Walking--A bless for body soul and society

Walking…. A blessing for
body soul and society
Luc Henau
Walking.... A blessing for body, soul and society
Who is IML Walking Association?
The genesis of non-competitive walking events is the Nijmegen Vierdaagse. It is
clearly, at that moment, the oldest and largest event of this nature in the world, with a
history dating back to 1909.
Due to the success of that event and because more and more foreign walkers were
participating in the Nijmegen Vierdaagse, the Dutch organization KNBLO helped to
get similar events established in other European countries, starting at the end of the
1960's and the beginning of the 1970’s.
In that period the International Two days Marches of Flanders (Belgium) started, the
Haervesjmarchen in Denmark, La Marche de l’Armée in Diekirch (GD Luxembourg),
International Four days marches Castlebar (Ireland) and Two days Marches of Bern
In 1977, the Japan Walking Association established the Japan Three Day March. This
was the first multi-day walking event to be held in Japan. This also represented a
major breakthrough as it meant that organized non-competitive walking events were
no longer exclusive to Europe.
In 1986 several Multi-Day Walking Event Organisations with a common interest
met each other in Paapendal / Holland, in order to discuss the possibility of founding
some form of International Walking League.
The countries represented were Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, GD
Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. There was agreement at that meeting
to form such a league.
The International Marching League (IML) was therefore officially formed by the
above founding member countries in 1987 in the Nippon Press Center Tokyo, Japan in
the presence of His Highness Prince Narahito.
Since then, membership in the IML Walking Association has grown steadily to 24
with China and USA (Arlington) being the latest countries to be admitted in 2006.
International Marching League (IML) name was changed to IML Walking Association
after a decision taken during the General Meeting in Vancouver (USA) in 2006.
IML Walking Association is a non-political, non-profit organisation whose purpose is:
• to promote walking as a worthwhile and healthy recreation; (and)
• to foster international understanding and goodwill by encouraging participation at
walking events in other countries through a program of incentive awards.
This is accomplished by promoting international multi-day non-competitive walking
events in each of the member countries.
"Nos Iungat Ambulare" is the official motto of the IML Walking Association which,
when translated into English, means "May walking bring us together".
Come join us at an IML Walking Association event, and experience the atmosphere of
goodwill and friendship amongst the international and local participants. Use the IML
Walking Association worldwide program of events to:
• see different countries;
• experience different cultures;
• make new friends and
• renew friendship with walkers you have previously met.
Is walking an important element for a healthy lifestyle?
I am not a medical man, but when I see statistics I learn that in European countries
one of the most important causes of death are heart and vascular diseases. The best
preventive measure is to move on a regular base.
Why walking, because marching is healthy: oxygen, movement, personal choice of
rhythm, speed, resting periods ….and it is easy to access for everyone. So it’s evident
that doctors promote walking with their patients.
How to convince the different age groups for walking?
We try to convince them to participate at our walking event (first 6km, and later on
maybe more and more) by showing them that
- walking along the sea is relaxing
- it’s an easy way to have contact with other people
- it shows how beautiful the surroundings are
- it’s pleasant, because afterwards you can make fun by drinking a beer, maybe
dancing,…because a walking event is more than just walking only.
For each age group we have a particular approach:
- young people (8 -12 years) childeren's entertainment along the road
(make-up and bouncy castles,...)
- students (14-18 years) adventure walks, maybe with the support of the army.
- family with young children (certainly the families with couples both working. In
collaboration with the human resources managers of their firm we create the possibility to
organize for the employees a pleasant, relaxing weekend for the whole family. Special
facilities and activitiesfor the children (see young people) and parents.
- older people to participate at a walking event is more than walking only. There is a lot
of entertainment along the road and we give them a lot of information about
thesurroundings,the landscape, the nature, the activities, the historic places,
sculptures,...and so on.
That’s the first step. The second step is that if they want to walk more and more they
have to follow a certain training program. A good attractive method is to ask a VIP to
be the godfather of this project.
The third step is to persuade them to become member of a walking club. A walking
club which organizes bus trips to walking events spread over the whole country, so
that they can discover the different landscapes in the country.
To stimulate all members, the walking clubs create an award system. So all walkers
have a passport in which they notice information about the walks and they have the
following awards
- a badge for walkers who achieve 25, 50, 100,… marches
- a badge for walkers who achieve 500km, 1000km, 5000km,….
A few years ago we could honour a walker who had achieved 100.000 km.
The different awards and prizes are given on a festivity with diner or reception in the
town hall by the mayor or by a well known person.
Another way to stimulate the members of a walking club to participate at a walking
event is that the club with the most participants receives a cup, a present, a trophy,…
To organize this we need a lot of money for the promotion (brochures, posters,
announcements in daily papers, spots on the radio, on television,…, but also for the
organization (especially for the entertainment during and after the walk) and the
different awards.
Therefore we appeal to the Ministry of Public Health, Sick-funds and different firms.
But there is more. Walking have a lot of other opportunities.
Contact with other cultures
All walks are an international experience, a really pleasant melting pot of cultures and
nationalities with ten or more nationalities from the different continents.
To meet foreign people in your own country is a real pleasure with the opportunity to
show them different, unique, beautiful aspects, special landscapes and share the way
of life…
It is also fascinating to walk in other countries talking with local people and observing
the surroundings, the villages and the way of life,…
Walking is the best way to learn respect for other people their culture, religion and
way of life…
So we had a unique experience with our Japanese guests. For the 25th anniversary of
our walk we asked them to be our special guests. It was fantastic. Everybody was
convinced that this fraternization should not end with this one single opportunity. So
the Mayor of Chikura asked us to work out a cultural exchange program developed on
the occasion of, respectively, the International Two-day March of Flanders in
Blankenberge and the Japanese Minamiboso Flower March in Chikura.
The exchange of children's drawings and small pieces of craftsmanship and art by senior
citizens started off a student exchange program.
From 19 candidates 5 girls from the Chikura Junior High School were selected by the Board
of Education of Chikura. An intensive course of the English language, together with a crash
course of the geography and the history of Belgium, were the basic preparation for their
For the first time 5 Japanese girls spent a full week in Blankenberge host families. They
were heartily welcomed by the Mayor of Blankenberge.
A year later five Blankenberge students visited Japan, more specifically Chikura, in return,
and once again five more Japanese girls and boys from the Chikura Junior High School
have come to get acquainted with our town Blankenberge, even Brugge and Brussels
included. Now, for more than 10 years 5 Belgian students visit Japan and 5 Japanese
visit Belgium.
At this moment all reactions are positive and very instructive on both sides.
Neighbourhood and Environment
There is a great deal of interest in neighbourhood and environment of each IML town
and it’s surroundings.
Walkers can witness in a natural way different activities such as agriculture, nature,
harbour, industry, tourism and city activities are being integrated harmoniously in the
Education of walkers by example of good environmental behaviour is promoted at
resting stations and checkpoints especially in correct disposal or recycling of waste,
e.g. food, refuse, glass and tin cans. Hopefully they can use this information at home,
work and during leisure activities helping to provide sensible awareness response to
the environment.
Different venues provide a variety of tourist experiences. During walks participants
can get acquainted with the beauty of unusual landscapes, villages and local culture
Walking Events are an essential medium to promote new countries and regions as
good, interesting destinations becoming stimulation for development of tourism.