Sink or Swim Review Game 6th Grade: plate tectonics What are the

Sink or Swim Review Game
6th Grade: plate tectonics
1. What are the five layers of the Earth?
-lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, inner core and outer core
2. What is the outermost layer of the earth called?
- lithosphere
3. What layers of the Earth make up the mantle?
- Asthenosphere and mesosphere
4. What are the two types of crust?
- Oceanic and continental
5. Which type of crust is thicker? Continental or oceanic?
- continental
6. Which layer is the largest? The core, mantle or crust?
- The mantle
7. What layer do the tectonic plates slide on top of?
- The asthenosphere
8. What substance makes up the mantle?
- Magma
9. Where do convection currents occur?
- In the asthenosphere
10. What are tectonic plates?
- Pieces of the lithosphere that move on top of the asthenosphere
11. Is the inner core a solid or a liquid?
- solid
12. What was the name of the man who created the theory of Pangaea?
- Alfred Wegener
13. When the sea floor spreads, what happens to the older crust?
- The older crust moves further away from the crack
14. What are the three main types of boundaries?
- Convergent, divergent, and transform
15. What are the three types of convergent boundaries?
- Oceanic oceanic, continental oceanic, continental continental
16. What type of movement occurs at a convergent boundary?
- The plates move towards each other
17. What type of movement occurs at a divergent boundary?
- The plates move away from each other
18. What type of movement occurs at a transform boundary?
- The plates slide past each other (up and down movement)
19. What can occur at all three boundaries? (think of a natural disaster)
- earthquakes
20. What is created from magma at a divergent plate boundary?
- New sea floor
21. What boundary creates a mid ocean ridge?
- Divergent boundary
22. What are the two convergent boundaries that can create a volcano?
- Oceanic oceanic, oceanic continental
23. At what type of boundary can a subduction zone occur?
- Convergent boundary
24. What is a subduction zone?
- When earths crust is pushed into the mantle
25. What happens to the oceanic crust when the oceanic crust is subducted into the astenosphere?
- The crust begins to melt
26. What landform is created at a continental continental convergent boundary?
- mountains
27. What landform is created at a transform boundary?
- Fault
28. Describe what happens at an oceanic oceanic convergent boundary.
- The plate that is more dense sinks
29. Describe how mountains form.
- Two continental plates collide together
30. Do all tectonic plates have irregular, rough edges?
- Yes!