 Partial Report of Committee on Credentials of the UMWA Sept. 12, 1944 Sept. 4, 1968 Joint Report of the International Officers 36th Convention: Jan. 23, 1940 41st Convention: Oct. 7, 1952 43rd Convention: Oct. 4, 1960 44th Convention: Sept. 1, 1964 Verbatim Proceedings of the International Officers and District Representatives 1918 Minutes of the International Executive Board Jan. 25 – March 29, 1911 Coal’s Position on Subsidized Civilian Nuclear Power March 4, 1964 7 In the Superior Court of PA Oct. Term 1939 Feb. Term 1957 Oct. Term 1986 Oct. Term 1987 Coal Data Book Feb. 1980 The Year of the Rank and File, Officers’ Report 1973 Box 31: Collective Bargaining Positions: U.S. Department of Labor May 14, 1948 Nov 15, 1949 UMWA Opposes Anti-Labor Bills May 13, 1959 The Holmes Safety Association Handbook April 25, 1960 April 27, 1970 UMWA National Coal Mine Construction Agreement April 6, 1978 Feb. 9, 1985 National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement March 27, 1978 June 7, 1981 1984 1988 Electing Union Officers, U.S. Department of Labor September 1962 June 1963 Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Impact of Imports and Exports on American Employment June 19-20, 1961 8 Hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate June 12-13, 1961 Pertinent Questions and Answers Concerning Dusts, Mine Safety Appliances Co. Proceedings of the Twentieth Convention, UMWA Jan 19, 1909 Two Volumes Facts about Coal, U.S. Department of the Interior 1950 Coal in PA: Recent Developments and Prospects 1963 Coal Mine Film Directory for Safety Men Buried Black Treasure: The Story of PA Anthracite by Carl Corlsen 1954 Federal Mine Safety Code for Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mines of the U.S., U.S. Department of the Interior July 24, 1946 Anthracite: The Story of Hard Coal from Prehistoric Forests to Modern Homes and Buildings Coal Production in the U.S. 1962 Weekly Rates of Compensation for Disability Cases Based on the Amount of Weekly Earnings, Department of Labor and Industry Jan 1, 1928 Work Injuries: Compensable in PA by Alice Warne July 1951 Medical Care Under Workmen’s Compensation, U.S. Department of Labor 1962 An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the PA System of Compensation and Rehabilitation 1962 9 Return American Business and Labor to the Bargaining Table by John L. Lewis April 24, 1953 Report of President John L. Lewis to the Third Convention of Congress Nov. 18, 1940 Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Convention of the PA Federation of Labor May 10-12, 1921 Bibliography of Industrial Hygiene, U.S. Public Health Service 1900-1943 The Health of Workers in Dusty Trades, U.S. Public Health Service 1941 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 UMWA Model Bylaws for Local Unions Dec. 12, 1985 Union Trusteeships: A Report to the Congress, Secretary of Labor Sept. 1962 College of Mineral Industries, PA State University July 1, 1961 – June 30, 1962 Water Pools in PA Anthracite Mines, US. Department of the Interior 1949 Proceedings of the First Governors’ Fuel Conference April 26, 1954 Rules and Regulations and Statements of Procedure by the National Labor Relations Board 1958 Monthly Labor review, U.S. Department of Labor May 1920 Text of Message by Frank P. Kelly Feb. 10, 1956 10 Summary Plan Description Group Insurance Plan, Bethlehem Mines Corporation June 1, 1978 Manual of Statistical Info, Anthracite Institute 1950 Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research, The Mellon Institute May 20-21, 1965 Passing the Torch of our Union: The Dream Never Dies, John L. Lewis and Richard L. Trumka 1890-1990 International Publications: Box 32: International Conventions, 1901-1907 Box 33: International Conventions, 1908 and 1910 Box 34: International Conventions, 1911, 1912, and 1914 (vol. 2) Box 35: International Conventions, 1916, 1918 (vol. 1), 1919 (vol. 1 and 2) Box 36: International Conventions, 1919 (vol. 3), 1920, 1921 Box 37: International Conventions, 1922, 1924, 1927 Box 38: International Conventions, 1932, 1940, 1942, 1944 Box 39: International Conventions, 1946, 1948, 1952 Box 40: International Miscellaneous Material Box 41: Proceedings: 41st Consecutive Constitutional Convention, 1952 (vol. 1 of 2) Election Committee Manual Duties of Local Union Financial Officers Constitution/Grievances Committee Resolutions Box 42: Districts 3, 4, and 5 Agreement--April 29, 1941 District 4 First Constitution (1973) Second Constitution (1977) Third Constitution (1981) Fourth Constitution (1986) District 5 Constitution (1937) Constitution (1982) Constitution (1985) 11 Agreement--Thin Vein Seams of The Hicks Coal Interests (1920) Agreement--Thin Vein Seams of the Kiski and Allegheny Valley Operators (1924) Agreement--Vesta Coal Company (1941) Wage Agreement--Mine 2 (1941) District 6 Agreement--Ohio Coal Control Association and Division 3 (1934) Agreement--Division 2, Salem-Leetonia District (1935) Agreement--Division 2, Massilon District (1935) Agreement--Division 2, Number 6 and 7 Veins, Columbiana Country (1935) Agreement--Division 2, Tuscarawas-Coshocton (1935) Agreement--Division 3 (1935) Agreement--Division 3 (1941) District 10 Agreement--12 May 1939-31 March 1941 Agreement--1 April 1941-31 March 1943 District 13 Centerville Agreement (1939-1941) District 14 District Agreement (1941) Contract for Strip Mines (1939) Contract for Shaft Mines (1939) Contract for Strip Mines (1941) District 15 Coal Producers of Colorado and New Mexico (1935) Northern Colorado Coal Producers' Association (1935) Arthur Roeder (1935) District 16 Appalachian Agreement and Agreement with Coal Control Association (1935) District 17 Appalachian and New River Agreements (1935) Appalachian and Kanawha District Agreements (1935) Appalachian and Winding Gulf Agreements (1935) Appalachian and Greenbrier Agreements (1935) Appalachian and Williamson District Agreements (1935) Appalachian and Logan District Agreements (1935) 12 Appalachian and Pocahontas-Tug River Agreements (1935) Appalachian and Pocahontas-Tug River Agreements (1939) District 21 Agreement--Arkansas and Oklahoma Coal Operators (1939) District 22 Proceedings of Nineteenth Consecutive Constitutional Convention (1957) District 28 Appalachian and Upper Buchanan Smokeless District Agreement (1937) Appalachian Agreement and Virginia District Agreement (1939) Appalachian and Upper Buchanan Smokeless District Agreement (1939) Southern Wage Agreement and Virginia District Agreement (1941) Southern Wage and Upper Buchanan Smokeless District Agreement (1941) District 30 Appalachian and District Agreement--Hazard Coal Operators' Association (1937) Local Union 6310 Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1990 Des Moines Agreement (1934) National Coal Mine Construction Agreement (1972, 1974, 1981) Alternate National Coal Mine Construction Agreement of 1988 National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement (1974) United Mine Workers of America Constitution (1983, 1990) Resolution Presented to Constitutional Convention (50th, 1990) Joint Report of the International Officers (45th Consecutive Constitutional Convention, 1968) Papers and Proceedings of the National Conference on Medicine and the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 Safety Manuals Mine Gases First Aid Accident Prevention Black Lung 13 Preamble and Constitution of the Industrial Workers of the World (1905) 14