How did you get to school today?

It’s Walk to School Week!
How did you get to school today?
How did you get to school today?
How did you get to school today?
How did you get to school today?
How did you get to school today?
Why is it good to walk to school?
Walking is fun!
• Walk with your friends
• Talk about your day
• Explore your neighbourhood
Walking is good for you!
• Daily exercise keeps you healthy and fit
• Makes you feel happy J
• Wakes you up in the morning!
Walking is good for the planet
• Gas from cars pollutes the air
• If more people walk, there are fewer cars
and less pollution
• Cleaner air is better for us and our planet
Safer Roads
• With fewer cars on the road it is safer to walk
• There will be fewer cars crowding the school
Learn road safety skills
• You learn road safety skills while walking
to school
• Use crossings or traffic lights to cross safely
• Look both ways before you cross the road
Why is it good to walk to school?
How can we make it easier?
• Park and stride - park the car
about 10 minutes away from the
school and walk the rest of the way
Your school could…
• Set up a Park and Stride scheme
with a local car park
• Set up a Walking Zone around
your school
Strider’s Family Walking Challenge
Lets get walking!
to school!