Brander Matthews 1 Ms Coll Matthews, B. Brander Matthews Papers, 1827-1967 20 linear feet (ca. 14,500 items in 41 boxes and 2 flatboxes) Biography: James Brander Matthews was born in New Orleans on February 21, 1852 to Edward and Virginia Brander Matthews. He received a baccalaureate from Columbia University in 1871 and a law degree in 1873. That year, he married Ada Smith an English actress. He earned a Master of Arts in Literature at Columbia University in 1874 and turned to writing to support his family. Matthews began by reviewing plays and eventually became a respected author of novels, plays, short stories, poems, essays, and biographies. He was a frequent contributor to periodicals. He began lecturing at Columbia University in the English Department in 1892 and was appointed Professor of Dramatic Literature in 1900, the first such professorship established in the United States. Matthews established the Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum at Columbia in 1911, the first such museum in the United States. He died at age seventy-five on March 31, 1929. Summary: The Brander Matthews Collection spans the dates 1827 to 1927 with most of the material dating from 1872 to 1924. It is divided into 5 series: Cataloged Correspondence, Writings, Notes, Works by Others, and Personal files. The collection contains letters, manuscripts, typescripts, clippings, articles, notes, photographs, scrapbooks, and memorabilia. Some of the material, especially the newspaper clippings, is very brittle and fragile. Finding Aids: Contents list, 15 pages. Restrictions on Access: Available for faculty, students, or researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Restrictions on Use: Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts. Provenance: Gift of Brander Matthews, 1912-1928; Harold G. Henderson, 1951; and Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield, 1978. Processing History: Revised by G. Cannan, August 2000 Microfilm Information: A. P. Terhune, James Bryce and Royal Cortissoz cataloged correspondence are on microfillm Physical Loaction: In sequence Related Manuscript Collections: Dramatic Museum; Columbia University. Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum RLIN ID: 89-A586 Brander Matthews - 2 I. Cataloged Correspondence, 1876-1926 10 linear ft. Matthews was an influential figure in the literary and dramatic worlds of New York, Paris, and London in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century. Among his correspondents represented in the collection are William Archer, Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor, Augustin Daly, Austin Dobson, Hamlin Garland, Bronson Howard, William Dean Howells, Henry Cabot Lodge and other prominent figures from the worlds of theater, literature, politics and society. Box 1 Abbey, Edwin Austin Abbey, Mary Gertrude (Mrs.E.A.) Abdullah, Achmed Abot, E Adams, Charles Francis Adams, Herbert Ainger, Alfred Alden, Henry Mills Aldrich, Lilian Woodmsn (Mrs.T.B.) Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Alexander, John W. Ames, Winthrop Amory, Mathilda Anderson, Edward Pretot Anglin, Margaret Appleton, George J. Appleton, William Worthen Archer, Charles Archer, William Arliss, George Box 2 Arliss, George (cont.) Arrowsmith, J.W. Ashby-Sterry, Joseph Atherton, Gertrude Aubert, Louis Ayres, Harry Morgan Bacheller, Irving Baker, Franklin T. Baker, George Pierce Baldensperger, Fernand Baldwin, Charles M. Baldwin, Charles Sears Balestier, Wolcott Bangs, John Kendrick Barnard,Charles Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter Barr, Amelia Edith Barrett, Lawrence Bashford, G. Fred Bassett, John D. Bates, Blanche Beckett., Harry Beckwith, Carol Beer, Thomas Beers, Henry Augustin Belasco, David Bell, Edward Hamilton Belmont, August Belmont, Eleanor Robson Benrimo, Joseph Henry McAlpin Benson, Sir Francis Robert Bernard, E.G. (Mrs. Wm. Bayle) Besant, Mary Besant, Walter Bigelow, John Bikle', Lucy Leffingwell Cable (Mrs. Henry Wolfe) Bishop, Joseph Bucklin Bishop, William Henry Bispham, David Blaikie, J.A. Blashfield, Edwin Howland Blinn, Holbrook Bois, Jules Bok, Edward W. Booth, Agnes Booth, Edwin Bosworth, Hobart Boucicault, Dion Bourchier, Arthur Boyeson, Hjalmar Hjorth Box 3 Boyeson, Hjalmar Hjorth (cont.) Bradford, Gamaliel Bradley, Andrew Cecil Brady, William A. Brandes, George Brewster, William Tenney Bridges, Monica Waterhouse (Mrs.Robert) Bridgman, Walter R. Brieux, Eugene Briggs, Alanson Tuthill Brinton, Daniel Garrison Broadhurst, Thomas W. Brookfield, Jane Octavia (Mrs. Elton) Brooks, Joseph Brown, Henry 2 Brander Matthews - 3 Brown, Henry Collins Brownell, William Crarey Brunetiere, Ferdinand Brunner, Arnold W. Bryce, James Buel, Clarence Clough Bunner, Henry Cuyler See also 812M43S6, Scrapbook of Letters from H. C. Bunner Burlinghame, Edward Livermore Burroughs, John(1837-1921) Burton, Richard Butcher, Samuel Henry Butler, Benjamin Butler, Nicholas Murray Cable,George Washington Calkins, Ernest Elmo Calvert, Louis Canby, Henry Seidel Carleton, Will Carman, Bliss Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie, Mrs. Louis W. Carr, Joseph William Comyns Carvell, G.F. Casey, Francis de Sales Cawein, Madison Chadwick, George Whitefield Chambers, Sir Edmund Kerchever Chambers, Raymond Wilson Chandler, Frank Wadleigh Copeaux, Jacques Coquelin, Benoit Constant Box 4 Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield Choate, Joseph H. Church, William Conant Churchill, Winston Claretie, Jules Clark, Joseph Ignatius Constantine Claxton, Kate Clemens., Olivia Langdon (Mrs. Samuel L.) Clemens, Samuel L. Cobb, Irvin S. Coburn, Charles Coghlan, Charles Francis Coleman, John Coles, J. Ackermn Colvin, Sidney Conkling, Roscoe Conway, Hart Conway, Martin Conway, Moncure D. Coogan, James J. Coombes, George J. Box 6 Dobson, Augusta-Mary Rachel Dobson, Frances Mary Beardmore(Mrs. Austin) Dodd, Mead & Co. Dole, Nathan H. Donnay, Maurice Dow, David McKenzie Drew, John Drisler, Henry Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Dyas, Ada Eaton, Walter P. Eddy, Frederick B. Edson, C.L. Edwards, Hy (Harry) Egan, Maurice Francis Eggleston, Edward Eggleston, George Cary Elliott, Maxine English, Thomas Dunn Ethel, Agnes Faversham, William Box 5 Corbin, John Cortissoz, Royal Cox, Kenyan Coxon, Ethel Crane, Ella Chloe Myers (Mrs.Wm.H.) Crane, Stephen Crane, William H. Crawford, F. Marion Crolly, C.C. Crossman, Henrietta Crothers, Samuel McChord Curtis, Charles G. Cushing, Charles P. Dacre, Arthur Daley, Augustin Davenport, Eva Davenport, Harry Davis, Richard Harding DeForest, John William DeKay, Charles deKoven, Reginald DeMille, Anna George DeMille, William C. DeVinne, Theodore L. Dickson, Frederick S. Dillingham, Charles B Dobson, Alban Dobson, Austin 3 Brander Matthews - 4 Fawcett, Edgar Felton, Cornelius Conway Ferrar, John Field, Eugene Field, Kate