Proposal for a supplemental Cooperative Research Agreement CX 825834 Project Period: May 1, 1998- April 30, 2001 Ozone and PM Air Quality Analysis in Support of Public Needs Budget period August 1, 2000-April 30, 2001 Project Officer: Lara Autry OAQPS, MD-19, USEPA Sub- Project: Monitoring Network Assessment: Information Value of Integrated, Multipurpose Networks Principal Investigator: Rudolf B. Husar Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA) Washington University St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 $90,000 Budget Supplement Budget period August 1, 2000-April 30, 2001 Submitted to Project Officer: Richard Scheffe OAQPS, MD-14 USEPA Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 July 6, 2000 Monitoring Network Assessment: Information Value of Integrated, Multipurpose Networks Background Recently, EPA/OAQPS has initiated a new program to make the existing air quality networks more responsive to the needs of air quality management. This may involve adding and removing stations, and samplers as well as modifying their operating procedures. New samplers are added to the network when a pollutant needs to be characterized in more detail, e.g. characterization of ozone precursors through PAMS. New samplers are also added to the network when a new standard is established as in the case of PM2.5. In general, all these activities tend to increase the number of monitoring sites and the associated national expense for maintaining the increasing air quality monitoring networks. Removal of monitoring stations or samplers has been avoided by applying the rationale that: a) The more data are being collected the better off we are. b) It is good to have a long-term record from the same site. c) It is not clear how to evaluate the relative importance of different monitoring sites and samplers, so might as well keep the stations operating. Given the limited financial resources available for monitoring the above-described network growth is not sustainable and results in sub-optimal resource utilization. Network optimization requires stating the network purposes such as monitoring for compliance with NAAQS or documenting trends. The network purpose leads to the specification of the network evaluation criteria. Network optimization may apply subjective and objective evaluation criteria. Subjective criteria are those that arise during discussion of the network management process and involve from the subjective judgements of the participants. Objective methods of network evaluation can be formulated algorithmically and can be used to support the network management decisions. The development of the network optimization algorithms is hampered by several difficulties including: 1. The network optimization paradox: in order to evaluate the network's ability to characterize the 'reality', the reality needs to be known. If the reality is fully known, there is no particular need to monitor. 2. Network integration problem: air quality monitoring networks are generally not monolithic but they are composed of sub-networks with subtle and sometimes significant differences in samplers and sampling protocols. Network optimization requires the integration and fusion of sub-networks (e.g. PM2.5, FRM, IMPROVE, CASTNET, possibly Supersites) 3. Multipurpose utilization of networks: the air quality data from a given sampler can be used for multiple purposes where each purpose, may demand different 2 evaluation criteria. For example, the evaluation based on NAAQS compliance needs to adhere to the criteria set by the regulatory standard. On the other hand, the use of the data for source attribution may apply multiple criteria using many different source-attribution methods. Purpose of the Project The purpose of the project is to develop a set of objective, network evaluation algorithms, and to apply those algorithms to assess the network performance for the criteria pollutants (O3, PM2.5, CO, SO2 NOX), with special emphasis on O3 and PM2.5. Specific Objectives of this Work The specific objectives set forth for this project are three fold: 1. Develop objective criteria and algorithms by which the network performance can be evaluated. 2. Integrate the existing network data into a homogeneous datasets with special emphasis on O3 and PM2.5. 2. Apply the developed algorithms to the best available integrated data sets to evaluate the network performance from multiple perspectives. Approach The approach to the project follows closely the list of specific objectives stated above. Objective criteria and algorithms for network performance evaluation A key concept for developing a network evaluation criteria is the information value contributed by each station. The information value, I, is composed of two parts: E and W. The parameter E represents the error reduction (uncertainty reduction) that a given station contributes. The value of E is large for those stations whose data are substantially different than estimates derived by other means, e.g. extrapolation from neighboring stations. The value of E is small if the concentration values estimated by other means are the same as the measured value. In this latter case, the station does not add information, i.e. does not reduce the uncertainty of concentration estimates. The magnitude of W represents a weighing factor that weights the importance of a given measurement from the point of view of pollutant impacts. For example, in case of population exposure, the value of W may be taken in proportion to