Sample Biography Questions:

Just what is a biography?
The story of someone's life?
A tale of accomplishments?
A tale of woe and regret?
Or is it a boring list of facts
that nobody really cares about?
A good biography brings
the person to life . . .
makes us care
about what she or he did
with time, effort, and opportunity.
Who wants to read
another boring biography?
Who wants to write one?
Certainly not you!
1. Questioning
A great biography is driven by great questions.
Boring questions produce boring answers.
Boring answers put readers to sleep.
Simple lists of facts are a bit like dry cereal . . .
no milk . . . no fruit . . .
no taste!
Sample Biography Questions to Research about your Athlete:
What sport do you compete in?
What age did you start seriously training and competing in this sport?
What other major achievements have you received?
Have you had to overcome any major difficulties?
Which qualities or traits do you think you possess that have helped you reach your
goals? Which were the most beneficial?
6. Did you make any major mistakes or bad decisions? If so, what were they and how
would you handle that situation now?
7. What are the two or three most important lessons you would hope others learn
from your experiences?
8. An older person or mentor is often very important in shaping the lives of gifted
people by providing guidance and encouragement. To what extent was this true of
you? Explain.
9. What do you think it means to be a hero? Do you think you are a "hero?" Why? Why
not? How is a hero different from a celebrity, in your opinion?
10. What other goals/dreams do you have, once these Olympics are over?
11. What is one thing that might surprise readers to learn about you?
12. Are you afraid of anything?
13. What is your favourite food? Movie? Music/performer?
14. Where and when were you born?
15. Where do you currently train?
16. What is your idea of the best vacation?
17. What makes you laugh the most?
18. In your opinion, what is the most interesting fact about this person?
19. Who do you think you might have the most influence over?
2. Now, do the research!
Remember this web-site:
3. Check out ‘The Writing Traits’ worksheets and do the repairs!
For this assignment, you will be writing a biography/profile on one of the 2010 Olympic
athletes. If you chose to do someone from another country, please explain why you chose
this person! The following web-site is extremely useful:
1. Chose your athlete wisely – it should be someone you truly would like to learn more
about, or one who competes in a sport you would like to know more about.
2. Look at the sample ‘Interview’ questions above, and choose five or six that interest
you the most (you can add your own, of course!). By researching your athlete, try
and answer your questions.
3. Write a biography on your athlete. Complete three paragraphs to summarize and
highlight their stories.
4. Now the fun part: complete a Comic Life magazine cover for your athlete!