Field, Roswell Martin Field, William B. Osgood Box 7 Finch, Francis Miles Fish, Stuyvesant Fiske, Minnie Maddern Fitch, Clyde Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James Forbes-Robertson, Gertrude Forbes-Robertson, Ian Forbes-Robertson, Johnston Ford, James L. Ford, Mary Ford, Paul Leicester Fox, John, Jr. Frantzius, Fritz von Frawley, T. Daniel French, Daniel Chester French, Lillie Hamilton French, Samuel Frohman, Daniel Furness, Horace Howard, Jr. Garland, Hamlin Box 8 Garland, Hamlin (cont.) Garrison, Ella Gayley, Charles Mills George, Grace George, Robert Giddings, Franklin H. Gilbert, Cass Gilder, Helena deKay (Mrs.Rochard Watson) Gilder, Jeannette L. Gilder, Joseph B. Gilder, Richard Watson Giles, Peter Gillette, William Gilmare, Frank Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman, Daniel Coit Godfrey, Walter H. Godkin, Edwin Lawrence Godwin, Edward William Godwin, Harold Goodell, Thomas D. Goodman, Jules Eckert Goodwin, Nathaniel Carl Gosse, Edmund Gottheil, Richard Grant, Robert Granville-Baker, Harley Graves, Henry Gray, Agnes E. Greene, Francis V. Greenslet, Ferris Greet, Ben Grein, James Thomas Grismer, Joseph Rhode Grundy, Sydney Guild, Thatcher Howland Guiterman, Arthur Guthrie, Anstey Habberton, John Hackett, James K Hadley, Arthur Twi@ Hagen, Claude L. Haggard, Rider Hake, Egmont A. Hale, Edward Everett Hall, Stanley G. Hamilton, Clayton Box 9 Hamilton, Clayton (cont.) Hampden, Walter Hankin, St. John Hanlon, George Hapgood, Norman Harle, Hugh C. Harper, Joseph Henry Harrigan, Edward Harrigan, Mrs. Edward Harris, Joel Chandler Hart, Albert Bushnell Hartmann, Sadakichi Harvey, George Brinton McClellan Hastings, Thomas Hazleton, George C. Henley, William Ernest Herfor, Oliver Herrick, Robert Hibbard, George Hibben, John Grier Higginson, Margaret W. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Hinman, Russell Hitchcock, Ripley Holland, David B. Holland, E.M. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holt, Henry Hood, William Hooker, Brian Houdini, Harry 4 Brander Matthews - 5 Box 10 Howard, Bronson Howard, Sidney Howe, Edgar Watson Howe, Julia Ward Howells, John Mead Howells, Mildred Hoyt, Charles Howells, William Dean Box 11 Howells, William Dean (cont.) Hughes, Rupert Humphreys, Alex C. Huneker, James Gordon Hunt, T.F. Hunt, William Huntington, Archer M. Hutchinson, Thomas Hutton, Eleanor V. Hutton, Lawrence Ingersoll, Ernest Ingersoll, William Ireland, Alexander Ireland, Joseph N. Irving, Henry Irving, Lawrence Irwin, Wallace Irwin, Will Jagemann, Hans Carl Gunter von James, Henry James, Louis L. Janvier, Catharine A. Jerome, William T. Jesperson, Otto Jessop, George H. Jewett, Sara Johnson, Robert Underwood Johnson, Rossiter Johnson, Willard D. Jones, Henry Arthur Box 12 Jones, Henry Arthur (cont.) Jones, Richard Jones, Robert Edmund Jusserand, Jean Jules Keep, Elizabeth Keppel, Frederick P. Kester., Paul Kimball, Arthur R. Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald Kipling, Caroline (Mrs. Rudyard) Kipling, Elsie Kipling, Rudyard Box 13 Kirk, John Foster Klaw, Marc Klein, Charles Kure, B. LaFarge, John LaFollette, Robert Lampton, William J. Lang, Andrew Lanigan, George Thomas Lanson, Gustave Lathrop, George Parsons Lawrence, William John Lawrence, William Witherle Learned, Walter Lee, Sidney Lefevre, Edwin LeGallienne, Richard LeMoyne, Sarah Cowell Lewis, James Locker-Lampson, Frederick Locker-Lampson, Hannah Jane Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) Box 14 Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) (cont.) Loftie, William John Logan, Celia Long, John L. Longman, Charles James Longmans, Green & Co. Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford Low, Seth Box 15 Low, Seth (cont.) Lowe, Robert A. Lowell, A Lawrence Lowell, Sydney Ludemann, Alfred Lummis, Charles F. Mabie, Hamilton Wright Macalister, Donald McCutcheon, George Barr McClellan, George Brinton MacDowell, Edward McDowell, Henry Barden McIlvaine, Clarence W. MacKay, Clarence H. Mackay, Frank F. MacKaye, Percy McMahon, Una McMaster, John B. McVicker, J.H. 5 Brander Matthews - 6 Magnus, Julian Magruder, Julia Mahan, Alfred Thayer Malevinsky, Moses L. Malone, John T. Manley, John M. Mantle, Burns Mantzius, Karl Marbury, Elizabeth Marks, Stacy H. Marquis, Don Marshall, Henry R. Martin, Edward Sandford Martin-Harvey, John Massenet, Jules Masson, Frederick Masson, Thomas L. Matthews, Ada S. (Mrs. Brander) Matthews, Brander Box 16 Matthews, Edith V. Brander Maurice, Arthur Bartlett Maxim, Hudson Mayfield, John S. Mayo, Frank Meeks, Raymond Mencken, Henry Louis Merrill, Stuart Merwin, Samuel Meyer, Paul Meynall, Percy Middleton, George Miller, Henry Millet, Francis Davis Mitchell, Grant Mitchell, John Ames Mitchell, Langdon E. Mitchell, Silas Weir Moderwell, Hiram Kelly Modjeska, Helena Monkhouse, Cosmo Monval, Leon Morange, Edward A. Morazzoni, Giuseppe More, Paul E. Morford, Henry Morley, Christopher Morris, Lloyd R. Morrison, Charlotte Morrison, Lewis Moses, Montrose J. Mulholland, John Munroe, Kirk Munsey, Frank A. Murray, Gilbert Murray, John Nakamura, Kichizo Nast, Thomas Neill, James Nelson, (Miss) F. E. Nelson, Henry Loomis Neville, Henry Gartside Newbolt, Henry Newcomer, Alice K. Nicholson, Meredith Noguchi, Yone Norcross, John E. Norman, Henry Olin, Reeves and Montgomery Opper, Frederick Burr Omonde, Eugene Osgood, James Ripley Owen, William F. Owens, John E. Ozawa Yoshikuni Page, L.C. & Co. Page, Thomas Nelson Page, Walter Paine, Albert Bigelow Palmer, Albert Marshman Palmer, Courtlandt Palmer, Frederick Parker, Gilbert Parker Henry Taylor Parker, Horatio Parlow, Kathleen Payne, John Payne, Will Peck, Harry Thurston Penfield, Edward Pennell, Elizabeth Robins Perry, Bliss Phelps, William Lyon Box 17 Phelps, William Lyon (cont.) Pinero, Arthur Wing Pinker, James B. Polk, William Mecklenburg Pollock, Channing Pollock, Sir Francis Pollock, Walter H. Pool, Frank J. Porter, Fitz John Porter, Horace Post, Louis F. Potter, Henry Codman Potter, Paul Meredith Pound, Ezra Presbrey, Eugene W. Price, Thomas R. 6 Brander Matthews - 7 Putnam, George Haven Putnam, Irving Pyle, Howard Radin, Herman G. Rae, William Fraser Randall, James Ryder Raymond, John T. Reed. Roland Remington, Frederic Rennert, Hugo A. Repplier, Agnes Rhodes, James F. Rice, Cale Young Rice, Wallace Richards, Grant Riggs, Arthur Stanley Riggs, Mrs. Kate Roberts, Morley Robson, Stuart Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, Theodore Rosenfeld, Sydney Rosenthal, Ludwig Royce, Joseph Ruckstull, Fred Wallinton Russell-Yorke, Annie Russell, Sol Smith Sadler, Sir Michael Ernest Saintsbury, George Saltus, Edgar Saltus, Francis S. Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Sarasate y Navasues, Pablo Martin Melitonde Sarcey, Francisque Schauffler, Robert Haven Schertz, Helen Pitkin Box 18 Schoepel, Agnes Scollard, Clinton Scott, Fred Newton Scribner, Charles Sedgwick, Henry Dwight Sedgwick, William T. Seymour, William Shackleford, John Sheffauer Herman George Sheridan Richard Brinsley (1809-88) Sherman, Frank Dempster Sherman, Stuart P. Shipman, Louis Shorey, Paul Simms, Edward Skinner, Otis Sladen, Douglas Sloane, William Milligan Smith, C. Alphonso Smith, Logan Pearsall Smith, Munroe Snyder, Frank M. Sousa, John Philip Spingarn, Joel Ellis Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers Stedman, Edmund Clarence Stedman, Laura Stimson, Frederick Jessop Stockton, Francis Richard Stoddard, Charles Warren Stoddard, Francis Hovey Stoker, Bram Story, William Westmore Stratton-Porter, Gene Street, Julian Sturges, Jonathan Sturgis, Russell Sutro, Alfred Symons, Arthur Taber, Robert Tedder., Henry Richard Terhune, Albert Payson Terhune,, Mary Virginia (Hawes) Thayer, William R. Box 19 Thayer, William R. (cont.) Thomas, A. E. Thomas, Augustus Thompson, Henry Thorndike, Ashley Horace Thorne, Charles R., Jr. Ticknor, Benjamin H. Tilley, Arthur Titherington, Richard Handsfield Tourgee, Aimee Townsend, Horace Towse, John Ranken Tree, H. Beerbohm Trent, William Twichell, Joseph M. Tyler, Moses Coit Unwin, T. Fisher Van Dyke, Henry Van Dyke, John Charles Vedder, Elihu Vezin, Hermann Viele, Herman Knickerbocker Villard, Henry Waddington, Samuel Walker, Alfred Walkley, Arthur Bingham Wallack, Arthur 7 Brander Matthews - 8 Wallack, Lester Ward, Adolphus William Ward, Fannie Batchelder (Mrs. C. Montagu) Ware, Helen Warfield, David Warner, Charles Dudley Warner, John E. Watson, Henry Brereton Marriott Welcker, Adair Wells, Carolyn Wendell, Barrett Wendell, Evert Jansen Westerfield, Paul Wheeler, Benjamin Ide Whiffen, Blanche Whiffen, Thomas White, Stanford White, Stuart Edward White, William Allen Whitman, Walt Whitridge, Lucy T. Wilde, Percival Willard, Edward Smith Williams, James Williams, Thomas H. Wilson, Francis Wilson, Woodrow Wilstach, Frank Jenners Wilstach, Paul Winter, Jefferson Winter, William Wister, Owen Woodberry, George E. Worthington, John Wright, Frederich Amaziah Yamamoto, Kuzaburo Zola, Emile Box 20 White, Andrew D. White, Gleason White, J. William Writings, 1871-1923 3. 5 linear feet This series contains notes, typescripts, contracts, book reviews, articles and clippings. The material is arranged chronologically within 9 subseries: Fiction, Plays, Verse, Biographies, Essays and Critiques, Pamphlets, Books edited, Introductions, Articles and Lectures. Box 20 Bibliography --Fiction Flatbox 233 Robert Bright, May 29, 1875 Scrapbook Vol. 1 Box 20 The Last Meeting (1885) A Secret of the Sea (1886) Box 21 File 1) File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7) File 8) File 9) File 11) File 12) File 13) File 14) File 15) A Family Tree (1889-1890) With My Friends (1891) In the Vestibule Limited (1892) A Tale of Twenty Five Hours(1892), written with George H. Jessop Tom Spaulding (1892) Story of a Story (1893) Vignettes of Manhattan (1894, 1921-1923) Royal Marine (1894) The Sin of the Father (1894) Tales of Fantasy and Fact (1896) His Father's Son (1896) Outlines in Local Color (1897) File 10) A Confident Tomorrow (1899)(See also X812M43/P) Action and the Word (1900) Vistas of New York (1912) These Many Years (1917) Copyrights assigned by Harper and Brothers (1921) Notes for picaresque novel about New York 8 Brander Matthews - 9 --Plays Box 21 File 16) On Probation (1871) See also