the number of people in the region of influence of a given station. The overall value of the information provided by a given station is then composed of (1) how much it reduces the overall concentration uncertainty and (2) how much weight is given to the station due to the receptor impacts. The above-illustrated algorithm represents one possible way of evaluating a network performance. This method has been explored in a brief preliminary study that is available "Information Value of Air Quality Network Stations: Illustration for Ozone Monitoring over the Eastern US" 3 The above example illustrates the network evaluation based on spatial coverage. It is clear that evaluation for detecting trends will require a development of additional criteria. Integration of network data with special emphasis on O3 and PM2.5. In order to evaluate the performance of the existing networks for the criteria pollutants the most recently available data need to be accessed including the NAMS/SLAMS, IMPROVE, and CASTNET networks. In the past CAPITA has integrated these data sets. The available ozone data sets from NAMS/SLAMS and CASNET were integrated in order to provide science support to the OTAG process. The report that describes the ozone data integration effort can be found at the website below: "Ozone Data Integration for OTAG Air Quality Analysis and Model Evaluation" The available PM2.5 data sets were also integrated during Year 1 of this cooperative agreement (CX 825834). The report describing the integrated fine particle data sets can be found on the website: "North American Integrated Fine Particle Data" "North American Integrated Fine Particle Data Set" The integrated data sets will need to be updated. This is particularly important for the PM2.5 data since the PM2.5 network has been expanding rapidly since the introduction of the PM2.5 standard in 1998. Application of network performance evaluation algorithms to the best available integrated data sets In this task we will apply the developed network evaluation algorithms to the integrated data sets, with particular emphasis on ozone and PM2.5. An example of algorithm testing is given in the report "Information Value of Air Quality Network Stations: Illustration for Ozone Monitoring over the Eastern US" The network evaluation will be conducted for the entire conterminous US territory. In developing and applying the algorithms we will seek close interaction with analysts within OAQPS as well as with interested participants from the states. Output of the Work The output of this activity will roughly coincide with the three tasks outlined in the Approach Section: 1. New algorithms for evaluating integrated networks using multiple evaluation criteria. 2. Integrated data sets, updated through at least 1999 containing data on criteria pollutants from NAMS/SLAMS, CASTNET, and IMPROVE networks. 3. Network performance evaluations will be provided that illustrate the information value contributed by individual stations. The evaluations will be made for multiple 4 pollutants and evaluation criteria will include compliance with NAAQS, determination of trends, delivery of the information to the public and source identification. The entire network evaluation plan as well as appropriate intermediate results will be posted on the CAPITA website for purposes of interaction with interested collaborating analysts and managers. Schedule The work will be conducted during August, 2000 – April, 2001. Intermediate outputs will be discussed with the Project Officers, Laurel Schultz and Richard Scheffe. Budget The budget for the project is $90,000. The detailed budget is listed in the attachment. The project will be conducted through incremental funding to the Cooperative Agreement CX 825834 between EPA and CAPITA “Ozone and PM Air Quality Analysis in Support of Public Needs” Personnel The project will be conducted by Professor Rudolf B. Husar, director of the Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis. One or two graduate students will participate in the project. Drs. Stefan Falke and Bret Schichtel will serve as consultants to the 5 project. PROJECT TITLE: OZONE AND PM AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS IN SUPPORT OF PUBLIC NEEDS PROJECT PERIOD: 05/01/1998 - 04/30/2001 EPA ASSISTANCE ID NO. CX 825834-01-2 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: RUDOLF HUSAR SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING REQUEST Monitoring Network Assessment: Information Value of Integrated, Multipurpose Networks BUDGET PERIOD: 08/01/2000- 04/30/2001 Salaries Rudolf B. Husar, PI Graduate Research Assistant Undergraduate Lab Asst. EPA WU TOTAL 31,079 6,750 1,238 2,575 33,654 6,750 1,238 39,066 2,575 41,641 6,141 509 6,650 45,208 3,084 48,292 Travel 1 person trip to a technical meeting 1,350 0 1,350 Equipment 1 pentium grade computer and peripheral equipment partial charge Other Expenses Software library charges Telephone long distance / fax charges Computer network charges Publication charges 3,094 0 3,094 1,502 0 1,502 Consulting Bret A. Schichtel Bryan Van Hook Stefan Falke 8,100 0 8,100 Total Direct Costs 59,253 3,084 62,337 Total Indirect Cost Base @56.0% Total Indirect Cost Base @ 54.5% Indirect Cost @56.0% MTDC, current Indirect Cost @54.5% MTDC, effective 7/1/00 Total Indirect Costs 9,360 46,799 5,242 25,505 514 2,570 288 1,401 9,874 49,369 5,530 26,906 Total Direct and Indirect Costs 90,000 4,773 94,773 Total Salaries Fringe Benefits Total Salaries and Fringe Benefits 6 7