Name: Plate Tectonics Review Date

Name: ________________________________
Plate Tectonics Review
Date: ____________________
Upper mantle and crust that is broken into pieces called plates
Soft layer of earth that has convection currents and causes plates to move
Individual who proposed the Continental Drift Theory
Large landmass or supercontinent
New ocean floor is created at the ________________ boundary
Boundary in which plates move apart
Boundary in which plates collide
Boundary that produces only earthquakes
Boundary that produces mountains, volcanoes, and trenches
Boundary that produces rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges
Boundary in which two plates scrape past each other
Two types of crust are _______________ and __________________
Boundary that creates sea-floor spreading
Volcanoes are produced at ____ boundaries, _____ boundaries and ____.
Area in which one plate sinks underneath another
The _________ crust is denser (heavier) than the _____________ crust
The three main layers of the earth are _____, _____, and ______
The _____ crust supports the ocean
The _____ crust supports the continents
The main driving force that moves the plates are the ________ currents that are located in
the ______________.
This type of crust is dense, thin, made out of basalt, and can be subducted.
The presence of the same _______ and ______ on several continents supports the idea of
continental drift.
The outer core is made up of a _____ layer. (liquid or solid)
The inner core is made up of a ______ layer. (liquid or solid)
If the continents were put together, they would fit like a ___________.
Rocks closer to the mid-ocean ridge are (younger, older) than rocks farther from the midocean ridge.
Subduction occurs only at _____________ boundaries
Which type of boundary created the San Andreas Fault?
Which type of boundary produced the Andes Mountains?
Which type of boundary produced the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?
An area in the middle of a plate that produces volcanoes.
The Hawaiian Islands were formed at a _________
Area in which two plates interact
1. lithosphere
8. transform
15. subduction
22. fossils, rock
23. liquid
29. convergent
2. asthenosphere
9. convergent
16. oceanic denser
than continental
3. Alfred
10. divergent
17. crust, mantle
and core
24. solid
31. hot spots
4. Pangaea
11. transform
18. oceanic
25. Jigsaw puzzle
32. hot spots
5. divergent
12. oceanic and
19. continental
26. younger
33. plate boundary
6. divergent
13. divergent
20. convection,
27. convergent
7. convergent
14. convergent and
28. transform
30. divergent