X812M43/M, Plays in 4 vol. Box 22 File 1) File 2-3) File 4) File 5) File 6-7) File 8) File 9) File 10) On Probation (1889) Margery's Lovers (1884) The Partnership (1884), written with H. L. Bunner The Irish Brigade (1886) A Gold Mine (1887) This Picture and That (1887-1894) The Decision of the Court (1893) Notes for Nat Goodwin portrayal (May 19, 1898) Box 23 File 1-2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6-12) Peter Stuyvesant (1899) The Selfish Mr. Selbourne (c.1904) High Spirits (1905) What Shall It Profit (1907) Undated/unpublished plays --Verse Box 24 File 1) Fugitives From Justice (1912), other verses --Biographies Box 24 File 2) File 3) Moliere: His Life and Works (1910) Shakespeare as a Playwright (1916) --Essays and Criticism Box 24 File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7) File 8) File 9) File 10) File 11) File 12) File 13) The Theatres of Paris (1880) French Dramatists (1881) Home Library (1883) [under the name Arthur Penn] Pen and Ink (1888) Americanisms and Briticisms (1892) Studies of the Stage (1894) Bookbinding Old and New (1895) Books and Playbooks (1895) Aspects of Fiction (1896) Introduction to American Literature (1893-1918) Box 25 File 1) File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7) File 8) File 9) File 10) File 11) File 12) File 13) File 14) The Historical Novel; Parts of Speech (1901) Development of the Drama (1903) (See also X812M43/P5) Recreations of an Anthologist (1904) Inquiries and Opinion (1907) The American of the Future (1909) A Study of the Drama (1910) A Study of Versification (1911) Gateways to Literature (1912-1913) Book About the Theater (1916) Principles of Playmaking (1919) Essays on English (1921) Playwrights on Playmaking (1923) Tocsin of Revolt (1924) Essays idea 9 Brander Matthews - 10 --Pamphlets Box 25 The Philosophy of the Short Story (1901) Notes on Speechmaking (1901) American Characters (1906) On Acting (1914) Venetian Glass --Books edited Box 25 File 16) File 17) File 18) Box 26 File 1) File 2) File 3) Comedies for Amateur Acting (1879) Poems of American Patriotism (1882) Actors and Actresses (1886) written with Laurence Hutton The Dramatic Essays of Charles Lamb (1892) American Familiar Verse (1904) The Short Story (1908) See also X812M43/S62, An editorial correspondence: Brander Matthews to Munro Lope de Vega's The New Art of Writing Plays (1914) Oxford Book of American Essays (1914) Dramatic Museum, 2nd series (1915) Dramatic Museum, 3rd series (1916) Chief European Dramatists (1916) Chief British Dramatists (1924) Poems About Players (1915) --Introductions Box 26 File 4) Chronological Outlines of American Literature (1894) by S. L. Whitcomb --Articles and Lectures Box 26 File 5) File 6) File 7) File 8) File 9) File 10) Box 27 File 1-2) "Memories of Edwin Booth" "Cleopatra's Nose" "Critics and Creators" "Doctor Johnson as a Conversationalist" "The Dunlap Society" (1914) "Grolier Club" "Howlers" "Negro Minstrelsy, The Decline and Fall of" "New York by a New Yorker, Notes on" "President's English" "Punch and Judy" "Sayings of a Philosopher" "Show Business" "Sky-Pilots" "Spelling" "The Swift Passing of the Humorists" "Twain, Memories of Mark" "Unanswerable Questions" "Variety Show" "What is Pure English?" (1915) "Wine, Woman, and Money" Magazine articles (1881-1903) Magazine articles, 1904-1926 File 3-6) Lectures Notes, 1872-1924 6 linear feet This series is divided into three subseries: