SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Supplementary Figures and Tables Figure S1. Funnel plots of the standard error of the log odds ratio (SELOR) versus log odds ratio effect size (ESLOR) for a) local versus foreign fish and b) home versus away fish. The dashed line represents zero effect. Open circles denote studies that were not peer reviewed (from the secondary literature); closed circles represent studies that were peer reviewed (from the primary literature). Figure S1. Table S1. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet details of individual salmonid studies used for metaanalysis and quantitative surveys (summarized more simply in Tables 1 and 2). Table S2. Model comparisons for linear mixed effects models. Model indicates the fixed effects included in the analysis where terms in bold indicate the best fit models, AIC is Akaike’s Information Criteria from the model output, 2 values indicate the likelihood ratio of comparison of increasingly simple models, where terms in bold indicate that there was a significant change in model fit when comparing to the model above. n is the number of comparisons in each model, and k is the number of estimated parameters. AICc is the corrected AIC including sample size and number of parameters, delta is the AIC difference between each model and the best model according to AICc, and ωAIC is the relative weight of each model given AICc. Model AIC 2 n k AICc delta ωAIC 6 5 4 4 3 293.06 285.17 277.02 281.15 273.11 19.94 12.06 3.91 8.04 0 <0.001 0.002 0.12 0.015 0.86 6 5 4 4 3 279.44 273.14 264.18 278.92 280.56 15.25 8.95 0 14.74 16.38 <0.001 0.01 0.99 <0.001 <0.001 Local-Foreign distance * peer distance + peer distance peer intercept 250.32 249.53 248.16 251.86 250.35 0.47 0.821 4.331 5.579, 0.4892 48 48 48 48 48 distance * peer distance + peer distance peer intercept 235.97 236.72 234.83 247.93 255.62 2.83 0.031 15.961 22.79, 9.692 45 45 45 45 45 Home-Away 1 These models were compared to the additive model including both distance and peer-review (primary vs. secondary literature). Thus, in the models including only peer review, removing the distance term had a significant effect on the model fit. 2 Models including intercept only were compared to both simple models including only distance or only peer review. The first value is the log likelihood for the model including only the intercept compared to the model including distance, the second value is the comparison between models including only the intercept to the model including peer review only.