What can beginning English language learners do in core subjects

U. of Toronto Conf., 2008
What can beginning English language learners do
in regular academic subject classes?
Beginning language learners can:
 Participate silently / actively listen; eyes, ears and hands on
 Discuss academic topic with first language peers
 Respond to writing tasks in first language
 Copy simple notes
 Draw pictures, make models
 Match pictures with labels
 Sequence pictures
 Learn simple, subject-specific vocabulary with visual supports
 Complete simple cloze activities on short familiar topics with word
 Make simple graphs from a table
 Complete a simple graphic organizer
 Draw and label maps
 Create a subject-specific bilingual
picture dictionary (Oxford picture
dictionaries are helpful.)
 Write in first language in a journal
 Contribute first language vocabulary to subject/unit word wall
 Provide first language labels for the classroom
 Produce short pieces of writing by using simple sentence frames,
patterns and sentence starters.
 Participate in non-verbal drama activities (eg. tableaux, pantomime)
 Listen to peers, teachers, E.A. read English text
 Use ICT: web sites, software, listen to bilingual books
The ‘A’ List of Responsibilities for senior years students
1. Attendance
2. Attitude
3. Active listening
4. All assignments are attempted & handed in
5. Academic progress
(thanks to C.H.)