Author files, Subject files and Drama. It contains notes, clippings and articles on subjects in which Matthews had an interest. The notes are often written on small scraps of paper. Matthews would jot down any idea as soon as it occurred to him and throw it into a drawer "where I keep all such stray thoughts." Eventually he would organize these scraps and 10 Brander Matthews - 11 file them in envelopes. He considered each envelope "a story, or an essay in process of hatching." The files are arranged alphabetically within subseries. --Author Files Box 27 File 7) Aeschylus Box 28 File 1) T. B. Aldrich William Archer Aristophanes Emile Augier Jane Austen Balzac Beaumarchais Bjornson Boccaccio Bourget Charlotte Bronte Browning William Cullen Bryant Calderon Cellini Cervantes James Fennimore Cooper Corneille George W. Curtis Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) Gabriele D'Annunzio Daudet Georges Daudin Defoe File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) Box 29 File 1) File 8) Dickens Dryden Dumas pere Dumas fils Echegaray Maria Edgeworth George Eliot Ralph Waldo Emerson Euripides Octave Feuillet Fielding Stephen Foster Anatole France Benjamin Franklin Goethe; Goldsmith Fitz-Greene Halleck and Joseph Rodman Drake; Thomas Hardy; Bret Harte; Gerhart Hauptmann; Hawthorne Oliver Wendell Holmes File 1) File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) William Dean Howells Victor Hugo Ibsen Washington Irving Henry James File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7) Box 30 11 Brander Matthews - 12 File 6) File 7) File 8) Box 31 File 1) File 2) File 3-5) Box 32 File 1) File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7-8) Box 33 File 1) File 2) File 3) File 4) Kotzebue; Madame de Lafayette Le Sage; Lessing Abraham Lincoln Lope de Vega Rudyard Kipling Longfellow James Russell Lowell James Russell Lowell Maeterlinck Marivaux Philip Massinger Maupassant Melville Meredith Moliere Francis Parkman Stephen Phillips; Plautus Edgar Allan Poe Rabelais Racine Richardson Reynard Charles Reade Edmond Rostand Saint Pierre Victorien Sardou Walter Scott Eugene Scribe Seneca George Bernard Shaw Shakespeare Richard Brinsley Sheridan Smollet Sophocles Herbert Spencer Sterne; Robert Louis Stevenson Harriet Beecher Stowe Herman Sudermann Swift; Terence Thackeray Thoreau Tolstoi Trollope Turgenev Voltaire Wagner Walpole Daniel Webster Whitman Whittier Zola 12 Brander Matthews - 13 --Subject Files Includes articles, clippings, exams and notes Box 33 File 5) File 6-7) File 8) Advertising and Posers American Literature American/British Relations; Americans on Guard; Anecdotes Box 34 File 1) Books; Characterization; Colonial period; Comparative literature; Criticism; De Senectute Dialog writing Essays; Figures of Speech; Gesta Romanorum; Historians; Idealism; Inventions; Journalism Lecturing; Literary Evolution; Longman's Publishing House; Magic; Man elevator; Marie Antoinette; Masterpieces Miscellaneous Morality in Fiction and Drama; Names for characters; Negro minstrel song; Niagara Falls; Non-Americans; Novel File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) Box 35 File 1) File 2-3) File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7) Orators; Plagiarism; Poems; Puppets Quotations Revolutionary Period; Romances Short Story Spelling; Style; Titles; Transcendentalism; War Writing --Drama files Box 35 File 8) Drama Box 36 File 1) File 2) File 3) File 