JOURNAL ENTRY: Mon Voyage DIRECTIONS: Write a letter to a friend telling about your upcoming trip to a foreign country. You must have at least 40 words. You must include the following information: -Where you are going on the trip -With whom are you going -When you will be going -What the weather will be like -Type of transportation that you will use to get there -What you will need to take -What you will do while you are there -Ask at least one question (other than “Comment ça va?”) REMEMBER…the information does not have to be true, just appropriate and possible. Rough Draft due: _____________________ (in pencil or pen) Final Draft due: _____________________ (in pen!!!) When you are writing the journal or letter… 1. Make sure you use the heading if one is provided. 2. Make sure you leave a space between each word. 3. Skip lines so that comments can be made. 4. Use the closing if one is provided. 5. Count the words. Make sure you are over the required words! 6. Suggestions if you fall short of the required words: *Write the date *Write the time *Ask the person questions *Add more descriptions *Tell the weather *Brainstorm vocab from the topic/chapter and put it into a sentence Les Sigles Barberiens 1 Point Mistakes Acc accent mark AWD accent wrong direction AWL accent wrong location ending or pronoun) LC lower case UC upper case Punct punctuation mark AA adjective agreement 5 Point Mistakes WV wrong verb VA verb agreement (right verb, wrong form, 2 Point Mistakes WO word order WW wrong word MW missing word WG wrong gender Pl plural S singular Sp spelling -2 per word short of required words 10 Point Mistakes RS redo sentence MV missing verb INF Infinitive needed