Southwest Property Management, Inc. Sterling Pointe HOA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Draft March 16th, 2011 Location: Winter Garden Fire Admin Bldg – 1 E. Cypress St– 7:00pm Mike Piazza - LCAM – SWPM (3-31-11) I. Call to order: 7:00pm II. Meeting Notice: Posted on signs in community & on III. Quorum: Yes - 4 of 5: Jann Groom-Pres, Peggy Kash-VP, Sonia Gonzalez-Sec, Tony Gonzalez-Dir IV. Security Report - Officer James McCleod-Community Liaison Officer –Nothing to report. Reminded homeowners to report all suspicious activity – that’s the only way the police can identify were to allocate personnel. Also discussed Citizens Police Academy offered to adults – 8 weeks of Wednesday evenings 6:30-9:30pm, twice a year (March & Sept). App on website. Discussed Neighborhood Watch and that there is no longer a minimum participation requirement. V. Prior Meeting Minutes: No quorum - N/A VI. Financial Report – Emailed to BOC 3/16 [Assessments: $460/Yr ($115/Qtr) x92 homes][Special Assessment:$240 (Due 11/1/10)] a. Delinquent Assessments – Down from 14 to 12 @ Attorney for Collections (Liened &/or ready for Assessment Foreclosure). Down from 46 to 37 that haven’t paid smaller amounts (including 28 that received 1st Reminder Letter in Feb)(Some on Payment Plans).(Delinquency & Collections Reports (Neil Saydah & Taylor/Carls PA provided). Mike’s working with Collections Manager & Attorney’s to make sure HOA can get all they can. Discussed option of garnishing rent. Board concerned tenants will stop paying rent if they know we’re foreclosing. Will have James check squatters if possible. Board’s official position: HOLD after Liens. b. Reserve Account – Mike will check with Spencer to see if any reserve account exists. c. Landscape Contract – Mike will have Spencer merge the Lawn Care Expense into the Landscape Contract budget line. d. Year-end Financial Statements – Given to Board (4) VII. Old Business/Maintenance a. Playground Sign (No Trespassing)–Bent & additional verbiage needed “No Trespassing. Sterling Pointe Residents Only” – checking other sign to see what all will fit (Big & Small) – Mike requested proposal Richard Hunter-3/31 & Proof 4/13 b. Playground Gate – Needs tune-up. Board looking for options to keep closed & level. Note – poorly repaired previously. Pole cementing discussed. Mike checked and seems to be OK. Gate must tilt slightly due to position of post and fence it closes on. c. Mail Boxes – Stickers are weather-worn & some boxes need repair. Mike to contact Post Office – Requested – PO says they don’t have the budget for repairs/replacement currently. d. Meeting Announcement Sign – Not translucent any more. Discussed possible white background & replace acrylic e. window with a new rubber seal (& possible peg board bottom for “messages” – Mike getting recommendations from Richard Hunter. Board requests homeowners refrain from taping notices to sign with duct tape. Jogging Track – Weeds are resurfacing. Mike had Gilvin re-treat. Board inquired about sealing – Not cost effective. VIII. Committee Reports – Newsletter (Peggy Kash) a. ARB (Tony Gonzalez) – Color Book – Discussed adding colors. Tony will ask Color Wheel if they can provide an electronic color book to email & post on website. Jann may scan if necessary. IX. Covenant Compliance/Violations (Report provided) a. Current Active – 37 new Courtesy Letters sent – Mainly for House Painting & some Lawn issues. Color Books requested: 3. Painting App received: 1. X. New Business: a. Turf – Front triangle by mailboxes is all weeds. Started when Heron was treating, and got worse during road construction. Mike found out Heron issued $180 credit last year, and getting quote from Randolph to replace. XI. Comments from Homeowners: XII. Adjournment: 8:02pm SCHEDULE – 1/10(Annual Meeting) ,2/16,3/16,4/20,5/18,6/15,7/22,8/17,9/21(Budget Workshop),10/19(Budget),11/16 ***BOARD MEETINGS are held on 3rd Wednesdays Monthly (No December Meeting)*** COLOR CODE: YELLOW – MOTION GREEN – ACTION ITEM PINK – COMPLETED BLUE - OPEN - Continued - (10105)