4) File 5) File 6) File 7) File 8-9) File 10) File 11) American Drama Acting; Actor's memories; Acts; Audience Conventions Criticism, Development of Failures Fiction; Folk theater; Greek Comedy Greek Drama Indexes [Very brittle, request assistance] Italy Medieval Theater Box 37 File 1) File 2) File 3) Morality plays File Nineteenth Century Drama File One-act play; Political play; Pantomime; Repertory theater File 4) Renewal of Drama File Roman Drama File Spanish Drama File Scene painting File Stage design; Stage life; Stage management; Stroller and farces; Survivals File Words and phrases of the theater File 5) File 6) File 7) File 8) File 9) Flatbox 233 Scrapbook on playwrights, 1903-1910. 1 volume Works by Others, 1879-1923 5 linear feet 13 Brander Matthews - 14 This series contains articles, manuscripts, poetry, essays, and autographs by other authors. Box 38 File 2) John Kendrick Bangs Joseph M. Beatty Edward Hamilton Bell Robert Bridges Henry Cuyler Bunner File 3) Andrew Carnegie Samuel Clemons (Mark Twain) Thomas Stephens Collier Austin Dobson John Erskine File 4) Emile Faguet Joseph Smith Fletcher Richard Watson Gilder Arthur Goodrich Ferris Greenslett James Ketelas Hackett Thomas Wentworth Higginson William Dean Howells Philip Curtis Humphrey Thomas Hutchinson File 5) George Henry Jessop Henry Arthur Jones Andrew Lang File 6) George Parsons Lathrop George Henry Lewes File 7) Don Marquis Flatbox 234 Box 39 Dobson, Austin. At the Sign of the Lyre. New York: Henry Holt, 1885 1 Volume [Ms.] File 1) M. L. Mayer Lillian Nordica Thomas Buchanan Read Robert Francis St. Clair Rosslyn John William Rogers Frank Dempster Sherman; Monroe Smith Nichol Smith Ashley Horace Thorndike Personal files, 1827-1962 2 linear feet. This series contains photographs, menus, ticket stubs, club rosters, scrapbooks, and other Matthews memorabilia. It includes items Matthews used to refresh his memory when writing his autobiography These Many Years. There are also research notes from a 1961-1962 study by Herbert Kleinfeld. Box 39 File 2) File 3) Memorabilia used in These Many Years File Bibliography; dedication of bust; eulogy in 1929 by George Clinton Odell File 14 Brander Matthews - 15 File 4) File 5) File 7) File 8) File 9-10) Box 40 File 1) File 2) File 3-5) Box 41 Photographs and drawings of Brander Matthews File Bookplate [see also Box 41: woodblock of bookplate] File 6) Prints and pictures Ada Smith Matthews [stage name Ada Harland], photographs and playbill Theater tickets, 1905-1910 Clubs: rosters and membership form from the Atheneum Club and the Round Table Dining Club; Dunlap Society membership letters See also X812M43/P53, Diaries, 1871-1994. Diary portions have been removed from 1871-1881; and 812M43/S, Journal begun December 21, 1928 American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1910-1916 Menus, 1885-1907 and greeting cards See also Scrapbooks X812M43/BS and X812M43/BC. Both contain menus, letters, invitations, and autographs dating from 1884-1907 Herbert Kleinfeld research notes Mementos [n.d.]: 1 Loving cup and 1 woodblock of bookplate Scrapbooks Flatbox 233 # 1: Robert Bright, May 29, 1875. 1 volume Flatbox 233 # 2: Theatrical Notes. 1 volume Flatbox 233 # 3: Scrapbook of newspaper clippings re. Brander Matthews, 1869-1926. 1 volume Flatbox 234 # 4: Clippings scrapbook, obituaries and reminiscences, 1929 1 volume Flatbox 234 # 5: Theater Scrapbook, 1923-1925. 1 volume 15